An ordinary people, as long as they eat "Magma Fruit", they can release thousands of degrees of high temperature without development, because this has become his passive ability.

And "Aurora Fruit" does not have this kind of passive ability against the sky. When it is not developed, he can only let Hailan release gorgeous colorful rays of light, even if it is even Pika Pika no Mi has no laser destructive power... It seems that I can only be a stage lighting engineer...

However, as long as it is a special superpower, it naturally has its meaning.

Even if it can only shine, as long as the brain is open, it can also play its due value in the battle.

"Sun Fist..."

Although Hailan has never watched Pirate King, when he was a child, he watched the first part of Dragon Ball which was ten years earlier than Pirate King on TV.

Immediately when he ate the aurora fruit, he thought of this magical skill in Dragon Ball.

Of course, as a Devil Fruit Ability User, Hailan definitely does not need to make any shameful actions like Tianjin Fan in Dragon Ball when he releases "Sun Fist"...

The intense white light burst out on the deck like a flash bomb, instantly covering a small piece of Sea Territory including the three Pirate Ships.

The Pirate who stayed on the Pirate Ship feels a little better. Those Pirate who have jumped to help on the merchant ship deck were originally focusing their attention on Hailan, the Logia Devil Fruit Ability User, but they didn’t expect the other party. Suddenly, there was a dazzling white light on his body.

"My eyes..."

Eyes are the most fragile organs of the human body. White light not only robs Pirates of their eyesight, but the sudden strong stimulation makes them His brain reacted sharply, and instantly lost his battle strength, and fell on the deck crying for father and mother.

Only a few Pirate officers can maintain their balance, but it is useless.

Because they have no way to attack a Logia Devil Fruit Ability User on the premise of blindness, nor can they escape back to their Pirate Ship.

When the sailors who were affected by the flash finally opened their bitter eyes on the deck, the three Pirate Ships had already begun to sink, and the Pirates on the deck had long since disappeared.

All this is like a dream.

"Big... adults... Pirates?"

"Throwing into the sea."

Although they are all killings, but killing The visual impact of throwing into the sea after death is different from directly causing Pirate to blood-stain the deck. The latter has a lesser effect.

"Big... Your lord is really amazing!"

"Don't take a flattery, let's sail, there may be other Pirates! Hurry up!"


Hailan returned to her room after a few sentences.

It hasn't been too long since he just ate the Aurora Fruit, and he is not very proficient in the control of Devil Fruit.

Otherwise, it won't affect the sailors. If it reaches Kizaru's control level, Hailan can release the white light in a fan-shaped arc.

In the System panel, there is also an extra piece of data about Devil Fruit.

Aurora Fruit: 3%

Like Marine Rokushiki, the data represents not the strength of ability or the depth of development, but the proficiency of control.

Because the control of Devil Fruit is not particularly complicated, the data grows very fast.

Hailan’s budget is that within a month, Aurora Fruit’s proficiency will reach its full value.

In other words, the achievement points provided by the proficiency of full Aurora Fruits can be used to upgrade [Perception], which is almost a free gift.

And when the time comes, I won’t make the same low-level mistakes just now, and I can even control my elemental transformation body as one of the three Vice Admiral do as one pleases.

After Hailan returned to Marine Headquarters, I learned that Hailan had eaten a Logia Devil Fruit that could shine. The happiest thing was not Zephyr, nor Sengoku,

but "Kizaru "Borsalino...

Zephyr always feels that Kizaru’s stinky brat’s smile is translated as: It’s useless to tell you to tell you my Devil Fruit. You see, your son eats Devil Fruit too, and it’s almost the same as mine. !

Garp laughed: "There is another Logia Devil Fruit Ability User in Marine. Although it is the same as Smoker's smoke brat, it doesn’t seem to be very strong, but it can be elemental transformation. A big advantage!"

"Not very strong?"

Zephyr wanted to argue with Garp.

But there is no confidence in my heart.

As a grassroots Marine, Zephyr has no culture and is incomparable with the enchanting Begapunk. Where does he know the principle of Aurora, and like the overwhelming majority, Zephyr just thinks this Devil Fruit is the biggest The advantage is elemental transformation without obvious weaknesses.

"It is actually a good thing that the fruit ability is not very strong, so that you will not neglect the cultivated of body refinement!"

Zephyr comforted Hailan with a few words, actually more He is comforting himself.

Hailan didn't mind at all: "It's not up to others whether the fruit is strong or not. As long as the brain is big enough and the knowledge is rich enough, the overwhelming majority Devil Fruit can be played!"

At this time, Koala also hurriedly expressed his opinion: "Zephyr-sensei, I saw two statements in the book, one is that the aurora is the torch that Ghost God guides the souls of the dead to heaven. The other is that the formation of aurora is related to the magnetic field. Which one is correct?"

After Zephyr sent Koala back to her hometown, he tried to invite the Koala family to move to Marine Headquarters. . UU reading www.

As long as there is nothing wrong with being a parent, the invitation to Marine Headquarters Chief Instructor is usually not rejected.

So when Zephyr returned to Marine Headquarters, the Koala family followed.

Because of his experience as a slave, Koala cherishes his life in Marine Headquarters very much.

Koala originally wanted to train her combat capability directly, but her age is not suitable for her current physique.

When I heard that Hailan often plunged into the Marine library back then, Koala also got into the library just like Hailan.

It is worth mentioning that the reason why Koala is so popular with Sengoku, Zephyr and Crane is not only because she is cute and cute, but most importantly, she does have some extraordinary innate talents. , Although not as enchanting as Hailan, she is also very fast at learning everything.

Marine does not discriminate against women like Wazoku. As long as they are potential seedlings, they are happy to cultivate.

The era of Fleet Admiral Kong, the era of Admiral Sengoku, the era of monster Vice Admiral Rear Admiral, the younger generation represented by Hailan, and the promising seedlings like Koala.

The replacement of Marine seems to be able to last longer.

Although Zephyr does not understand the principles of aurora, he does not believe in what the hell god said.

Hailan asked Koala directly: "Then which statement do you think is correct?"

"I think they are all correct!"

Hailan was taken aback for a moment: "Why?"

Koala held a large book and explained seriously: "In that case, Hailan can become a Ghost God and control the magnetic field at the same time!"

Zephyr shook his head and laughed.

The little child is really just a little child, thinking everything is so simple and beautiful.

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