This man is obviously super strong but refuses to pass the level

Chapter 390 0392. Kitty Ori: Fortunately, I wasn’t impulsive



The raging tide lapped at the shore.

The west coast of the blue and white plane has just experienced a war that ordinary residents could never imagine in their lifetime.

This seat, along with the twenty surrounding seats, was almost completely destroyed.

To be precise, all the creatures on the twenty-one planes have died once.

Tonight, billions of creatures had a very similar nightmare——

They were bombarded to death by the terrifying heat wave. At the critical moment, a white figure saved them.



On the rocks on the shore, Lord Joy, the goddess of the bow and the ruler of the Green Star Territory, sat on it with her hands on her knees.

Joey's eyes were fixed on the stone under his knees, his pupils unfocused, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

"You are indeed here."

Miss Saori, the goddess of wisdom who came out of the portal.

The three little ones returned, but Joey did not. The smart Miss Saori guessed Joey's true location after just thinking about it.

However, Joey on the reef remained motionless, like a statue, and did not hear the sound of yarn weaving.

"You asked Lv'e and the others to apologize to Master Matthew on your behalf. Shouldn't you personally apologize for this kind of thing?"

This time, Joey finally responded, "I don't dare to see Senior Matthew, I'm afraid that Senior will hate me."

Miss Saori said with such an elegant and generous smile, "You will be annoying if you don't go see me."

After jumping on the rock, Shazhi sat next to Joey and put her arm around the latter's shoulders. "As for you, you have only been with Master Matthew for a short time and don't know him well. In fact, Master Matthew is a very kind and selfless person." people."

"Let me tell you a story."

"Your Majesty Hera, you know, loves us, and even dotes on us. He is afraid that we will be bullied outside, so whenever there is any dangerous mission, His Majesty will always ask Lord Matthew to protect us secretly."

"Master Matthew, you are typically hard-spoken and soft-hearted."

"Once, Vivian, little Angela, and His Highness Weena were given three dangerous missions. His Majesty Hera asked Lord Matthew for help, but in the end, Lord Matthew was only willing to take on one of them."


Joey looked up and his pupils focused, "What happened next?"

Miss Saori said with a smile: "Later, His Majesty Hera continued to sit in the sacred tree to protect the divine world. Lord Matthew protected Vivian to challenge the Demon King, and by the way, he also saved little Angela and His Highness Vina."

Joey: "Oh, Senior Matthew is really awesome."

"Silly girl." Shazhi muttered, "Why don't you listen to the important point? What I mean is that the things you think are particularly serious are actually only as big as sesame seeds and mung beans in the eyes of Lord Matthew."

Joey said sadly: "I almost caused twenty-one seats to be destroyed."

"Didn't it turn out to be safe?"

Miss Saori asked back: "Sir Matthew is indeed angry right now, but it's not you that makes him angry, but the Holy Lord from Crewe Sanctuary."

"The Evil God should just stay in his own territory. It's his fault that he came to the Sacred Tree Sanctuary."

"You are so young and cute. Go over and thank Master Matthew. I will definitely not say anything to you."

Joey: "Are you telling the truth?"

Saori: "Of course."

"But I caused Senior Matthew to waste his precious original power."

"Master Matthew is the strongest person below the Saint King in our Sacred Tree Sanctuary. He is just a man of origin. You underestimate Master Matthew too much."

Joey waved his hand and said: "I don't underestimate Senior Matthew. Senior is still the Son of God in our God's Domain. A mere evil god is naturally not as good as one of Senior's fingers. But I... I just feel that I am too useless. Senior is in disgrace.”

Saori: "You mean the Son of God in the Divine Realm?"

"Yes, don't you know?"

A few months ago, there were rumors within the Sacred Tree Holy World that Her Majesty the Great Mother Goddess planned to select one from among the goddesses to assume the position of "goddess".

The so-called goddess is the successor of His Majesty the Mother Goddess, the next Shenmu Mother Goddess.

In this regard, Saori, the goddess of wisdom, had no idea.

If you don't have enough strength, you can't do anything if you have ideas.

Among them, only Her Highness Veena, the Moon Goddess, has the qualifications to compete for the goddess.

Unfortunately, Her Highness Vina is a peace-loving elf who dislikes fighting.

Therefore, this matter did not make any waves in the small circle of "Awakening Goddess".

"Ho ho ho ho."

On the rocks, Miss Saori smiled and said: "You said that Master Matthew became the Son of God. Of course I know that Master Matthew is the strongest man. It is only natural that he should be elected as the Son of God."

"Okay, okay, sir, he has been waiting for you for a long time. If you don't go quickly, don't blame Sir Matthew for being really angry."

While talking and pushing, Saori finally pushed Joey back into the portal.

Afterwards, the smart Miss Saori immediately fell into deep thought.

"The master was elected as the Son of Shenmu, why didn't I know?"

Saori snapped her fingers, looking for someone to ask, but interrupted halfway, "No, the master has never mentioned anything about it. If I ask too much, there will be no good end."

Immediately, the smart Miss Saori suddenly realized, "Oh, I understand... No wonder the master asked me to get Joey back. That's what happened."

Their master doesn't like to be high-profile.

Not only Shazhi knew about this, but Vivian and Ares also informed them.

Regardless of whether it is a son of a god or a goddess, it is the highest honor. Whoever it is, the entire "entry" ceremony is a must, not to mention showing off.

Master Matthew doesn't.

Just like he has been secretly guarding the God Realm for so many years, on the surface, he is still just an ordinary B-level male god.

Shazhi knew very well that in order to deal with the super holy king Daros, Master Matthew's origins were insufficient.

After returning this time, the master's physical condition must have improved.

But as for recovery, it shouldn't be that easy.

Otherwise, Hera would not have stopped the master from letting him out.

With the strength of the master, he will not rely on external forces to leave the sacred world of the sacred tree.

Just now, Saori watched her master come back in a menacing manner.

Scared her enough.

The twenty-one planes reverse time and space and create something from scratch, and the price paid is not small.

However, the second thing the owner said when he saw her was, "Call Joey back."

Saori admitted that she thought wrongly at that time.

This little goddess of a bow caused her master to waste his energy and must be punished.

What Saori wants to understand now is, "The master wants Joey to go back, so he should not let her talk nonsense."


Thinking of this, classmate Xiaomao Zhi breathed a sigh of relief first, "Fortunately, I didn't act impulsively."

"However, in the years since we have been away, the fighting consciousness of the younger generations has indeed deteriorated. If the evil god was so easy to deal with, His Majesty Hera would have led us to level the Kru Sanctuary."

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