This man is obviously super strong but refuses to pass the level

Chapter 85 084. The confused old devil (recommended votes will add more updates!)

On the oversized wooden bed, an old man with a horn and bronze skin was sleeping soundly with his eyes closed.

His figure is similar to that of Captain Stone Cross after activating the first level of [Growth], but he has many wrinkles, heavy breathing, and uneven breathing, giving people a feeling of dying.

"Bang Dang"~

The bedroom door is closed.

A servant demon ate all the food on the plate, threw it away, and transformed into a human form.

At the same time, the old one-horned devil opened his cloudy eyes.

He saw not only a human figure, but also many residual souls behind the human figure, including at least three world masters.

The old devil was desperate and closed his eyes again.

"I knew... this day would come eventually, but I didn't expect that they would ask you to kill me."

Matthew quickly restrained Him and said, "Let me declare in advance that I am not here to kill you. You must not commit suicide out of mind!"

The old devil wondered: "Your Highness, do you think this is more fun? If this can make you die faster, I am willing to cooperate with you."

Matthew: (_)……

Asked: "Tell me, how can you believe that I am not here to kill you?"

The old devil shook his head slowly, "I have no use value to you now."

Matthew helped Him, "For example, I fell in love with the granddaughter you had, and then I decided to take her home as a bride price by curing you."


It's over, it's over, not only is he seriously ill, but he also has Alzheimer's disease.

Matthew didn't bother to explain to Him, and he didn't know how to see a doctor. "Just tell me, is it possible to cure your disease?"

The old devil nodded and shook his head.

Matthew really wants to strangle this old guy to death, talk and act like old Hera, can he die more happily? !

"Crash!" …

The space ring is opened, wine, food, rare minerals, treasure maps, artifacts, etc., piled up into a small mountain.

"Take a look for yourself and see if there's anything in it that can help you survive."

The old devil said: "Yes!"

Among the hills, a silver-white round gem shimmered.

[Courage of the Nine Snakes]: A realm lord-level magical item, which is the core of power of the realm lord of the Nine Snakes clan.

Matthew pulled the white snake gall over and said, "How many more years can you live if you eat it?"

The old devil's breathing became heavier, and his eyes shone with rare light, "With this, I can live for at least ten years!"

A "swish" sound.

People are gone.

The snake gallbladder rolled under the bed.

The old demon Lucifer put down one hand to touch it, but failed to touch it. He stretched out his upper body and simply fell upside down.

"Sir, what's wrong with you, sir?!"

The bedroom door opened and the real servant demon arrived.

Lucifer recognized the snake gallbladder. It was the snake gallbladder of a certain old snake brother and could not be exposed.

So he silently noted the appearance of the servant demon, and old Lucifer yelled with all his strength: "Get out!"

When he saw the door closed, he felt relieved a little.

People, the older they get, the more afraid they are of death, and the devil is the same way.

Although he still didn't know why the realm king of the unknown race wanted to help him, the hope of extending his life was right in front of him, and even if it was most likely a trap, he would try it.

Because of His roar, Lucifer's castle was in chaos.

Master Bagradi is not here, and the demons only know that there is an accident on the top floor, but they cannot go up. The servant demon doctor above was scolded by the Lucifer patriarch himself and did not dare to enter. Can there be no chaos?

Nerubel, who returned home, had completed all her visits tonight. When she came back, she was followed by a man.

The man is tall, cool-looking, and has a strong masculine aura, which fully embodies the aesthetics of a demon in his human form.

The man had a sword on his waist and was wearing armor. He seemed to have just returned to the castle.

At this time, there were more demons coming and going in the corridor. Nerubel was afraid that someone would "cause trouble", so she quickly rushed to the third floor.

However, Demon Star Lord Rosen pursued her, ignoring others, and explained: "Nilu, I was just too excited to see you just now, please forgive me."

"Okay, I forgive you."

In daily life, Nelubelle is very cold.

Rosen said: "No, you are still angry with me. I know you have worked hard outside alone these years."

"Have you not taken down the Shenmu plane yet? I can help you. I am willing to help you. Nilu, just wait for me!"

Nerubel quickened her pace again because He saw Mrs. Badi.

Arriving in front of Madam, Nilu asked: "Auntie, what happened?"

The beautiful Mrs. Badi looked sad and said, "It's your grandfather's side."


This time, Nerubel took a step forward and opened her door. No one was there.

He didn't have any way to contact someone, "That bastard... He didn't really go to find his grandfather, did he?"

Lord Bagradi must be informed of this matter as soon as possible.

In fact, the demon Bagradi already knew.

Normally, He would be home now because the impromptu meeting was over.

But before Bagradi could leave the meeting place, he was called back again.

The reason is...the patriarch of the Nine Snakes family also died, and it happened just now.

"Tick tock, tick tock."

Matthew crushed two snake galls, mixed them with water to make snake bile, and handed it to the old Lucifer who lay back on the bed.

The old devil was determined not to waste a drop, so the liquid dripping on the bed was the blood of the leader of the devil's Nine Snakes family.

Lucifer drank a cup of snake bile in hundreds of sips, which was really troublesome.

After drinking, his complexion recovered a little bit.

"Thank you, Your Highness. The Lucifer family will be grateful to Your Highness for your kindness from generation to generation!"

Matthew, who returned from killing demons: "Don't talk about those useless things."

Then he held out two fingers and said, "Now you can live for at least twenty years, right?"

Old Lucifer said: "Your Highness, in fact, the absorption effect will be better when taken intrabuccally."

Matthew: "Then why didn't you tell me earlier?!"

Old Lucifer quickly apologized, "Your Highness, the second pill is more effective than the first pill, but my body is too weak and it will take some time to recover... After all, I shouldn't die within thirty years. ”

Matthew asked: "Is there any medicine that can help you recover?"

Old Lucifer: "I won't trouble Your Highness with this little matter. I'll figure it out myself."

"What about the others?"


"Thirty years is too short. Is there anything that can make you live an extra 1.8 million years?"

This time, the old demon was very happy, "As long as I advance to the realm king and successfully occupy a main world, I can absorb the power of the plane and greatly extend my lifespan."

He had already seen that the young man opposite was a Realm Lord.

He possesses the power of a Kaioh, but is not bound by planes.

In other words, this is a more terrifying figure than an ordinary Kaioh.

the other side.

"Advanced realm king?"

Matthew chuckled, "You have quite a lot on your mind."

He was a little sleepy, mainly because he entered the main plane for the first time and his body was not used to it.

Patting the old devil on the shoulder, Matthew said, "I'm going to take a nap first. You can think about it slowly and try to find ways to save time and effort. I'll come back tomorrow."

Killing the Realm Lord saves time and effort?

Probably only the King of Kai would dare to say that.

Thanks to book friend 20180301010016403 for your monthly ticket!

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