The Heihua Star Territory has changed.

Compared to the subsequent closed Saint King War in the Phoenix Sanctuary, the replacement of the Holy Lord in the Black Flower Star Territory was not a big deal.

But the Black Dragon Sanctuary is also at war, and a Kaioshin dies almost every other week.

Ordinary people don't need to know about the Holy Lord's replacement, at least they don't need to know now. It changes quickly among high-level officials.

Some people say that Heihua Holy Lord Sige did some gray business and offended His Highness the Dragon King above, so he was killed by the Holy Dragon Guard.

Some say that the new Holy Lord of Heihua is inseparable from the Holy Territory of Phoenix. The war in Phoenix Territory is coming to an end, and the defeated side must find a place to stay. The Black Flower Star Territory is not far from Phoenix Territory and is connected in all directions. People there Then he killed Sig and seized the position of Holy Lord.

And, and, and, in short, there are different opinions, and basically none of them are reliable.

In front of the Black Flower Temple in Black Flower Star.

More than two dozen Kaioshins were whispering to each other.

"You said you were arriving this morning, why haven't you arrived yet?"

"Who killed Sig? I feel there is a conspiracy."

A fat-bellied Kaioshin said: "Those guys said that His Majesty Sig passed away, and you believed it? What if His Majesty used this matter to test our loyalty? With what you have done in the past few days, you won't be able to move your head." It’s too much.”

"Fei Bo, don't talk nonsense."

"Sig is very suspicious, but do you think he would use this kind of thing as a joke?"

The old master passed away and the new master came to power, which was a big change for the top management of Star Territory.

If we want to test it, being seriously injured and dying is more reliable than death. If the Holy Lord dies today, he will live tomorrow, why don't you have any shame?

The kings and gods of the realms were arguing and discussing, and the space in the sky in front of them finally became distorted.

"Swish, swish, swish, swish"!

Five figures walked out of the portal first.

There are five Kaio gods, the leader of which is Lao Wadang, the white-bearded god king.

Before the people below could ask questions, another figure appeared in the huge teleportation gate. It was still a Kaioshin, three men and one woman. Among the men, there was a male Kaioshin with three eyes, which was more distinctive. The woman had good looks, and her bones were transparent. Being coquettish.

The Holy Lord appeared.

That's right, after the four Kaiōshin, the Holy Lord will appear.

Wearing a gorgeous silver knight armor and a golden machete, Sophia, the leader of the Pink Star Thieves, walked out slowly.

"It's the Holy Lord!"

"Just the Holy Lord. If only the quasi-Holy Lord comes, the Black Flower Star Territory will definitely be in chaos for decades."

The obese Kaioshin Bobo said: "What a fart, okay, I know this woman, the leader of the Pink Star Thieves!"

"Captain of the Star Thieves?"

"When will our Heihua Star Territory have to use Star Thief as the Holy Master?"

"This is a bit much."

"It's not a little bit, it's too much!"

The rules of the entire Black Dragon Sanctuary are indeed relatively primitive, but there are only a handful of examples of star thieves wearing official clothes, and there is no such case from star thieves to holy masters.

The Black Flower Star Territory has set a precedent. No matter whether the position of Holy Lord is secure or not, he will be laughed at to death.


After Sophia walked out of the portal, she stood aside like the other Kaioshins.

This shows that the protagonist today is not Him.

The kings and gods below said: "As long as it's not her, it's okay if it's not a star thief."

Immediately afterwards, a burst of hearty laughter came from the portal, "Hahaha, I told you that Milly's feet are bigger than yours, but you just don't believe it."

"Sir, please stop talking..."

"Sister Milly, I'm sorry, giggle..."

If someone observes carefully at this time, they can see the pink Holy Lord Sophia holding a knife on the side with her teeth gritted.

Goddess Wang Shaya tugged on Sister Sophia's sleeve and said, "Sister, don't be impulsive, Wendy and Winnie are still in his hands."

Yes, Sophia doesn't care about the captain of the Shenma Guards at all.

But power is stronger than people, and depending on someone's temperament, if he dares to refuse, he will dare to kill someone.

Sophia is not afraid of her own death, and she firmly does not want her brothers to die because of Him.

Especially Wendy and Winnie. In order to save Him, the two sisters committed themselves to that despicable man. Even if they wanted to leave, Sophia had to rescue them first.

One man and three women.

This is the last character to appear before the portal disappears.

To be precise, it was a man and three little girls, tender, young, young, realm master, realm king, and realm king.

Okay, you can’t just look at a woman’s level, but that man is also a realm king?

The white-bearded Kaiou Shen Wadang came to the young man with a smile on his face and said, "Your Majesty, this is Black Flower Star, Sig's home base."

The young man Matthew nodded, first looked at the monsters and ghosts below, and then looked at the strange Heihua Temple. He couldn't help but complain: "It's really ugly."

It's normal for a lizard to have different aesthetics from humans.

Matthew asked the old god king Wadang, "Then there won't be Sig's harem in some temple, right?"

Lao Wadang said, "No, no, no, of course not. The temple has been cleaned up long ago, and all the garbage left by Sig has been cleared out of Heihua Star."

Matthew said: "Well, in a few days, the Heihua Temple will be renovated and the name will be changed. It will be called the Xinghai Temple."

"Your Majesty is wise!"

"Hurry up and do what I told you before. I only look at the results, not the process."

"My subordinate understands."

"Also, the name Heihua Starfield is too unpleasant..."

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty!"

It is said that changing the name of a palace is nothing, but changing the name of a star field is no joke.

Lao Wadang can probably understand that when a new owner comes to power, everything related to the old owner will be hated and detested.

But you have to eat the food one bite at a time.

Even if this person plans to do something big, he can't be so reckless from the beginning.

On the other side, Matthew was too lazy to talk nonsense and led the troops to land.

What followed was another round of flattery.

"Okay, I've already explained what needs to be explained. If there's no difficulty, you can handle it as soon as possible. If there's any difficulty, you can overcome it yourself. Let's call it a day."

After saying this, His Majesty Matthew and the three kittens walked into the temple directly ahead.

The enthronement ceremony of the new Holy Lord of the Black Flower Star Territory ended with such an understatement.

The Kaioshins guarding the Black Flower Star had made many preparations, and they never expected that their new master would have such a personality.

"Uh-huh." Sophia, the head of the Hongfen group, raised her knife. "His Majesty said, he doesn't like red tape, he likes gifts, and things should be left behind. Saya, you are responsible for recording, and then you can leave."

Hearing this, Lao Wadang and the other five Kaioshins had no abnormal reactions.

The other twenty-odd Kaioshins: ()?

But the Holy Lord was here, and without Matthew's order, they didn't dare not hand over the gifts.

[Zanpakutō] is equivalent to a quasi-holy master's secret treasure in Sophia's hand. It is not a big problem to kill the Kaiojin with one sword.

"Wardang, Wattang, you old fox, how can you run faster than a rabbit?!"

To give gifts to the newly appointed Holy Lord, naturally he had to "give them away" one by one. The Fat God King Bobo squeezed to the front, turned around and looked for the white-bearded Old Wadang.

A crystal card with N zeros was photographed in the old man's hand. Bobo asked: "Tell me quickly, is that person just now really a crown prince?"

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