This man is obviously super strong but refuses to pass the level

Chapter 396 0398. Your copper mine has been delivered

Varan star.

A tourist planet under the Winter Emperor Sanctuary.

Tourist Xiu led his sister off the cruise ship. In front of them, the tour guide's little flags were waving in various ways.

"All the handsome guys and beauties from the Seven Tour Group, please come to my place according to the number you gave when you boarded the ship!"

"Hello, hello, handsome guy and pretty girl, let's go gather, okay?"

What the handsome guy said must be repaired by handsome tourists.

With 100 years of true origin time approaching, Master Matthew was in no hurry to rush to the sanctuary of the evil god Kru.

What’s more, the Evil God Kru’s Sanctuary is one of the forbidden areas recognized by the universe.

Businessmen who dare to do business with evil gods are all heroes.

There is no tourism business at all.

The Winter Emperor's Sanctuary, Walan Planet, can be regarded as the closest planet to the Kru Sanctuary that ordinary people can reach.

"Are you still angry, hehehe?"

Matthew poked Weina's little pink cheek, "It was just a joke, and we haven't settled the debt you made all over me yet."

Little Tina: (`∧)!

This stinky man never picks up any pot.

"Don't mention it, or you won't want me to talk to you again in this life!"

"Yeah, okay, okay."

At the moment, Matthew's father is just an ordinary tourist, and hitting him on the leg if he disagrees with him is too eye-catching.

"Yeah, let's teach her a lesson when no one is around."

The tour guide said, "Hurry up, handsome guy and pretty girl!"

Matthew made an "OK" gesture and pulled Tina back into the tour group.


"Dear ladies and gentlemen, I am your tour guide Xiaoqi. Although I am young, I have been a tour guide for many years. I believe I will be able to lead you to a pleasant seven-day tour."

"During this period, I hope everyone will cooperate with me as much as possible. Varan is a peaceful planet, but after all, we are outsiders. This is for everyone's safety. Thank you everyone for supporting my work!"

There was a tour group of about fifty people, mostly middle-aged and elderly people.

Nowadays, life is so stressful and the number of trips young people have is quite limited.

The small flag of the Seven Tour Group, waving, waving.

"Okay, everyone, please follow me this way. Our first stop today is the Beast King Park. There really is a Beast King in there~"

The itinerary plan for the host’s father’s and the young man’s team was written by Tina.

Matthew knows best how lazy he is.

Don't worry about these three words, the rest all depends on Xiao Tina using her brain.

After being imprisoned for many years, Tina's favorite thing to do now is to play.

So Lieyan Xiaogongju made a suggestion, sign up for a border tour group, and have fun while looking for the entrance to the evil god Kru's sanctuary.

Because it is on the border and close to the Kru Sanctuary, there must be snakehead merchants who provide smuggling services on Valan.

Their father's only request for this trip is that they don't want to shoot quietly.

The two of them, one at LV695 and the other at quasi-field level, are not afraid of anyone taking advantage of them.

Ever since——

"Brother, brother, look at the sea of ​​flowers over there, it's so beautiful!"

"Brother, brother, I want to take the island boat!"

"That's the service area over there. There must be delicious food."

"This place is so beautiful, I want to take a photo!"

The new Tina is really similar to a combination of a naughty child and a silly girl.

Tour groups, stop and go, stop and go, all kinds of fun.

After arriving in the new world, Matthew had never traveled with a group, so he had some illusions about it.

Then the illusion was shattered.

It’s no different from the previous life. There are all the additional items that should be included and some that shouldn’t be included. The charges are a black mark.

"Little brother, little brother, come and play~"

"This little brother is so good-looking, so I can give you a discount~"

While everyone was playing, a group of ragged ladies appeared on the street.

This is a middle-aged and elderly group, generally not much younger than old lady Hera.

five minutes later.

Seven tour group members-20.

The tour guide announced a 20-minute break.

During this period, several uncles were missing.


However, is 20 minutes really enough?

Facts have proved that not only is it enough, but there is also a surplus.

Tina, who was eating marshmallows alone, saw all this and couldn't help but mocked: "Man."

Matthew's father, who was sitting on his lap, said: "Yes, there is a discount. Isn't it nice to have sex for free?"

Xiao Tina: (_)……

She thought someone was clean.

Matthew's father is clean and tidy?

That's a must.

The quality is not good in the first place, and you have to charge money, so you can’t do it for free.

The other direction.

A fat uncle with big ears sat opposite the tour guide Xiaoqi and continued to be attentive.

Compared with the shabby clothes on the street, the beauty of the tour guide girl is determined to crush.

Although Xiaoqi's height is average, the front is not prominent enough, the back is relatively flat, and her face is not bad, in a relatively hurtful way, there is no problem at all for being above average.

"I'm sorry, sir, I have no plans to have a boyfriend yet." The tour guide declined politely.

"How will you know if you don't try?"

The fat uncle shook his long hair and said very seriously: "I am very strong."

Miss Xiaoqi's expression was not very good. Due to her professionalism, she tried her best to keep a smile. "I'm sorry, sir, I'm at work now. If you have personal problems, please wait until at least the end of the trip."

Fat Uncle: "You mean you agreed?"

Miss Xiaoqi said coldly, "Sir, 20 minutes are up, please don't affect my work."

"I know your job."

Uncle Fei said: "The big groups work seriously, the small groups work seriously, and the performance bonuses all depend on the private groups."

"I'm telling you, uncle, I can afford to join a private group, but I just like the excitement so I choose to stand here."

"Have you ever heard of the three major banks in the world? I am a regional manager in one of them."

Miss Xiaoqi waved the flag, "Okay, you don't have to say anything, no matter you are an executive of the three major banks or a worker like me, I am not interested. Everyone, 20 minutes are up, let's move forward! "

"Brother, brother, that fat pig is so disgusting."


"Do you think He will let the tour guide sister go?"

"You are older than the tour guide. If you call her sister, doesn't your face feel hot?"

"Not really."

Matthew: "."

He underestimated the face of a little male.

Little Tina: "To get down to business, I think the tour guide will be in danger if this continues."

Matthew said: "I think you will be in danger if you continue to be rude like this."

Tina raised her little hands in surrender, "Okay, to be honest, I think this Xiaoqi should have the contact information of the smuggler in her hand."

Matthew said: "Okay, I'll leave the task of getting the number to you."

Little Tina: "Why don't you come with me, brother?"


"Too busy reading comics?"

"That's right."

Matthew took out a book and said, "This world is too cold, only pure friendship can warm my heart."

The cover of a book.

They were three little girls about the same age as Tina.

The little girls knocked on the door: "Uncle, your copper mine has been delivered."

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