"Fishman Six Swords . Six Swords Waltz!"

Octopus Hachi holds six steel knives in six hands, and one person is equivalent to one The battle strength of Marine squad.

The steel knife in his hand is not a superposition of quantity, but an explosion of quality.

As a swordsman of Fishman Island Ranked 2nd, Hachi's strength is enough to impress Marine soldiers.

"Nice work! Hachi!"

Buggy stabbed a Pirate to death with a dagger. By the way, he did not forget to encourage Hachi.

Hachi Issho shyly: "Hey, Ensign Buggy is better!"

With Hachi's dumb brain, he doesn't know what flattery is, so he praises Buggy. All from the sincerity.

"Master Marine, the village next door was attacked by Pirate!"

"Master Marine, the king is asking for support in the castle!"

"Pirates of flames" The remnant party in Drum Island began a full-scale counterattack against Drum Island, and Marine was a little frantic for a while.

"Cabaji Ji, you go to support the king with Dalton, and the others will fight against Pirate with me!"


"Quyi" Cabaji Ji pedaled a unicycle and rode "crunchy" directly along the cable extending from the Palace of Magnetic Drum Island, much faster than the cable car used by Captain Dalton.

"Oh... it's amazing!"

The soldiers and civilians of Magnetic Drum Island are very strong and seem to have a little less serious Marine unit for this ability myriad. I really admire prostrate oneself in admiration.


"Flame" Harris jumped off the lonely mountain, certainly not for suicide.

As a Logia Devil Fruit Ability User, he can't die.

And he knows very well that he is fire and the other is light, so he cannot escape.

So Harris just wants to rush to the village as quickly as possible, to kidnap a few hostages and threaten Hailan, so that he can leave safely.

As for why he didn't kidnap Prince and the king-it was because Hailan was in front of him and he couldn't rush through.

Unfortunately, he still ignored the speed of Hai Lan.

Although Hailan is still far from reaching the speed of light, but also not Harris can easily escape.

"So, in fact, your choice is just the second way, right?"

"Aurora... dazzling!"

Harris closed subconsciously Closed eyes.

But what awaits him is not a dazzling flash, but physical pain.


Entangling Busoshoku Haki, fingers harder than steel pierced Harris's shoulders, wiping out most of his ability to move his arms.

The moment before he was about to touch the ground, Hailan stopped his body instantly. The body of the elemental transformation barely had any weight, and the inertia was so small that it was negligible.


hong long!

Harris fell heavily into the snow, erupting with a deafening noise.


As a Logia "Mera Mera no Mi" Ability User, Harris, who fell in the snow, failed to initiate Mera Mera in time because of Hailan's attack. No Mi's ability, so he failed to passive elemental transformation. Snow water suppressed his Devil Fruit ability.

Although Harris' physique is not likely to fall to death, he has basically lost the ability to fight Hailan.

"I'm Harris, hahahaha... uh... vomit..."

Harris, who was lying on the ground, began to vomit blood, and there was also a kind of iron blood on his body. The vigor of a man.

Unfortunately, facing a Pirate commiting any imaginable misdeed, Hailan didn't have the slightest sympathy. He directly handcuffed Harris with an ordinary handcuff-because Hailan couldn't touch the Kairoseki handcuffs.

Hailan warned: "If you dare to take the initiative to play elemental transformation tricks, don't blame me for being rude to you!"


About an hour later ,

Hailan finally led Harris back to the original village.

Since the Pirates under Harris were already injured, under the leadership of Captain, the elite soldiers of Marine Headquarters eliminated Harris Pirates with less than ten minor injuries.

However, some kings and civilians who did not have time to support have paid the price of their lives.

"For those who have not had time to support, I am very sorry, for this, all Marine soldiers express their silent condolences!"

Just when the Marine soldiers prepared to put Harris on When a pair of Kairosaki handcuffs was set, Harris suddenly broke out with a 200% battle strength. He put two moves on the soldier beside him, and quickly jumped to the side of a little girl and grabbed the little girl's neck.

Hachi was taken aback: "He's pretending to be dead!"

Hailan doesn't think so: "No, he is exploding!"

With Hailan's computing power and perception ability, how could it be fooled by this low-level deception?

This can only show that Harris is now completely fighting in order not to be caught in Marine prison.

Hailan looked towards Harris: "Dignified a supernova with a bounty over 100 million, Logia Devil Fruit Ability User, in order to survive...don’t even have a face anymore?"

Harris even had a little difficulty in speaking: "You don't use the radical method with me...cough...If you don't want her to die, just let me leave!" Hailan is not impatient or impatient:" Do you know? I had a principle before capturing prisoners."

"I have no time to listen to you..."

Harris hasn't said anything yet. After that, his voice stopped.

Because he has been thrown to the ground by Hai Lan with his right arm around his neck.

"Then I can take your life at any time!"

When Harris was handcuffed at the feet of Lonely Peak, through the perception of heartbeat and pulse, Hailan was already It was judged that Harris had little strength left.

If it is an enemy that he cannot control, Hailan will only choose to kill instead of catching it alive after defeating the opponent, because he will not take any risks.

Hailan killed Harris, and the little girl cried and ran to her family's side.

"pa pa pa ..."

A loud applause suddenly sounded in the crowd. UU reading www. uukanshu.com

People gave way, it was Prince, Wapol wave of Drum Island Iron Bucket Kingdom.

"Pretty, so beautiful!"

It is indeed the Hailan Captain of Marine Headquarters. As long as you are there, we don't have to worry about Pirate's attack again.

Buggy whispered in Hachi’s ear: "This is the idiot Prince I told you..."

Hachi wondered: "I think he is a pretty good person. Ah!"

Buggy curl one's lip: "Who knows what he wants to do...I don't believe he will reform and rehabilitate anyway."

After hearing this sentence, later Moqi looked towards Buggy's gaze became weird.

"This bowl of wine..."

Wapol Bo took a bowl of beer from an entourage carrying a bow and arrow and a strange costume behind him, and handed it to Hailan. In front of him: "Sir, the weather on our Magnetic Drum Island is a bit cold. In order to show the respect of all the people in the iron barrel kingdom, and to keep Sir warm from the cold, please must have this bowl of wine!"


This is clearly a basin!

Such a large amount, let alone drunk or not, this support will be crushed to death.

Hai Lan looked at the wine basin that was delivered to her, and looked up, it was Wapol Bo loyal and honest, full of enthusiastic smiling face.

as the saying goes, reach out and don't hit the smiley man...this wine...forget it, I really can't drink it.

Suddenly, he caught a wounded king's army, and Hailan had an idea.

"Thank you for your kindness!"

Hailan held the "wine bowl" in front of her, glanced around at the surrounding people, grinning Issho, loudly shouted: "Up" To the heroic spirit who died in battle!"


Hailan shook his hand, and Huang Chengcheng's beer soaked the snow under his feet.

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