This man is obviously super strong but refuses to pass the level

Chapter 407 0410. This is what a man should look like

"10, 9, 8, 7"

Outside Red Dragon Island, an illusory figure came quickly.

Sensing Bulato's position, he dived down and knelt in front of the big red dragon's knees.

"Sir, I'm back!"

The Phantom Wings of the Phantom Dragon family, whether in their true form or in human form, are both mature and tempting.

Those legs are so bearish, and there is also a naturally charming fragrance. It is normal for male dragons to be unable to control themselves when they see it.

While speaking, Phantom Wing's state changed "swish, swish, swish".

When Huan Yi returns to his parents' home, he wears strictly "women's clothes". Only in front of his current husband does he change into thin, silky, lace clothes.

Sitting on the seat, the red dragon Brato lowered his head expressionlessly and said: "Today's sunset is a few minutes earlier than yesterday, so you are still late."

Phantom Wing: "!!!"

His return journey was indeed a little later than expected, but the difference had been taken into account.

Sunset should have been just now, after He came home.

However, facing her husband, Phantom did not dare to say "no".

Because His husband had changed. Although he still loved Him as before, his personality seemed to have changed.

So Phantom Wing said sadly: "Yes, sir, I violated my agreement with you, please punish me."

Brato, who had a rough face, turned the black iron ring on his thumb and raised the corner of his mouth, "Are you telling the truth?"

"No, no, no, sir, please spare me this time!"

Feeling the changes in the atmosphere around him, Phantom Wing immediately became frightened.

He hugged Brato's thigh tightly and begged: "I will never go back. I will stay at home and serve you all my life. Please forgive me this time. When I go back, I will not see anything but my father and mother." Ever seen any dragon!”

Brato, let go of the ring, reached out and pinched Phantom Wing's soft face, "The Phantom Dragon clan is where you were born. No matter how domineering I am, I can't let you go back, otherwise what will other dragons say about me? ?”

"No no no!"

Phantom Wing shook his head in various ways, "I did it voluntarily, sir. I can't bear to leave you, and I can't wait to stay by your side 24 hours a day. It was all my fault in the past, but I have changed it now, I really have changed it!"

Bulato kicked him over.

"Before I bring it up again, I will lock you up for seven days and seven nights!"


Currently, the red dragon Bulato is at the domain level.

Its domain is called - [Crimson Prison].

After returning to the Black Dragon Sanctuary, Bulato used his power to imprison all the male dragons who had anything to do with Phantom Wing, including Phantom Wing's ex-husband.

The most powerful thing about [Crimson Prison] is controlling the flow of time.

Seven days and seven nights in reality are seventy thousand years in prison.

After 70,000 years without food or water, without any color or sound, the "prisoners" will 100% go crazy.

The last time, when Brato had just returned home, Phantom only stayed for three days before collapsing.

The other prisoners in the [Crimson Prison], without exception, all became lunatics.

Every once in a while, Bulato would take Phantom Wing to admire it, so much so that after Phantom Wing returned to the family, he didn't dare to mention a word about it.

Again, the water thrown out by a married daughter.

The Huanlong family is indeed powerful and controls the heaven and the earth, but cannot control the way their daughter and son-in-law get along with each other in their own family.

In addition, Brato is now not only a popular person in front of His Highness the Dragon King Bai, but also has the "favor" of the evil holy master.

This time when "returning to her parents' home", Phantom Wing's parents asked their daughter to restrain herself, and if possible, it would be best to quit.

They don't know that now it's not a question of whether to quit or not.

As long as her husband showed a hint of displeasure, Phantom Wing's legs would immediately become weak.

Why does He wrap Himself up so tightly outside?

One of them is the fear of accidentally involving some male dragons and being implicated.

Secondly, Phantom Wing's body is often scarred and he wears instruments of torture, which cannot be shown to Wailong.

Inside the hall of the independent castle on Red Dragon Island.

The phantom wing that was kicked away immediately crawled back.

"Sir, I was wrong again, I promise there will never be a next time!"

The tall and mighty Brato took out a shining silver key from his pocket, threw it on the ground and said: "Open it yourself, and then you will know what to do."

after one day.

The big red dragon took back the key and walked out of the bedroom.

Feeling refreshed and the weather is nice.

"Just a phantom wing, just a female dragon, just a phantom dragon family."

Brato showed disdain.

"Oh, by the way, His Highness Bai is also a female dragon. You should be careful next time what you say."

After saying this, Bulato was filled with incomparable admiration, "Thank you, Your Majesty Xiu!"

"Without Xiu Mian's guidance, my life would have been extremely gloomy."

"Although I don't deserve it, in my heart, Xiu Mian will always be my most beloved teacher."

"No wonder His Highness Bai is so proud. After meeting His Majesty Xiu Mian, he became as well-behaved as a kitten."

"Yes, this is what a man should look like!"

The red dragon's portal.

On the other side of the door is the training space for thousands of clones.

After Bulato came in, he did not dare to disturb the practicing ministers and went directly to the supply location to see if there was anything that needed to be replenished.


"help me"

The call came from behind the big red dragon.


Brato smiled.

Just by listening, He knew who this voice that was so hollow could not be more hollow belonged to.

If I have to say one thing, just two words, "You deserve to live!"

At this moment, a crooked wooden sculpture floated over and hugged Brato's thigh and refused to let go.

"Save, save me, Lord Red Dragon, I can't stand it anymore, I really can't stand it anymore, please take me away, I am willing to exchange everything I have in my life."


Brato decisively spat in its face, "You still have everything that you had before you were alive? It's already this time, and you still have shit when you were alive."

The small wooden spirit skeleton was tortured like this. If it really hides something, 10,000% of it has been emptied out.

"Besides, who said it was my ancestor who came?"

"It's green, it's green, it's green. Who the hell is talking in my ears every day?"

Linggui Xiaomu had a miserable look on his face, "I was wrong, brother, please save me. Brother, they are just a bunch of devils who eat people but don't spit out bones. They suck me during the day and at night, and don't even have time to rest." Give it to me, I’m really going crazy, you take me out for a walk, I want it for a week, a day, or an hour!..."

Big Red Dragon Brato: "Haha, now you know how to beg me, it's too late!"

After saying this, Bulato immediately raised his hands and shouted: "Your Majesty, I am reporting that this wooden sculpture is planning to run away. It wants me to take it away, and is willing to exchange everything in life for me. I doubt it can return." Hiding private! House! Money!”

Lingke Xiaomu: "!!!"

"Green dragon, you must die a happy death!"

"I wish you a lifetime!"

Before it finished speaking, a thousand pairs of red eyes had already looked over.


"I don't want to go back!"

"Mom, I'm going to die!"


PS: Thanks to Yinqin and the random mysterious guest boss for their monthly votes (ˊˋ)

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