(I went out with friends on National Day yesterday. In the end, I was exhausted and there was only one chapter, so there was only one change in the early hours of this morning... But today, five changes, the remaining four Even more at night!)


In the next few days, Hailan continued to play the role of "hero" based on the information provided by Garp's troops. .

Sometimes there are no traffickers and slaves, Hailan goes to the surrounding islands to protect civilians and kill Pirate.

The chaos caused by Fisher Tiger was not only the Mariejois fire and the escape of thousands of slaves, but also promoted a group of people who wanted to make money from the chaos to embark on the path of Pirate.

Although Hailan has seized many of Garp’s Marines’ military exploits, they have come and gone. Hailan also shared some of the information she obtained in the "WeChat Private Interview" with them, basically for some needs. Annihilated Pirate or underground forces.

After all, the purpose of Hailan is not military merit, but "identity value."

So "War of Annihilation" is not suitable for him.

Admiral Sengoku also has a positive attitude towards Hailan's idea of ​​promoting the "spirit of adventurer".

To be honest, Sengoku also knows very well that not all Pirates are wicked evildoers. He has also seen many weirdos who fight Pirate at the same time under the banner of Pirate.

But a thief is a thief. The word "Pirate" is a taboo. For those adventurers under the banner of Pirate, Sengoku all chose the means of "arrest".

Sengoku is now Marine’s only Admiral and Marine Fleet Admiral Candidate, far from being a major supervisor for retirement and retirement in the future.

He now does not act on his own feelings, but strictly defends the majesty of Marine and World Government.

There was a burst of hearty laughter outside the office. Don’t ask, it must be Garp’s old but still lecherous.

Sengoku handed the document in his hand to a goat beside him, and the goat began to slowly chew the piece of paper in his mouth.

Until Garp kicked in, the goat still didn't swallow the documents into his stomach.

Garp glanced at the goat who was chewing the file, thinking that it must be Sengoku, the old brat, and he had some information that he didn't want to know.

If he were young, Garp would have to grab a look.

But after so many years, Garp is very aware of the hardships of his old comrade-in-arms, and he has no longer been silly.

I completely pretended not to see it.

"Sengoku, do you remember the thing about Rayleigh I told you last time? I have been observing him the past few days and found that he has been very honest except for drinking and gambling. I don’t think we need to waste too much attention on him."

Sengoku nodded, but still said, "Be careful. It’s because of our negligence that Roger called out before he died. That said, since Rayleigh has appeared in Sabaody Archipelago, we must not take it lightly, so your task is to guard Rayleigh during this time."

"hahaha, this matter is on my body, The old brat will never escape the palm of the old man!"

Sent Garp away, Sengoku was thinking about the information he had just fed the goat.

A few days ago, there was news from Rosinante that Doflamingo had set off from North Blue to the Grand Line and the destination was Chambord.

The document chewed in the goat’s mouth comes from Hailan, which is also information about Doflamingo’s whereabouts, but there is one more request at the end: Please don’t ambush Donquixote Family in Shampoo. Lieutenant Kuro’s undercover plan requires Donquixote Family. Power.

Of course Hailan told Sengoku about Kuro's undercover.

Now I am doing things in the back garden of Celestial Dragon. If Sengoku and Sora are not reported, when the time comes accidentally, Hailan doesn't want to be taken advantage of.

Recalling the information provided by Hailan, Sengoku put his hands on his chin and thought about it: didn’t expect that Kuro actually achieved this level. If this kind of person had not been discovered by Hailan or had become Pirate, surely it will stir the undercurrents of East Blue, right?

It seems that Hailan's "solving Pirate's problem from the root" is still very necessary.


The young Doflamingo is not as flamboyant as in the future, wearing a pink feather coat like a flamingo, showing her breasts and abdomen.

Normally, Doflamingo wears a black suit and red tie, and feather coats are also available, but they are very young.

Unable to bring it, Donquixote Family entire group is slowly moving forward, just like traveling.

In front of them, two Pirates are holding swords and slashing at each other.

They yelled in horror, "Get out of the way", but they uncontrollably used the most vicious style to kill their opponents.

Doflamingo smiled evilly while fiddling with his five fingers like a puppet master. The two Pirates were like puppets, letting Doflamingo operate.

As a member of World Nobles Celestial Dragon, the shampoo place is like the back garden of his own home. Doflamingo is more familiar than anyone else.

But now it doesn't belong to him. Such a gap makes Doflamingo extremely upset every time he comes to the shampoo place.

You must have some fun to vent to calm his unhappy heart.

"Hello Uncle, do you want to buy a little doll?"

After Doflamingo played the two Pirates alive, a little girl with a bluish-green wavy short hair The girl ran over.

"Wow, what a cute black cat..."

When a little girl dressed as a maid in the Donquixote Family team saw the doll in Sugar's hand, UU read www. .uukanshu.com has big eyes shining brightly.

Senior Oro, a gentleman, squatted down and took the black cat in Sugar’s hand: "Little Sister, there are so many of us, how can a black cat be enough for fun? You still have Any other dolls?"

"Yes." Sugar replied with blinking eyes, "But you have to come with me, I can't hold that many by myself..."

Obviously, the granulated sugar holding the black cat in his hand is an informant sent by Kuro, code-named "Black Cat".

Doflamingo issho disdainfully: "This black cat has a little courage."

The sugar man little demon is big: "Black cats are not courageous, but if there are many hunters Of course, the black cat should be more careful."

Looking at the sugar that walked in the front and answered his own sentence, Doflamingo always felt a sense of loss in his heart, as if there was something What should have belonged to him suddenly disappeared...

"Damn Celestial Dragon..."

Doflamingo mistakenly thought he was in love again.

"Follow this little girl to find black cats first. I have to deal with some hunters who imitate the dog and steal chicken."

Kenbunshoku Haki caught someone watching him , Doflamingo's silhouette disappeared instantly.

The next second, a dazzling white light enveloped Doflamingo in the middle.

Aurora. Dazzling!

Doflamingo proudly Issho: "I'm wearing sunglasses..."



The originally shining aurora suddenly turned into high-energy charged particles. Doflamingo Red’s sunglasses broke on the spot... I want to talk about "This Marine is not serious" with more like-minded people. WeChat pays attention to "Youdu Literature" to read novels. Talk about life, find your confidant~

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