"Pirates of Steel Knife " is not a powerful Pirates, otherwise they would not need to rely on the capture of 500 kings to threaten King Francois.

Their leader "Steel Knife" belongs to the kind of embarrassing strength that can walk unhindered among ordinary people and defeat one hundred against one hundred, but is not enough in front of powerhouse.

That's why he urgently needs a Devil Fruit to break his own strength bottleneck, so that his strength can leap to a higher level.

Then they were killed by Rob Lucci... They became Lucci's punching bag after he hit a wall with Hailan.

When Hailan led the army of 500 kings to triumph, not only did the kingdom of Faluyi cheer the whole country, but also the king of Faluyi personally walked out of the palace to welcome this World Government sent The reinforcements of...

Hmm... why is it different from what you have in mind?

Wang Faluyi looked puzzled: "This is...??"

"He is the Master Hailan who rescued me from the traffickers. He is Marine Headquarters. Captain!"

The feudal thoughts of this World are not particularly serious, and common people can take the initiative to stand in front of the king and speak.

After Xiao Robert revealed Hailan’s identity, he muttered in an unchecked voice: "Unfortunately, Mr. Smoker didn’t come..."

Confirmed Hailan. After his identity, King Faluyi was so enthusiastic that he invited Hailan to his palace.


"Rob Lucci, what's the matter with you?"


"You How can I let that Marine take away all the credit?"


The proud and arrogant Rob Lucci did not pay attention to his boss because he was thinking about the sea. What Lan said to him.

"Because you are too weak and have no ability to take the hostages back, so you chose to kill them to make it easier for you to complete the task!"

A big tall hat was buttoned on Lucci's head.

But Lucci is sober, he knows that he is not what Hailan said.

When he was at first, he really wanted to kill the 500 waste soldiers. It was not a myth to reduce the difficulty of the task at all.

I want to kill, it's just that I want to kill, there is no excuse, and no other purpose, it's just what I want!

This is Rob Lucci, he never thinks he has done anything wrong.

It is precisely because he thinks a lot, that he has his own unique ideas in the frequently brainwashed Cipher Pol.

But this is just Lucci's own thoughts.

He knew very well that in Hai Lan's eyes, he was just a "waste that would manually reduce the difficulty". No matter how he explained it, he couldn't explain it clearly.

It's like someone said: I never care whether my wife is beautiful or not, because my face is blind, and she is not beautiful, I can't tell at all.

If his wife is really beautiful, everyone will think he is pretending to be beeping.

But if his wife is a very ugly person, he still has to say this... Others will only regard him as a hehe...

Such a simple truth, good at thinking Rob Lucci would not fail to understand.

"Marine is a genius...I, Rob Lucci, will not be despised by you!"

Isn't it just taking the hostages to leave safely?

You Marine can do it? Then of course Rob Lucci can do it too!

"Hey! What are you thinking about?! Sir asks you something!"

"That Marine is better than me, I can't beat him!"

People with strong hearts will never deny the strength of others and their own failures, because they will target their opponents, redouble their efforts, and one day they will overtake their opponents!

"The Hailan? I have to ask him, this is a mission issued by the Government to Cipher Pol. Why should he intervene if he is a Marine!"


"My younger sister is in this country.

He said that Uncle was taken away by Pirate. Can you say that I can leave it alone?"

When I thought of Peach Island asking for help from Yami , Hailan's nonsense came with her mouth open.

"Your younger sister? Why didn't I know that Zephyr also has a daughter?"

Because of Spandane, Hailan has become a celebrity on Cipher Pol, overwhelming majority Everyone at CP has a certain understanding of him.

"That's the younger sister I recognized when I rescued the slave at Sabaody Archipelago, do you have an opinion?"

"Fuck a younger sister? You can really do it! Then you do a younger sister Who is it?"

"I definitely can't say this..."

"Why can't you say it?"

"Your Cipher Pol's urinary sex is still I have a certain understanding, maybe next time I come back, my younger sister will be killed..."

"You are slander!"

"hahahaha.. .I heard that Government agents and Marine’s Sir are here. Why, are you still having a good chat?"


As Government officials, It's still important to show face, and you can't lose your identity in front of the kings of the franchise.

"Hello, king."

After the few people greeted each other, King Falouy laughed and greeted the two of them to take their seats.

"This time, I am here to discuss the'Heavenly Gold' with two of you. You have protected the safety of my soldiers, and of course my promise will not be broken!"

"Dear King Your Majesty, leave the escort work of the'Heavenly Gold' to me this time. You know, this time the agent is not very reliable..."

"Hai Lan Captain, you're a more job!"

"Why did I get more job? Escorting Tianshangjin, this was originally one of our Marine jobs, and you see who you bring? A 13-year-old child, do you treat the heavenly gold as a trifling matter?"

A big hat was buckled on the head of the other party first, and the other party was speechless.

In fact, with the strength of Lucci, even seven or eight adult agents may not be able to beat him, but unfortunately, he encountered the enchanting Hailan.

The agent knew very well that according to Lucci’s temperament, he would definitely kill the 500 soldier. He originally wanted to shock the king who didn’t give him face, so he didn’t give Lucci a "rescue hostage". Task. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

but didn't expect this to become Hailan's handle.

The thing that Rob Lucci wanted to kill the soldier, King Falouis had already heard from his soldiers.

Although there was no action on the surface, King Falouis must be extremely disappointed with the Government in his heart.

So even though the verbal battle between Hailan and the agents was raging, King Falouyi finally handed over the task of guarding the "golden in the sky" to Hailan.

After returning to her residence and ensuring that no one was around, Hailan opened the treasure chest of heavenly gold.

Perhaps because the treasury is already close to emptiness, the heavenly gold paid by the Kingdom of Farluis this time is only one Devil Fruit, and there is no gold and silver treasure.

"Logia... the waiting for more than a year has finally paid off..."

Hailan brought her own look more like Logia Devil Fruit The "candle fruit" was stuffed into the box, and he took the target fruit to his mouth, and took a bite without even washing it.


Hailan covered her mouth instantly.

It is said that Devil Fruit is unpalatable, but after I eat it, I know what kind of taste it is.

This can no longer be simply described as "unpalatable", because the strong stimulation of Devil Fruit seems to be not only stimulating the taste buds, but also torturing the soul of Hailan. It was as if a demon was being absorbed by Hailan's soul. The process was not painful, but extremely disgusting.

Hailan knows very well that Devil Fruit only needs one bite to gain power, but to be on the safe side, Hailan still has nothing left to swallow all Devil Fruit.

"It's only once in a lifetime. There is no need to give up in order to reduce the temporary burden. It is not worth it because of small mistakes..."

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