This man is obviously super strong but refuses to pass the level

Chapter 399 0401. Is this sick woman cheating?

Here I need to praise the witty little Tina.

Otherwise, her behavior of guarding someone's clothes would not be explained, and she would probably have to suffer another blow.

Her master's father's way of educating his "children" was simple and rough. Normally, he would reason first and then take action. However, Tina was treated in the opposite way.

After taking the note, Matthew looked at the number on it and the notes at the back.

[Contact time: 9pm-12pm. 】

Hey, this smuggler is quite professional.

I work 4 hours and have a full day off, but I don’t know how the treatment is going to be.

Look at the time, there are still dozens of minutes until 9 o'clock.

Master Matthew's father is too lazy to do such a trivial matter.

Let Xiao Tina get in touch. I didn’t think anything of it before, but once the brain circuit problem appeared, Matthew felt that it was more reliable to shake people.

A snap of the fingers.


Young Master Tina, who had just revealed the embarrassing incident, raised her back and was stunned, "Who is Meili?"

Matthew said: "A witch who works better than you."

Little Tina: "!!!"

A quasi-domain-level holy master, switching contacts only requires a flick of the wave.

"Dear master, I am very reliable in my work and I don't need help from others."

"You see, I came up with the plan to infiltrate the Kru Sanctuary while traveling, and I also found the tour group and the smuggler."

Matthew: "But the group you arranged is not interesting."

Xiao Tina: "Master, I signed up for the tour based on the beauty of the tour guide. The funds for the activities you gave are limited. This is what I have chosen."

Matthew: "You are too cowardly."

Little Tina straightened up and said fiercely, "I'm not that little anymore, I've grown two centimeters taller than when I was born!"

"Is it?……"

The last sentence was neither said by Matthew nor Tina herself, but came from the ears of little Tina.


Tina's little Gongju is indeed not very courageous, but he is not so timid that he can be ignored.

It's just that those two words were so sudden, and accompanied by a negative temperature, Tina was so frightened that she climbed onto the shoulder of their father, the owner of the house.

"Master Matthew, I finally see you again."

[Congratulations to Miss Meili, Little Lover No. 1, for her successful launch! 】

Tina was in shock: "I'll go, I'll be here so soon, do you want it to be so soon?!"

"Stop cheating, you big, ugly woman!"

At the moment, Miss Meili was wearing a robe that was tightly wrapped. Because of the tightness, the chest part was more prominent.

Speaking of ugliness, Miss Meili didn't dare to say how beautiful she was under the crown of Nerubel who followed her like a ceiling all day long.

But other than that, no matter who she was competing against, she was confident and ignored the existence of a little one.

Miss Meili was online one second, and immediately jumped into the man's arms the next.

"Sir, I have missed you every day since you left!"

Little Tina: Charming bitch.

At the same time, Tina Xiaogongju was still regretting, "That night, I should have pressed the tour guide girl on the bed with all my strength. Man, huh, I feel itchy in my heart after not doing that for a few days, let alone being around him And there is such a beautiful and lovely me.”

Analyze for five minutes.

Another twenty minutes of rants.

When Tina's thoughts returned to reality, she found that she was back on the ground again.

The man and the newly arrived woman, whose face was obviously abnormal, had already gone to the sofa in the living room to talk about love.


"I was obviously here first!"

"Like the new and dislike the old, like the new and dislike the old, he is a scumbag!"


Miss Meili fed their Lord Matthew fruit with one hand, and contacted the smuggler with the other.

Xiao Tina, who was left out in the cold, came over aggressively.

Miss Merry said, "It's settled, my lord."

"The guys here are not only engaged in smuggling business, but also human trafficking. Generally, people pay a toll and are then sold to their destination, which is equivalent to making two profits for one trip."

Matthew said: "Well, being sold to the Evil Saint Realm is a novel experience."

Miss Mei Li has a high emotional intelligence. From the bathroom door to the sofa, she has already put on the new cheongsam she ordered from the house goddess Little Angela. "They have decided to have sex with me. They will come to see you in about half an hour." you."

Xiao Tina: ()?

Very sure, sure and certain, this sick woman is cheating!

Hmm... maybe he's bragging.

Just then——

"Tuk Tuk Tuk"~

Miss Meili said, "Come in."

A creature with seven eyes came in and knelt down, "Boss, this is the big boss, he is really handsome."

"After listening to your teachings, Boss Mei, our brothers decided to change their minds and become snakeheads again."

"We have accounts for all the slaves we sold. In the next few years, we will try our best to save those who can be saved. If they are not good birds, let them suffer in the Kru Sanctuary."

"Also, when are the boss and the big boss going to leave for Crewe?"

"The spaceship is ready and on standby at any time. I also wish Boss Mei, Big Boss and the daughters of the two bosses to be happy forever!"


Xiao Tina pinched her waist and drove the "person" out, "Get out, you bastard, don't let me see you again!"

"Sister, when I killed people, your ancestors weren't even born yet, you blind bastards!"

Looking back at the man and the sick woman, Tina didn't say anything and found a place to sit down and sulk.

Not long after, the man started tonight's entertainment.

The woman wears a super short cheongsam, packs her clothes, shoes, etc., and looks like a coquettish bitch pretending to be a good wife and mother.

Tina sulked and continued to sulk.

After a while, a witch from the Resentful Tribe named Meili came to her side with high heels and said, "Your Highness Tina, tomorrow we will take a boat to the Kru Sanctuary. Do you need my help?" Yours?"

Tina turned away and said, "No, I don't want to go to the evil god's place."

Miss Meili's sincere expression did not change, "That's really a pity."

"Countless goddesses in the Sacred Tree Sanctuary are watching eagerly. There are also a few kittens and a small white dragon floating outside. Maybe you don't know much about how rare it is to have Lord Matthew all to yourself."


Meili bowed deeply to Tina and said, "Thank you. It will take at least three to five months for Sir Matthew and I to go to Crewe Sanctuary this time. We will come back to pick you up when your business is finished."


Tina looked back and said, "The evil god's territory is indeed not a good place, but I changed my mind and decided to go and have a look."

"Don't get me wrong, I'm not here for anyone, I just want to see it; and you don't need to take care of my things. I can take care of every little thing myself."

After saying this, Xiao Tina took out her personal space ring and tidied it up.

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