This man is obviously super strong but refuses to pass the level

Chapter 415 0419. Congratulations to the Witch Faction for welcoming a new member (monthly tickets w

It doesn't take long for a tiger to turn into a mouse...

At least that's what Tina looks like.

Within half an hour, her mind was completely confused.

A girl becomes a little girl, and a little girl becomes a girl again.

In short, Tina couldn't remember what happened next, and she finally understood why the evil witch Meili made that hoarse voice when she was with a man.

There is also the real reason why Meili is so powerful and plotting outside, but when she comes to Matthew, she can only beg for help.

Noon the next day.

Tina woke up quietly in the posture of a little girl.

To be precise, she is now a woman and has a man of her own.

"Alas, I still couldn't escape from that guy's clutches after all..."

Little Gongju Tina sighed, "Last night he used the power of the contract to make me do that, that, and that again. It's really too much!"

Having said that, having a bad memory has many disadvantages.

For example, when attacking the Ebola star field, Tina often didn't know where to go.

The good thing... From the moment they met until now, Matthew has almost never done anything to Tina using the master-servant contract.

In other words, everything was done voluntarily by Tina.

Of course, as a master dad, Matthew is good at giving orders.

The "smart" Tina is very good at drawing inferences from one instance and taking the initiative to learn more interesting knowledge.

To be more specific, it is the issue of traffic.

Yes, traffic is so expensive now.

Let’s summarize it in six points for now.

From waking up to getting dressed, it took over an hour.

Mainly tired.

Tina heard that men are more tired than women when doing that kind of thing.

But when it comes to Matthew, he is Meili during the day and she is her at night. After a few hours of rest, he still has the energy to play cards!

"No wonder no woman thinks it's inappropriate for him to find another woman... If I were the only one, I would never survive more than a month."

Little Tina got up and took a shower.

On the way, I discovered many bruises on my chest.

"Violent maniac!"

After cleaning, the bad witch Meili from Tina's mouth arrived.

Not too early and not too late is just right.

She was sitting on a chair drinking tea, obviously coming specifically for Tina.

Little Duke Jutina raised her chin and said, "What, are you going to see my joke?"

"Hehehehe, sorry, I'm very happy now."

Beside the guest table, Miss Mei Li was calm and calm after resting all night, "Really, then why do I feel that you don't look good today?"

Young Master Tina chuckled, "How dare you accuse me of how much better you were than me yesterday?"

Miss Meili: "So, let's form an alliance, Your Highness Tina."

The topic changes very quickly.

Tina said: "Okay, but no matter who it is in the future, don't even think of ordering me."

[Congratulations to the Witch Faction on their new member! 】

Miss Meili, who had been quick and decisive just now, was slightly startled.

Following the example of a certain man, Tina continued to hehe, "Did it scare you?"

Miss Meili shook her head, "I thought Your Highness Tina still needs some time to think about it."

Tina said: "You think it was your machinations that defeated me? It's was reality that defeated me."

——From Tina Xiaogongju’s legs are still trembling slightly no matter how much she controls them.

That's right.

On her own, she is no match for a man's changes.

Then she can only choose to join the camp.

She is not familiar with the goddess.

But one thing is, the goddess is powerful in numbers.

They are all goddesses, she is the only one who is not, and the chance of being taken seriously is extremely low.

In addition, with the goddess alliance, you need to share it with many women, which is not cost-effective at all.

On the other hand, the witch faction, including Tina, is three people.

Even a fool can tell the difference between one third and one ten thousandth.

I also heard that the eldest princess of the Demon Realm, Nelabel, has a character problem.

Tina is already familiar with Meili's routine, and with the addition of a problematic witch, she might be able to bring order to the chaos and win the throne of the witch faction.

[Congratulations to the Witch Faction on the new member! 】

Dark space.

The flickering candlelight.

Hallie, the old woman with a new crutch, stood here, facing a pile of fat meat sewn with multiple species.

Harley bowed and said, "I have met His Majesty Kel'Thuzad."

There were layers of voices coming from the pile of meat, "Are you Harley?"

The old lady responded: "Yes, Your Majesty."

"Oh, it seems that I have indeed been asleep for a long time. I remember that the last time I saw you, you were not like this."

Grandma Harley: "..."

Few women care about their age, and the older they get, the more so they become.

If someone else puts it this way, Old Harley would kill him with a cane!

Of course, the old lady did not dare to do this to the former Lord of the Southern Territory who had recently awakened.

Meatpile Kel'Thuzad said: "Harley, do you have any good news to bring me when you came to see me?"

Old Harley: "This is bad news, Your Majesty."

"Not long after you woke up, a guy named Xiu suddenly came from the Southern Territory."

"He is an outsider. He has occupied several star fields so far, and his goal is the throne of the Lord of the Star Fields."

The sound of the layers of meat suddenly became sharp, "Wait, who are you talking about?!"

Harley: "Evil Holy Master."

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Kel'Thuzad, the meat pile, laughed, "The evil god majors... Now that I think about it, he is not an evil god at all, even after receiving the knowledge from the pinnacle of the universe, because he is a member of the Divine Wood Mother God."

"Xiu, Xiu, yes, that's him. He was the one who shattered my body after I fell asleep!"

"That damn bastard, I thought I would never see him again. Thanks to the Lord of Evil God's protection, I am alive again!"

"Because of him, my body was broken, and I want revenge."

"He actually came to the Kru Sanctuary. He is really looking for death. He doesn't understand the terror of an ancient evil god at all!"

Intense and resentful, then gradually calmed down.

The candles in the space were almost extinguished.

Old Mrs. Harley, who was at the peak of her field, took a few steps back and said, "I also have a grudge against that man. He killed my husband."

"This is also the reason why I came to see you. Your Majesty, I am willing to help you return to the throne of God. The only request is to kill that man with my own hands."

Hearing this, Roudui trembled, "Very good, I need help now."

Immediately afterwards, the pile of meat shrank to the extreme, and then covered the sky and the sun.

"I need your original power, so that I can be regarded as the original Holy Lord Kel'Thuzad!"

A few minutes later.

The size of the pile of meat has expanded by another billion points.

Immediately afterwards, a middle-aged man wearing a tall hat and a black evening gown slowly walked out.

"Although it is very old and unpalatable, the original power of the peak of the field is still very good."

The middle-aged man Kel'Thuzad straightened his tie, hooked it up and hooked out a cane, "That man's strength should not be weak. According to Harley's memory, he is also at the origin level."

"Well, let's test him first by testing the people around him."


PS: Thank you for your monthly votes from the masters of Gongfa Tongdao, Six Realms of Fire, Book Friends 20190528000830432, Zero Degree Emperor, Book Friends 20200309200735861 (ˊˋ)

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