This man is obviously super strong but refuses to pass the level

Chapter 417 0421. Accident of gathering wool

The Evil God Cru's Sanctuary is really Matthew's blessed place.

What Matthew lacks most now is original time. Old Lady Hera only added 100 years to him with a finger.

When he arrived at Crewe Sanctuary, except for two rescue missions, Matthew spent the rest of his time focusing on making a fortune.

In this way, his daily original time number is still increasing at a rate visible to the naked eye.

The origin is the foundation of a Holy Lord, so the speed at which Matthew's clones eat secret treasures has decreased.

"The wave of secret treasures sent to Xiao Bailong should calm her down."

Matthew said: "I heard that she scolds me every day. In one word, I need to clean up."

The entertainment facilities in Fortune Star are not good.

In the past few months, Mr. Matthew, who concentrates on government affairs, has been played all over.

"Go for a walk?"

Matthew is free to go wherever he goes.

However, Little Lover No. 1 Meili seemed to have told Xiao Qi to "take a good look" at the base camp before leaving.

Just a personal maid.

The two of them had been alone together for half a month, and now the maid Xiaoqi was trembling when she saw Xiu Mian.

Just say it.

Matthew snapped his fingers and said, "Exchange!"

A "swish" sound.

Matthew came to a very hot space.

The vast self is sitting cross-legged on the ground, with the red origin in its hand, and its whole body or a certain position is wrapped in red origin.

When the main body arrived, the clones put down their work and bowed their heads in salute.

Matthew smiled and said: "We are all our own people, no need to be so polite. You are busy with your business. I am just taking a look."

Not far away, there was a clone who had good political consciousness and planned to step forward to make a detailed report.

Matthew waved his hand and said no, "You are included in me. If I don't trust you when doing things, who else can I trust?"

That being said, whenever he stops in front of a clone, Matthew will always use his authority to check what the clone has been doing these days.

Although his avatar has a certain degree of independence, it will execute the orders of the original one hundred percent.

It's not that he's afraid that the clone will mess around behind his back. The clone's memory is the process of cultivation and the best cultivation experience.

At this moment, a dry wooden sculpture hugged Matthew's thigh.

"You are His Majesty Xiu Mian, right?"

"Your Majesty, Xiaomu is looking forward to the stars and the moon, and finally has you back!"

The spirit skeleton Xiaomu hugged the real thick legs and complained and cried all kinds of things. As a spirit skeleton that was equivalent to dying once, these days were really hard for it.

Immediately, Matthew stretched out a finger and patted Xiaomu's shoulder, "Keep up the good work, I'll give you a chicken drumstick tonight."

Lingke Xiaomu: ()?

To act like this, it must leave this hellish place.


Being sucked back and forth by thousands of grown men every day, Xiaomu felt that there was something wrong with her own orientation.

If it continues like this, just talking in vain, it is afraid that it will be driven crazy.

On the other side, Matthew easily broke open the confused wood.

Several clones came up with hands clasped.

"The origin is almost gone."

“It’s time to suck, it’s time to suck.”

"I feel like everyone else should be the same."

"Let's do it this way, suck it all together, line up, line up, don't mess around!"

"I want a double dose!"

"I've learned something recently. It consumes more quickly. I want to smoke five servings!"

Lingke Xiaomu: "..."

"Help, help, mom!..."

Outside the long queue.

Matthew was left alone to watch the joke.

He doesn't just watch, sometimes he also cheers for the wooden drum.

The life of a boss is so simple and unpretentious.

"Hey, come with me for a walk."

The voice came from behind Matthew.

The little white dragon Baiying is here, dressed as usual, pretty and bright, with a pair of pink feet on the ground.

Matthew turned and pointed at himself.

His Highness Bai Ying said angrily: "Yes, it's you!"

"That bastard is living happily in the Evil Saint Realm and has long forgotten about me."

"Every time he eats and drinks from me, he doesn't know where the secret treasures you are using come from?"

Matthew: "Where did it come from?"

Bai Ying's eyes widened, and then she sighed, "You don't understand even if I tell you, you are not him, you are just a stupid clone."

Ho ho ho.

Matthew remembered that there was a problem with Xiao Bailong's brain circuit, and his eyes couldn't work well.

But when it comes to secret treasures, Matthew always thought that all the wool he gathered came from Bai Ying.

In fact, this was indeed the case in the early days.

Lord Matthew used powerful persuasion methods to make His Highness Bai open the door to his private treasure house.

After that, his clones seemed to be moving, and it was only a matter of time before the treasure trove was emptied.

His Highness Bai is smart, so he doesn’t believe the man’s nonsense about giving back double the amount.

The Dragon King's treasure house is her hard work and pride. It is impossible to empty it out, no matter who it is!

But...she is really no match for that man, especially after seeing the Thousand Persons Clone Technique.

What if he got cruel and used it on her... So she had to find a way to get the best of both worlds.

The White Dragon King is the White Dragon King of the Black Dragon Sanctuary. If there is no real reason, he will not take advantage of it.

Xie Sheng majors in Kuoyi.

Xiu's strength, record, and background are simply tailor-made for him.

Anyway, he is the one who really needs the secret treasure. Bai Ying uses his "fame" to gather the wool of the Black Dragon Sanctuary, which is just right.

It's just right.

In this way, on the one hand, it disperses the pressure on the supply of secret treasures, and on the other hand, it can make up for the secret treasures that were previously lost from the Dragon King's treasure house.

The God King of the Black Dragon Sanctuary spent money to buy peace. Since the number of secret treasures he paid was not large, there was no rebound at all.

His Highness Bai Ying, as he is called, is also one of the guardians of the Black Dragon Sanctuary.

In this way, it becomes more logical to practice accepting secret treasures from all sides.

He is indeed the White Dragon King, smart, witty, courageous and generous.

But the problem just happened to be with "Evil Holy Cultivator = Black Dragon Guardian".

Rumor has it that this crown prince has returned to the Kru Holy Territory and is competing with the other three crown princes for the position of Lord of the Southern Territory.

After taking over the Southern Territory, will he come back to protect the Black Dragon Sanctuary?

Obviously not.

If you can't take it... Hehe, if you can't take it one thousand percent, you'll be dead, let alone protect it.

Bai Ying in the training space said: "You come with me for a walk. If you have a chance to show your strength, I will reimburse you for the energy you consume."


"Hey, hey, I'm not doing this for myself!"

Bai Ying chatted with Matthew's clones, who never had names.

Because they are just the shadow of men in His Highness Bai's eyes.

What name does Shadow want?

The portal opens again.

The Shadow Sneaking Plan officially begins.

Others don't know, but Bai Ying knows it best.

The strength of these shadows, picked out at random, would be a little lower than hers. It would not be a problem at all for a fox to pretend to be a tiger.

The two returned to Dragon King Island.

One second he landed, and the next second "Shadow" Matthew held Bai Ying's little hand.


PS: Please give me monthly votes and recommendation votes~

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