"Oh... the Marine of the Grand Line is different, it's much harder to deal with than those of West Blue."

"Moonlight Pirates" The captain "Moonlight" Moria was standing in the distance where Wagner Major Legion was, with a wanton smile on his face, evaluating the first Marine unit they encountered after entering the Grand Line.

Moria has great ambitions. He went to New World this time to prepare to compete with people like "Whitebeard", "Kaido" and "Big Mom", and the men he gathered are also the elites of West Blue. Pirate, even if you meet the elite soldier of Grand Line Marine Headquarters, you can do well in battle.

In addition, Moria can use the enemy's corpse and shadow to create a "zombie Legion", Moria is now very confident, and does not take Marine in his eyes.

Now Wagner can continue to fight in the attack of "Moonlight Pirates" completely because Moria is exercising his Pirates with a "game" mentality.

Once Moria takes the shot himself, a Marine Headquarters major is not an opponent of "Moonlight Pirates" at all.


The Legion, the mixture of Pirate and zombie, was once again defeated by Marine. In the position that Marine relied on natural dangers to temporarily construct, the original high-spirited and vigorous Marine soldiers had already been Become covered in dirt.

In the face of war, no one can be alone.

A soldier who was covered with mud and torn a large piece of his clothes was not optimistic about the current situation: "Major Wagner, will we die here?"

Wagner glared at the soldier: "You stinky brat, don't talk nonsense with me, believing or not, I shot you for'disturbing the morale of the army'?"

"Nothing here Others..."

The soldier murmured.

He is Wagner’s Lieutenant Commander. Just like Wagner under Hailan, this Lieutenant Commander is also a passionate young man. He has a very good appetite for Wagner. In addition, he is very good. It didn’t take long. It became Wagner's Lieutenant Commander.

"If Hailan Sir was here, he would be able to defeat the weird Pirate with an onion!"

"Okay, don't think about these useless things, Hailan Commodore is now on Fishman Island, which is 10,000 meters under the sea on the other side of the Red Line continent. Instead of placing hope in fantasy, it is better to hold on. Onigumo Rear Admiral is coming, and his strength is also very strong!"

Wagner made a few inspiring declarations to the remaining soldiers, and then shouted: "Everyone will bring me up. The headquarter Rear Admiral, who is usually rarely seen, came to support us! a trifling comes from the newbie Pirates from all over the world, nothing at the worst!"

Since Reverse Mountain is not far from the Whiskey Peak, plus Marine Headquarters’ Battleship is very fast, not too long. Within hours, Onigumo Rear Admiral’s Battleship appeared in the Sea Territory near the whisky.

"Captain, there is a Marine Battleship to support that group of Pirates. If you don't make a move, we can't pack these Marines."

There is no challenge for Moria now. "Beasts" Kaido, so he still believes in a living companion, and he doesn't have the habit of letting his subordinates call him "Master" in the future.

"What are you panicking?"

Moria raised her eyes, "Our goal is Whitebeard, Trifling's Marine support. There is nothing to worry about. I want to let me take the shot personally. At least you have to have a Marine Headquarter, right?

For this group of shrimps, zombie Legion is enough."

Following Moria’s order, the whiskey was made by him. All the zombies were thrown into the battlefield, and together with Pirate of the "Moonlight Pirates", they attacked the temporary simple positions guarded by Wagner.

"They're here!"

The scouts rushed back to the formation and returned the intelligence.

"Leave all the bullets to marksmanship, and everyone else will take the knife out!"

Wagner took the lead in pulling out the steel knife behind him.

"Snipers pay attention to the Pirate who are alive, the others charge ahead with me and chop them up and down!"

Because I don’t know how to destroy zombie, Wagner took it It is the simplest strategy-cut zombies into pieces, and they will naturally lose their ability to act.

"Have you seen it? Onigumo Rear Admiral's Battleship has arrived, and it is time for Marine to fight back! What is our slogan?"

"Justice wins!" Marine will win!"

"Follow me!"

The dozens of Marine soldiers who face zombie and Pirate who are several times more numerous than their own, seem so small.

But because of the arrival of Onigumo Rear Admiral and the leading role of Major Wagner, the Marine's imposing manner soared to the sky, and with only one face, the zombies' broken arm wreckage spread over the entire battlefield.

"What's that?"

On the Marine Battleship, the scouts looked at the monsters fighting with Marine in the distant battlefield, and couldn't help but exclaimed.

Onigumo Rear Admiral snatched Telescope, and finally came to a conclusion after a while: "It's zombie..."


Soldiers on Battleship couldn't help but swallow and spit. For these demons and ghosts that only exist in legends, before they become familiar with them, the overwhelming majority will feel instinctively afraid.

A squad leader hurriedly encouraged: “Don’t be afraid, everyone. Since the major can lead the soldiers for so long, it means that zombie is not invincible. Preparations for support!"


"Have you heard it? Rear Admiral has the order, fire the fire!... Wait, fire the fire?"

"Fire the cannon!"

"But there are still our Marines on the island..."

"If due to a moment of hesitation, UU reads www.uukanshu.com As a result, those zombies appeared a fish that escaped the net. How should you face the future? How to face the justice of Marine? I said...fire!"




Accompanied by a loud gunfire, in the shocked eyes of the Marine soldiers, the corporal leader was shot and killed by Onigumo Rear Admiral.

"The battlefield disrupts the military's morale, a capital crime!"

"Now I listen to my orders and shoot!"

No soldier dares to question Onigumo's orders. All the soldiers got busy.

On the island, some snipers who remained behind noticed something wrong with the sea: "Why did the Battleship cross over?"

"pēng pēng pēng pēng ..."

Marine Headquarters is a general battleship with extremely intensive firepower output.

The pitch-black shells crossed one after another arc in midair and landed on the battlefield without any scruples.


The continuous sound of explosions immediately attracted the attention of both sides in the battle, and only the tireless zombie was still trying his best to rush towards Marine.

"What's going on? Is that the battleship Pirate pretending to be?"

Suddenly by this change, Marine's morale plummeted.

"Retreat, all retreat back!"

Even Wagner was confused. Isn't this one of Onigumo Rear Admiral's Battleship?

Or, Onigumo Rear Admiral has been killed by Pirate?

The moonlight Moria in the distance was also stunned for a while, and then showed an expression of watching the show.

"As expected to be the Marine of the Grand Line, compared with the waste Marines of West Blue, there really is a set..."

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