
Unlocked successfully.

Joey gently turned the door handle, opened a gap, and planned to move in.

Turns out she was too wide.

Joey looked down and couldn't see his toes at all, and sighed.

Logically speaking, the Goddess of Bow should not be too large as it will affect balance and hit rate.

With seniors Saori and Ares around, Joey never felt that he was that big.

Only today did she realize that E is not a small number either.

I have no choice. Since I am not strong enough, I can only open the door crack wider...

Lady Joy, the goddess of bows, infiltrated successfully!

At the current time, the entire Bow Goddess spacecraft was silent.

Next question, is the door open or closed?

There is a problem with the furnishings in the lounge. As long as the door is opened, light will shine on the bedside.

There is no other way.

Joey closed the door quietly.


The vision suddenly became pitch black.

"my shoes"

Under the bed!

It seemed like it had been kicked down accidentally.

Joey only had to take a few steps forward and be shorter to get them.

"Whoosh", you have it, you have it!

However, before Joey could be happy, a pair of hands suddenly appeared in the darkness and hugged her from the waist forward.

Goddess Joy: "!!!"

From childhood to adulthood, excluding a few tragic battles, she had never been hugged by anyone, regardless of gender.

Besides herself, the only living person in this room was Senior Xiu.


It's over, it's been discovered!

Joey wondered how he should explain.

Just getting shoes?

You can get it during the day tomorrow, so why do you have to wait until the dead of night?

But this is the truth. Joey just plans to take away the evidence and selectively forget those embarrassing things tomorrow.

However, at this time and in this scene, even if Joey just talked about shoes, she would not believe it.

so what should I do now?

Joey's mind went into chaos again.

Just then——

Her right shoulder slumped.

"What, you want to play Ares's tricks?"

"Is this Lord so easy to fool? The lesson I gave you yesterday was not enough, right?"

It's over, it's over, Xiu-senpai thinks of himself as Saori-senpai!

Immediately afterwards, Joey felt a heat underneath his buttocks.

Within a second, her stiff body softened.

Joy knew that she could no longer remain silent. She had to explain clearly to Senior Xiu!




Joey turned his head to look to the right and subconsciously covered his mouth.

【horse! build! forward! generation! 】

At this time, the Masked Hero Xiu was not wearing a mask, and his eyes were closed. Maybe his words and actions were unconscious.

But Joey recognized the face.

Yes, Senior Xiu is not a brave man, and no, the name Xiu is also fake.

Xiu is Matthew.

Matthew, the kind-hearted god of Shenmu Sanctuary.

The only male god in the holy world of the sacred tree.

One of the patron saints of the divine realm!

That's right, that's right.

Although Joey has never interacted with the male god Matthew, most of the goddesses have heard of the legend about Matthew.

The great Mother Goddess Hera led a group of goddesses to go out to fight, but they were trapped.

At that time, the strength of Her Majesty the Mother Goddess and the seniors were severely damaged, and they even forgot their true identities.

It was the protection of Senior Matthew that allowed the backbone of Shenmu Sanctuary to survive that period safely.

Regarding the awakening of the Mother Goddess and the seniors, Senior Matthew also took the first credit.

It can be said that Lord Matthew, who is both beautiful and powerful, is the idol of many goddesses, especially in the circle of young goddesses.

Thinking of this, Joey suddenly remembered the rule that "if you want to get Lord Matthew's protection, you must first hand in your photo album."

The missing persons case in the Luoluo Star Territory is her trouble and has nothing to do with Lord Matthew.

Master Matthew secretly helped me, isn't that right?

"Senior, has he seen the photos of me sneaking into the male god's cabin?"


It was a photo album that Joey secretly took.

I heard from her seniors that since it was filmed, the more daring the better.

First of all, Master Matthew is not an outsider, he is a male god and an idol.

Also, there are so many photo albums that adults may not have time to read.

If you haven't seen it, it doesn't count as submitted, which is equivalent to a wasted photo.


Joey covered his mouth again!

Calling "Senior Matthew" by his name means seeing through his identity, which is very embarrassing.

Recognizing each other under such circumstances would only be more embarrassing than awkward.

Joey felt most embarrassed.

Her previous behavior, coupled with the smear campaign about sneaking into Senior Matthew's room, made it very easy for others to misunderstand her.

She didn't want to be thought of as an immoral girl by her seniors.

"That's right."

"Senior Matthew hasn't woken up yet. I just need to take the opportunity to slip away and get rid of the embarrassment."

Joey wants to run away!

Suddenly I found that my legs were extremely weak.

Master Matthew poured hot breath into Joey's ears, and the hands on his waist were still moving upward.

"No, no, I have to run."

"If this continues, I will definitely be discovered."

Joey is not as tall as Saori-senpai. His height is reversed, and the length of his legs is also reversed.

"I have to run, I have to run"

"Joy, run quickly."

"If you do this, not only will you be looked down upon, but you will also make Senior Matthew angry!"

Ho ho ho.

Ideal is full, the reality is very skinny.

Joey wanted to run away, but his body refused to obey him.

On the contrary, feeling the heat one after another, her body became greedy.

This stems from her not hating and admiring Lord Matthew, and the voice of Saori-senpai that keeps echoing in her mind.


Matthew's hand held.


There's something wrong with this pairing.

What exactly is wrong?

It's the wrong size!

Matthew opened his eyes and saw a figure flying out.


"Who am I, where am I, and what do I do?"

Three questions of the soul.

Matthew shook his hat in a daze and said, "It seemed like someone was trying to imitate Ares just now, but I caught him."

"Now the person has escaped, and the murderer's name seems to be Joey, the goddess of bows!"

A snap of the fingers.

Matthew started a call with his little lover Saori, the goddess of wisdom.

Different from others, the call mode between Matthew and the goddesses is automatically answered by the latter.


"Hoo, hoo, hoo"

Even breathing.

Matthew smiled slightly, "I'll give you 10 seconds. 3, 2, 1!"

Saori: "Yes, Master."

The portal from the Goddess of Wisdom to the Goddess of Bows opens immediately.

Little Lover No. 2 yarn weaving makes a shining debut.

She looked at the bed behind their master. There was no blood, and there was no smell of blood in the room.



Little lover Shazhi realized that she was in trouble.

"It's not the first time for Joey?!"

Matthew: "Nonsense!"

"Go, lie down on the bed!"

Yaori(`): "Yes, Master"


PS: Thanks to the indifferent handsome man and the famous man for his monthly ticket (ˊˋ)

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