This man is obviously super strong but refuses to pass the level

Chapter 431 0435. Lord Matthew has raised a wild woman outside?

The minion completed the task assigned by his superior.

Get rewards and get a piece of territory.

As a new lord, he has not yet enjoyed the glory and wealth, so only a fool would give his things to others.

Yes, everything within the territory belongs to the lord.

If you don't double down on exploitation, you'll be considered a good person.

And so on.

Happening in every corner of the universe.

There are those who make small fuss.

There are also those who beat the brains out of dogs like Phoenix Sanctuary.

Between the old and new factions, if the Holy King does not return, whoever wins will be the new king of Fengyu.

Fengyu is one of the ten sacred areas.

Territory, resources, etc. are all top-notch in the universe.

After fighting, both sides discovered that they could not kill the enemy at once.

When the internal strength is insufficient, the gaze will naturally be focused on the outside.

The Demon Realm, the Black Dragon Sanctuary, and the Divine Tree Sanctuary received a total of six requests for help.

The Demon Realm and the Divine Realm are because they are powerful, and the Black Dragon Sanctuary is because they are close enough.

Matthew said: "Don't worry about it."

Why did Matthew say that?

There is no doubt that Matthew, the Son of God, has the final say in the Sacred Tree Sanctuary.

The White Dragon King Bai Ying now has the final say in the Black Dragon Sanctuary, which is equivalent to Matthew having the final say.

The Demon Realm completely surrendered under the strong suppression of the eldest princess Nerubel.

Nilu was embarrassed to "ask Matthew for instructions", so she asked Mei Li to ask the question instead.

Little lover Meili is so smart. After receiving the reply, she immediately asked: "Master Matthew, do you think it is reliable for us to take down Fengyu?"

Matthew hit Mellie: ()?

Probably only he himself understands his current strength.

Unless the Holy King comes back, Lord Matthew will be the one who overthrows everything.

However, the reason why he was able to master the three holy realms was not only because of his strength, but mainly because of his reputation.

It is only natural that the Son of Shenmu is in charge of the divine domain.

It is only natural that the eldest princess of the Demon Realm rules the Demon Clan.

It is only natural that the Dragon King succeeds to the position of the Black Dragon Holy King.

It is precisely because they are the successors designated by the Holy Kings that no one dares to say no.

Fengyu has nothing to do with Matthew.

Mellie said: "No, it does matter."

"Master Matthew, have you forgotten that you signed a contract with Saint King Chris?"


This thing seems to be true.

Normally speaking, the contract signed by Tina, who was still separated from her soul, was also valid for Holy King Chris.

It's just that there are loopholes in the split-soul contract.

If I don't want to, if I pay some price, I will be able to terminate the master-servant contract.

"That's far-fetched. It's too troublesome. I won't do it."

If he were not afraid of trouble, Matthew would be able to lead the army of the three domains to conquer the universe now.

It will take a super long time to complete the unification, but no one in the universe today is more likely to accomplish this great feat than Matthew.

Is it uncomfortable to lie in bed?

As Matthew's main base, the Sacred Tree Holy World has complete entertainment projects.

As the divine son of Shenmu and the future father-god, Matthew must play with whichever goddess he wants.

The goddess was tired of playing with him, so he went to play with the witch.

Although Nerubel is not very obedient, there is no problem in choosing a witch from the Demon Realm at will.

There are also dragon girls, all kinds of girls, Ma Xiu Mian gave an order, are all women really capable?

Just like this, isn’t it better than conquering the world?

Besides, any chaos outside has nothing to do with Matthew.

Apart from the small internal turmoil, looking at the universe, who dares to cause trouble for His Majesty Matthew?


Meili said: "Sir, you have forgotten Her Highness Tina. Have you thought about how to arrange Her Highness Tina?"


Okay, Matthew has to admit that he forgot about Tina, both big and small.

"The witch of the Resentful Tribe has been a bit crazy recently. I think I should give Saori a chance to suppress the witch."

The so-called Lady Justice League is a faction of witches, and it is impossible for Matthew not to know about it.

The two sides are at odds with each other. As the male protagonist, what Matthew needs to do is to master the balance.

It’s actually quite troublesome…

But who allowed him to have more women?

And there is fun in balance, and some knowledge unfolds in an atmosphere of disbelief.

Immediately, Matthew said: "Okay, inform Tina that we will set off for the Phoenix Sanctuary tomorrow. Even if you don't accept it, I will fight to death!"

"As you command, Lord Matthew!"

Miss Meili happily arranged it.

So far, there are four main members of the Witch Alliance.

Nerubel is undoubtedly the cute one.

My little lover Meili is busy and is the housekeeper.

Member 1: Her Royal Highness Tina from Fengyu.

Member 2: Baiying, the dragon king of the Black Dragon Sanctuary.

In terms of numbers, the Witches Alliance will never surpass the Goddess Alliance.

Their territory is huge.

The Demon Realm belongs to Nilu Mian, and the Black Dragon Sanctuary belongs to Bai Ying.

In a few days, Her Royal Highness Tina will capture Fengyu, and their territory will be three times that of the goddesses.

Mei Li has thought about it.

The goddesses go for quantity, they go for quality, and with the ceiling-like presence of Nilu, the final victory is determined to belong to the witch!

Mei Li passed by the small courtyard where Matthew often stayed.

The eldest princess Nilu pushed the door open and walked out.

Seeing the expression on the other side, Nelubelle knew, "Are you helping Matthew do bad things again?"

The chief steward Meili said: "You have wronged me. Your Majesty Nilu, I am doing business. After Your Majesty Tina takes Fengyu..."

He spoke for five minutes straight.

Nerubel said: "Come with me."

Mellie thought that the hostess did not agree with her plan and was a little decadent.

Arriving at the courtyard, Nilu turned her back to the witch of the Resentful Tribe and said, "Have you noticed that Matthew has been acting strange recently?"

Meili: ()?

She didn't quite understand Nelu's definition of the word "weird".

He raised three fingers and said, "Your Majesty, I swear, Sir Matthew has really not asked me to do anything secretly recently..."

Nerubel: "I'm not talking about you, but him."

Hearing this, Mei Li was confused, thinking, and then confused.

Nilu sighed, "Your brain is all in useless places. Think about it carefully, does he disappear for a few days every once in a while?"

Meili: "!!!"

What does it mean to be extremely frightened when you think about it carefully?

This is extremely scary when you think about it.

As one of the candidates for the Best Little Palace Fighter, Meili must be clear about Lord Matthew's "daily" arrangements.

However, her information could not completely penetrate into the sacred world of the sacred tree.

So there is something missing in this regard.


It often takes several days for Master Matthew to leave the Demon Realm and return to the God Realm.

Nilu didn't remind her, and Meili hadn't noticed it yet.

It seems to be like this every time!

"Your Majesty Nilu, are you saying that Lord Matthew has raised a wild woman outside?"

"Boom"! …

The field expands!

After a moment, Meili seemed to see the original Holy Lord Nelubelle in a fighting posture.

"Do you think I'm still joking with you?!!!"

Mellie immediately knelt down.

She was sure and certain that Nilu was very angry at this time, so angry that he wanted to kill her.

"Your Majesty, I was wrong!"

Nerubelson said coldly: "Go and check, how many living Source Levels are there in the universe now!"


PS: Thanks to book friends 20170908212723773, ez10st, and Mr. Bao Limo for their monthly votes (ˊˋ)

Also: The main plot was completed before the year, and the extras will be added after the year*()*

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