Soon it was the day of Marine Headquarters’ interrogation of Onigumo Rear Admiral.

All the Vice Admiral that can be present, as well as some well-known Rear Admiral such as Gion (the future Momousagi), and the high-levels of Marine Headquarters are almost all gathered in the conference hall.

In order to take care of Giant Race, the conference hall of Marine Headquarters is open-air. Although Giant Race's brain is not easy to use, Fleet Admiral Kong still arranges them to the outermost part of the conference hall.

This time the trial of Onigumo Rear Admiral is different from the past. It is a formal trial within Marine, so it is not an empty shell sub-process of Judicial Island.

"Mr. Garp, are you here too?"

The meeting has not officially started, and Lazily's precognition is wandering around.

Garp laughed heartily and walked into the venue: "hahahaha...Come on, of course it is coming. I want to see what tricks Hailan, a little demon can play."

"Sakazuki Vice Admiral, long time no see."

The precognition and Akainu said hello, but only Akainu said "hmph!".

Since O'Hara Buster Call had a disagreement, precognition and Akainu have rarely seen each other.

"Borsalino Vice Admiral, do you have any thoughts on the interrogation at this time?"

"Thoughts?" Kizaru tilted his head and made a thinking expression , And then smiled slightly: "Anything will do."


Precognition scratched his hair which is messier than a bird's nest: "Could it be that there is no one who can do it right? Have you talked a few words? These are all who!"

"Kuzan Vice Admiral, are you embarrassed to talk about someone else?"

A female voice entered the ears of precognition .

"Oh, it turned out to be the little elder sister of Gion. Didn't expect you to come too."

"Look, you call me little elder sister in public, sure enough You are not a serious person, are you?"

"Ah la la...Don’t care about these details."


"Report Fleet Admiral Kong , The time to arrive is here."

There are three people in the presiding bench, Fleet Admiral Kong sitting in the middle, Admiral Sengoku and Kong Ming Rear Admiral (concurrently as staff) on both sides.

The Chief Staff Officer Crane did not participate in the trial because the Donquixote Family was inseparable from the development of North Blue.

The main person in charge of the interrogation process is Kong Ming Rear Admiral, who has been granted temporary privileges. Sora and Sengoku will make critical decisions at specific moments.

The jury will be Vice Admiral and Rear Admiral.

"Take the defendant and the plaintiff into the venue."

At the order of Kong Ming, Onigumo, Hailan, and Jiaji walked into the conference hall respectively-because of Jiaji Participated in Onigumo's arrest plan, so he is also the plaintiff.

Because Marine Headquarters originally had no military courts, compared with the real courts on Earth, it seemed a bit nondescript everywhere.

As a defendant, Onigumo doesn't even have a defense lawyer, so he just relies on his own defense.

Onigumo's serious expression is full of arrogance, without a trace of the defendant's cowardice, because he simply doesn't think he has done something wrong.

There are two kinds of bad guys in this world.

The first type of bad guys, they know that they are doing bad things, but for various purposes, such as desire, money, revenge, etc., they will do what they know as "bad things".

Second bad guys, they don’t know what they’re doing is bad, and they even think that everything they’ve done is right. Even if they are finally brought to justice, they will think that they have been wronged.

Onigumo is second.

But Hailan will not forgive Onigumo for this reason-because the results of these two kinds of people are the same.

It doesn’t matter whether the starting point is good or bad, the important thing is to see where the end point is.

"The defendant Onigumo, the plaintiff Hai Lan sued you for the murder of Marine sergeant, human life as grass, can this matter?"

Because it is the first time to serve as a judge ,

Kong Ming Rear Admiral also seems quite unprofessional.

He judged it by instinct.


Onigumo refused Kong Ming's question in one mouthful, his face was not flushed, his heart was not beating, and he did not seem to be lying at all.

"I was injured by accident, not murder."

"Injured by accident?"

There was a commotion in the conference hall, and Marine whispered the officials.

The mistake of accidentally wounding an friendly army has been committed by anyone, and there is no way to avoid it. If you accidentally injured your soldier because someone else accidentally injured your soldier, you will take the other person to the military court, which seems too small.

Kong Ming knocked with the hammer and motioned everyone to be quiet: "Plaintiff Hailan, do you have any different views on the defendant Onigumo's interpretation?"

Hailan He stood up and asked: "If it was accidentally injured, then I would like to ask Onigumo, why did you not try to rescue the injured soldiers after you eliminated zombie Legion, but instead left?"

Onigumo replied: "I thought they were all killed in battle, so I didn't save them."

"Because of subjective intuition, the injured soldiers are ignored. Please write down."

Hai Lan reminded the clerk, who hurriedly wrote it down.

Onigumo defended: "I didn't mean that..."

Kong Ming knocked on the hammer: "Defendant Onigumo, you have the right to remain silent, but I want you to speak. Think carefully, because every sentence you have said will become a confession."

Onigumo remained silent, and Kong Ming reminded: "The plaintiff can continue to ask questions."

"Please subpoena Witness No. 1 Wagner. UU Reading"

After getting consent, Wagner walked in.

"At that time, we were fighting Pirate’s zombie Legion. I asked for help from the G9 branch. Later, it was Onigumo who came to support. We thought that Onigumo would land on the beach to support us, but didn’t expect him to direct us. Expanded the artillery coverage..."

Onigumo retorted angrily: "Everyone knows that zombie can infect living people into their kind. At that time, I was only trying to eliminate zombie, if due to a moment of hesitation , Causing the murderer to escape, how will Marine face the future?"

Wagner was also anxious: "Didn’t I tell you at the time? Those zombies are not scary at all. The headquarter is a well-trained soldier. It’s not a problem for people to deal with ten, but you insisted on firing. I wanted to stop the firing, but you slashed me behind!"

"You disturb the military's morale, commit the following, don’t chop whoever you do "

Kong Ming knocked on the hammer and interjected: "Onigumo, are you sure you attacked Major Wagner?"

Onigumo without the slightest hesitation admitted: "Of course! But everyone here is well aware that those who disturb the morale of the military in wartime are a capital crime; those who disobey the military order are a capital crime; those who abandon the war and run away are a capital crime..."

Li, Onigumo also cited Akainu as an example: "Because of this, Sakazuki Vice Admiral has executed several soldiers. Do you want to convict him too?"

Following Onigumo’s sentence Then, the generals present all turned their eyes to the Akainu of the jury.

The latter complexion ashen, closed his eyes, not knowing what he was thinking.

Just when everyone thought that the hot-tempered Akainu might have an attack, unexpectedly, it was the voice of the plaintiff Shanghai Lan: "It’s just you? I deserve to mention myself and Sakazuki Vice Admiral mention on equal terms. ?"

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