This man is obviously super strong but refuses to pass the level

Chapter 404 0407. Does anyone really think I’m here to cause trouble?

The order in the Kru Sanctuary is very chaotic.

People outside have only heard about it, and seeing that the dignified God King can only be the master of a small planet at his peak, they can notice some problems.

Obus named this planet the Fortune Star. As the name suggests, he wanted to make some money.

The area of ​​Fortune Star is about ten times the size of the God Realm back then. Unfortunately, the environment in most areas is harsh and uninhabitable. Overall, the number of citizens under the command of God King Obus does not exceed 300,000.

The place where the snakehead spaceship landed was the capital of the Fortune Star.

After getting off the boat, Matthew looked around. It was similar to the core area of ​​a third-tier city in his previous life.

This asteroid implements a slavery system. Nobles are heaven, civilians suffer, and slaves. Escape from slavery is the eternal dream of slaves.

Of course, it had nothing to do with Matthew whether Nunu or not. There were basically no two or three people in the entire Fortune Star. He just hoped that these strange-looking creatures would stay away from him.

The Castle of Fortune.

The screen was full of gold, silver and gems, and Matthew strongly suspected that the guy named Obus hadn't graduated from elementary school.

"Your Majesty Xiu, please come inside. Your Majesty Mei, please come inside."

The big-headed god king Obus said with a silly smile.

Matthew's team consists of one man and three women, so it's not difficult to greet them.

Arrive at the castle's reception hall.

Without any surprise, Obus invited His Majesty Matthew to take a seat.

Miss Meili, who had become a housekeeper, stood next to the male host.

Little Gongju Tina was originally very casual, but when she saw the witch from the Resentful Clan was so close, she took a few steps and climbed onto Brother Matthew's lap.

Next, it’s reporting time.

Matthew, Meili, and Tina are the Holy Lord's "cultivations". Obus regards them as the boss and is determined to be his big brother.

Whether your majesties plan to develop in the Kru Sanctuary for a long time, or simply have fun, for Obus, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

"Your Majesty Xiu, the company's business so far..."

"The company's personnel..."

"Our company did have some illegal transactions before, but they have been eliminated."

The flight time of the Snakehead is the time it takes Obus to memorize the manuscript.

Those thick lips chattered with passion, and those who didn't know it thought he was doing a big deal in more than a dozen star fields.

"Okay, let's stop here for now." Miss Mei Li, the housekeeper, suddenly interrupted.

She is one of the women who knows Lord Matthew best. From his demeanor and some small actions, Meili is sure that the male head of their family is not interested in this and is already impatient.

Obus standing at the bottom: "Oh, okay, then please ask Your Majesty Xiu to speak for us?"

A tsunami of applause.

Matthew: ()?

He came to the Kru Sanctuary firstly because he had nowhere to go, secondly because he happened to meet an infuriating evil god, and thirdly because there was no genuine way to increase the source of the evil god Kangkang's chassis.

Current: Matthew, LV696.

Thanks to the unremitting efforts of the clones, Master Matthew is only 4 levels away from reaching LV700, which represents the Holy King.

So there is no rush to do things.

Why? Why do the big-headed, big-mouthed, big-necked monsters below look at me with such excited eyes?

Do I really need to come up with a development plan for Snakehead Company?

This kind of thing should be done by Meili.

Then, Matthew looked at the housekeeper and little lover Merry, whose eyes were full of adoration for the little star.

I think back then, Matthew, a kind-hearted man from the God Realm, went to the Demon Realm to cause trouble. While the Demon God Lord Nerubel was not at home, he almost overturned the order of the Demon Realm that had been passed down for countless years while blackmailing the Lord.

Meili is one of the witnesses, and Little Star must have it.

He lowered his head and looked at Little Tina, who had been more obedient recently.

Good guy, what is called big near and small far, Tina’s eyes are wider than Meili’s and there are more stars.

"What's wrong with them? Is it because the appearance of villains has generally improved recently?"

After the overwhelming applause, there was another burst of applause.

At this time, the castle hall became extremely quiet.


Matthew sat in his seat and moistened his throat.

The nonexistent maid tour guide Xiao Qi immediately handed over a cup of sweet tea.

"Master Matthew, please have some tea."


Matthew smiled and cursed MMP in his heart.

Next time Xiaoqi is caught again, no one will be allowed to save her, no matter who it is!

"Uh, um, Obus."

"Your Majesty, I am here."

A flattering big head, plus a bunch of little stars, little stars.

"Which star field does your wealth star belong to?" Matthew asked.

God King Obus replied: "Back to Your Majesty, the reason why I chose this planet as the address of my company was that the price was cheap. On the other hand, the Fortune Star is located on the border of the Gamma Star Domain and the Ebola Star Domain. Both sides want to take control, but the management rights have not been clear after fighting for so many years.”

An independent planet has many benefits. It has no superiors and no control. Otherwise, they would not be able to engage in human trafficking.

The disadvantages are equally obvious.

Not accepting control is equivalent to not accepting protection. The Kru Sanctuary is already chaotic, so the fortune star needs to be added.

At this moment, a flying creature rushed over. It first knelt down and saluted, and then secretly said to the former boss Obus: "Sir, those guys from Allen Star are here again."

Allen Star, the neighbor of Fortune Star.

The boss over there knew that Biobus was educated as soon as he heard it.

When it comes to misfires, there are Allen stars and fortune stars every year, and there are more this year than last year.

"Your Majesty Xiu..."

Obus had just finished bragging about how great his planet and company were.

This slap in the face was fast and loud.

Matthew said: "Meili, go take care of it."

Butler Meili next to her bowed slightly and said, "Yes, Lord Matthew."

The portal opens, the portal closes.

After drinking the remaining half cup of tea, start it again.

Miss Meili threw the slightly stained handkerchief into the portal, washed her hands carefully, turned back and said, "It's been taken care of."

Matthew nodded and said, "Well, Obus, go on."

Big-Headed God King Obus: "."

All senior executives of Snakehead Company: “.”

Well, maybe this is the world of the Holy Lord. Killing a team with the God King as the main force is as easy as chopping melons and vegetables.

This also proves once again how wise it is for them to embrace these thighs.

"Your Majesty Xiu, what Your Majesty Mei just killed was the owner of the Allen planet next door. We can definitely take this opportunity to take over that planet."

"The Allen Star, like the Fortune Star, is not within the jurisdiction of the Star Territory, and its resources are more abundant than the Fortune Star."

Matthew waved his hand and said, "No."

"Meili, go to the Gamma Star Territory and kill the Holy Lord of the Star Territory over there."

Butler Meili said very simply: "As you command, Your Majesty."

"As for the Ebola star field..."

Matthew originally wanted to let Meili kill one and then another.

Little Tina suddenly jumped down from her lap, "Ebola star field, I'll go!"

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