This man is obviously super strong but refuses to pass the level

Chapter 385 0387. Sooner or later you will get married

Today, Matthew also did not go out with the large army.

The first reason is that Shazhi is here.

After all, she is also the goddess of wisdom. She is just investigating a small case and cannot be troubled.

Secondly, Matthew's clone has arrived in the Green Rose Star Territory.

According to his original plan, the clone was in place, replacing the original, and the battle was over.

It is true that he promised Saori to secretly assist Joey, the goddess of bow, to solve the problem.

It makes no difference whether the main body solves the problem or the clone helps solve it.

But Matthew hasn't decided where to go yet.

Go back to find Nelubelle?

The woman didn't take his words seriously and didn't want to see her recently.

Go back to the Black Dragon Sanctuary to find the little white dragon Baiying?

Ho ho ho, from the beginning to now, Xiao Bai Long has lost most of his fortune. If Matthew goes back now, he will definitely be annoyed to death by that girl.

Since I have nowhere to go, I can only think about it again.

Also, Little Lover No. 2 claims to be able to defeat the bow goddess Joey in one day and three days in the slowest time, and make the goddess Joey willingly fall into the arms of Master Matthew.

Matthew himself firmly does not believe this.

Apart from cheating on Joey and playing a few rounds of mahjong with her, he was no different from a stranger.

Joey is not the "awakening" goddess, and they had no friendship at all before.

So why should she throw herself into his arms?

This has nothing to do with whether the legs are long or not.

Matthew simply didn't believe it.

Three days, and he immediately withdrew after three days.

Of course, yarn weaving fails to complete the guarantee and must be severely punished.

Read a book for a few hours.

Take a nap for a few hours.

After waking up, Matthew saw a plate of fruit platter on the bedside table next to him.

This is definitely the handiwork of Yaori.

Little Lover No. 2’s [caring] attribute is not inferior to Little Lover No. 1 Meili.

"Maybe it's to please me."

"I was indeed a little cruel to her yesterday."

Finished a whole plate of fruit.

Matthew stretched and said, "Go and coax her."

Just ordinary coaxing, chatting, playing games and so on.

Skill transfer!

The elegant and dignified goddess Saori has indeed woken up.

With a little jump, Saori came to the man, her long purple hair flying in the wind.

"Master, you came to see me, right?"

Goddess Saori becomes playful in a second.

Then he lowered his voice and said, "I'm getting ready to start today's plans."

Matthew: "How to prepare?"

Saori: "Keep it secret."

Just say that and run!

hide and seek?


Master Matthew doesn't dare to use the time system indiscriminately for the time being. The space system can't waste a few minutes of its original power, so he can use it casually.

Then the goddess Shazhi walked around in circles, never being able to escape within five meters of the man.

Then, she simply walked around in circles.

Raising her white and tender arms high, Shazhi said: "I admit defeat, Master."

A snap of the fingers.

The range-wide spatial confinement was then lifted.

Little Lover No. 2 threw herself into the arms of their master and said slightly excitedly: "If you lose, you will be punished."

After one hour.

Yawei, who had thin lips and tended to be red and swollen, "drove" Matthew away.

Because the guaranteed target of this time, the goddess of bow Joy, is coming back soon.

Matthew has no intention of taking action, so staying here will only get in the way.

"Tuk Tuk Tuk"~

As expected, the first thing Goddess Joy did when she returned from her inspection was to find Senior Saori.

At the same time, Miss Saori, who was already ready, snapped her fingers, and the ruby ​​ring on her middle finger shone slightly.


With a traceless sound, she just met Goddess Joy who entered the door.

"Senior Saori?"

Joey frowned subconsciously.

"Something seems to be wrong. I don't remember what it is specifically."

The next second, Joey simply forgot about the strange story.

"Senior Saori, the kitchen has made some pastries. I'll bring some over for you to try."

Saori, the goddess of wisdom, invited her to sit down warmly and hospitably, but said, "I don't like cakes, but Senior Xiu likes them."

Joey smiled and said, "Then I will send some to Senior Xiu later."

Saori nodded, "But remember you have to send it there in person. Senior Xiu has been a big help to you."

Joey said: "Yes, Senior Xiu helped me a lot."

"It's because he's here that I came to help you."


"Yes, he is the man I like, so naturally I will try my best to be with him."

The two of them were separated by a table. Miss Saori leaned forward and said, "You saw it last night, right?"

The Goddess of Bow: "!!!"

The next second, a dusty memory appeared in Joey's mind.

Last night... Joey finished his meeting and planned to see if there were any more cards to play.

As a result, she didn't see it, but heard the voice of senior Saori.

For another unknown reason, Joey had a nightmare all night after returning.

The most terrifying thing is that in the dream, she herself became the senior Saori who was being tortured by madness, and the person who tormented her was none other than the brave senior Xiu who wore a white whirlpool mask!


The long-legged goddess Joey said in a daze.

Miss Saori took it for granted, "Because I like him, no matter how he treats me, I like him. Don't you remember what Hera said, the goddess will get married sooner or later."

Goddess Joy continued to be confused, "Then,"

Saori: "Yes, I am ready to retire at any time, and I have reported it to Hera."

"His Majesty Hera supports me. His Majesty also said that as long as it is him, he will agree no matter how many goddesses retire."

"Boom!" …

Joey felt like something exploded inside him.

He stood up hurriedly, trying to escape from the Goddess of Wisdom spacecraft.

Miss Saori shouted: "The murderer already has the answer, but I don't have it, only Senior Xiu has it."

"If you want to know who the murderer is, remember to find him!"

Goddess Goddess.

Marry someone, marry someone.

Sooner or later you will get married.

The mother goddess Hera agreed to their marriage.

But it must be practiced by a brave person.

Why must it be practiced by a brave person?

Forget it, that’s what Her Majesty the Mother Goddess seems to have said.

So...should Joey get married?

"I don't want to get married. I'm still young and it's too early to get married and retire!"

Back in her room, Goddess Joy threw herself into the quilt.

"I don't want to get married!"

"I am still young!"

"Even if you marry, you don't have to marry Senior Xiu!"

Joey's mind was confused, very confused.

The only thing she can still remember clearly is what senior Saori just told her.

From Shaozhi's point of view, this should not be called telling, but instilling.

Force the information into Joey's mind, forming a subconscious mind.

No matter how he did it, in a short period of time, Joey could not forget "get married", "brave senior Xiu", etc., and the answer to the murder was in senior Xiu.

"Hua Hua Hua Hua"...

Joey took a hot shower.

After coming out, she suddenly remembered, "I should go find Senior Xiu to find the answer."

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