By the way, Ares is the goddess who has been with brother Matthew the longest.

Vivian has been with Lord Matthew the longest, but Ares is sure that she has been with her brother the longest.

She still couldn't get pregnant with her brother's baby...

It was clear that no matter which time she was willing to let out a drop.


Since the Sky Trial Tower entered the God Realm, Ares has made remarkable progress.

According to the voluptuous bitch Demon Lord, clearing the sixth level is SS level. Now Ares is not far away from clearing the fifth level. I believe she will become an SS level goddess within this year.

This is something to celebrate.

"But that Nerubel is the King of Kai..."

Ares is a very competitive girl. Miss Saori said it right. There is a goddess and a witch around her brother, so the relationship between the two sides is naturally antagonistic.

The large number of goddesses is their advantage.

The witches are very powerful, especially the Lord of the Demon God Nerubel. Ares will feel excited when she sees her waist, breasts, and ass. Coupled with the super strength of the Kaio-level, Ares and the others together...

"Lord Ares?"

Vivian, the goddess of springs, just came out of the Sky Tower. She saw the goddess Ares and came to say hello.

"Lord Ares, good morning."

Ares's consciousness returned to reality and she replied with a smile: "Vivian, good afternoon."

"Hey, Vivian, are you going to advance to S level?"

Vivian was happy when she heard this, but she still said modestly: "There is still a long way to go before S-level. I will work harder to shorten this distance as soon as possible."

Vivian, the goddess of spring water, always feels soft and soft to people. Only Matthew knows that her dream was to become the strongest goddess in the divine world!

"Congratulations, Vivian." Ares said sincerely.

"I should congratulate you, Lord Ares. Maybe next time we meet, I should call you Your Highness Ares," Vivian said.

Both of them had just experienced a battle and needed to go home to recover their powers. After chatting for a while, they separated and sighed.

Ares sighed, "When I advanced to S-class, Vivian had just left the ranks of new goddesses. Now that Vivian is about to advance to S-class, I am still an S-class goddess."

But Vivian returned home, sat in the bathtub, and looked was still millet grains.

"Obviously I am the goddess who has followed Lord Matthew for the longest time, but now Your Highness Vina, Lord Ares, and Miss Saori are all qualified to have a baby, but I am not."

Neither did little Angela, but although she joined the ranks of goddesses early, she was still young.

Vivian is different.

She had been prepared for it long ago and had been working hard, but she still failed.

Thinking about Mr. Matthew, the first thing that caught his eye... was actually Mr. He was in the male god's cabin with Miss Saori before leaving the God Realm.

Vivian was extremely shocked when Miss Saori said "Dad" one after another.

What shocked Vivian even more was that Miss Saori seemed to have noticed herself peeking outside the door, and not only did she not stop, but she twisted even more happily.

Afterwards, Miss Saori mentioned this and said she was teaching Vivian.

"If you just run to the bathroom when something happens, you won't be able to conceive a baby in a hundred years."

"Have you seen Nerubelle? The Lord of Demon Gods, tall and cold. Do you know how she got together with Lord Matthew?"

Vivian must not know.

Saori: "Of course it's the initiative to seduce."

"At that time, the relationship between gods and demons was still hostile. Nerubelle could not defeat Lord Matthew, and all the demons could not defeat Lord Matthew. She was afraid that Lord Matthew would kill them, so she used the excuse of assassination to approach Ma again and again. Master Xiu, seduced Master Matthew again and again, and finally got what he wanted, tricking Master Matthew into her bed."

"Your Highness Weina, you know better, right? The second time I saw Lord Matthew, I almost got pregnant with a baby. The goddess I admire most is Your Highness Weina. In front of Lord Matthew, Your Highness is more relaxed than me. open."

Well, Your Highness Vivian must know that the elves seem to be very liberal with their men.

Vivian doesn’t know about Nerubel, the Lord of Demon Gods.

"Miss Saori, who did you hear about Demon Lord Nelu seducing Lord Matthew in every possible way?"

Saori, the goddess of wisdom, said without hesitation: "Her housekeeper Mei Li."


"What's wrong, Your Majesty Nilu?"

Nerubel pinched Mellie's too-pale face and said, "I solemnly warn you again... If you dare to talk nonsense outside again, I will tear your mouth apart!"

Miss Meili who practices hard all day and night: (`).

She knew that sometimes she couldn't help but gossip a little, but she didn't seem to tell many lies.

Seeing her slight grievance, Nerubel, who was wearing a black dress, said angrily: "Did you spread the news that I seduced Matthew into bed?!"

Meili: ()?

"Your Majesty, I have been in seclusion for a long time...but everyone seems to say so."

Hear the words.

Change to Nerubel: ()?

In the devil world, this matter has become a fact? !


Meili put her head in her hands decisively, "Don't slap me in the face, don't slap me in the face!..."

Nerubel's palms were raised high, and they remained raised for a long time.

"Meili, where is your hometown?" Nerubel said slightly confused.


Meili said: "Isn't my hometown the devil's world? We are all citizens of the hell plane."

Nerubel: "Really?"

Mei Li nodded, but couldn't give a definite answer.

Next, the Demon Lord of the Demon Realm and the Chief Butler fell silent together.

If Her Majesty Nilu had not reminded her, Meili would probably never realize a certain problem in her entire life... The Shenmu Plane is not within the influence of the Main Plane of Hell.

A star field, thousands of planes, each secondary plane wraps the main plane.

The main plane of hell is the territory of the demons, and the control of the lower planes is also dominated by the demons.

This is not the case in the Shenmu plane.

The goddess has always controlled the dominant position of the sacred tree. Although the demons in the demon world are not vassals, they have never really had the upper hand.


From a practical point of view, the demon world is backed by the main plane of hell. Even if it cannot rely on Hell Girl Barbie, the Lucifer family is definitely not unreliable.

Hera, the most powerful mother goddess in the divine world, is only at the Star Lord level. The Lucifer family can annihilate it by just sending a team of people. There is no need to keep it until now.

So why does the divine world survive to this day?

Nerubel remembered that the man had not been in the Shenmu Plane for a long time. Before, the Demon Realm alone was enough to destroy the God Realm.

The original Nerubel VS Old Hera had no problem holding it back.

SS level devil VS SS level goddess, it's no problem to hold them back.

There are far more S-class demon kings than S-class goddesses, and then they will destroy S-class, A-class, and B-class. The final victory belongs to the demons, which is almost certain.

Nerubel's eyes narrowed, "My mother doesn't seem to have passed away."

Demonic realm.

The original Demon Palace.

A clear, cold and gloomy voice said, "Do I have a daughter?"

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