Children compete for victory or defeat , and adults only look at their interests.

It's not a team to spawn a copy of the monster. In the end, the boss will have a special reward for the end. What can be grabbed now?

If it is not for Doflamingo that one person may not be able to "cheat" Smith, Hailan will even intervene and will not intervene, so let the two of them fight it by themselves.

The current Hailan has already turned into a stream of light and flew to the home base of the Smith family...

Except for the men who were affected by Doflamingo’s attack at first, the Smith family There were not many injured.

But who could have expected that the "Shadow of Blade" that had been friends with "cheat" in this brief moment chose to shoot from behind, hit a person when he's down?

The Smith family has been washed with blood by Kuro, and now there are corpses lying in a pool of blood everywhere.

A young girl with long, smooth, wavy, grass-green hair just used Logia·Xuexueguo's ability to freeze to death an enemy in front of her.

Her body looks a little shiver coldly, I don't know if it is because of the side effects of Devil Fruit's ability or from some kind of fear.

"Monet, is this your first murder?"


Monet turned and looked Towards Kuro, the latter wore a five-edged glove called "cat's claw" and pushed the sliding glasses with his palm.

The scarlet blood was slowly drawn down the blade.

Monet's heart tightened and he hurriedly looked towards somewhere else, and then summoned the courage to look towards Kuro.

She stared into Kuro's eyes: "It's just...just the first time I saw so many dead people, some are not used to..."

In order to protect herself and younger sister , The young Monet had long learned to kill.

But now this kind of large-scale bloody scene, she still can't bear it.

"It doesn't matter, slowly you will get used to it."

Kuro tone barely fell, a flash of light fell beside Kuro and Monet, forming a Marine silhouette .

"It's Marine!"

Monet was surprised and hurriedly made a fighting posture, but was stopped by Kuro.

"Stop! You are not his opponent!"

Hai Lan said to the two Issho: "I am in a good mood today. Give you two choices. Either leave here quickly or get caught. I grabbed back to the Marine base."

Doflamingo has not left the shampoo, and it is not the time for Kuro to reveal his identity.

"Let's go!"

Kuro answered without the slightest hesitation.

Monet was taken aback by Kuro's choice.

When did Mr. Black Cat be so persuaded? Others say let him go and he will go?

Or the strength of this Marine is so strong that even the black cats dare not face it?

Monet is a suspicious but not talkative girl. Since Lord Black Cat chose to leave, she naturally followed him.

After Kuro left, Hailan hurriedly went to a special room of the Smith family according to an agreement made in advance.

"Master Locke, the treasure we searched for has not been taken away yet..."

On the way to leave, Monet couldn't help but ask Kuro.

Kuro puts one hand in his pocket, and the other holds a long suitcase: "Then we have to take it..."

Kuro’s cat is in the box. claw.

Kuro and Monet are walking side by side, looking as simple and natural as traveling siblings-both are experts in disguise.

Monet is still a bit unwilling: ""

In Monet's eyes, the strength of Kuro, Doflamingo and Hailan The difference is actually not that big, because any of these three can kill her in seconds...

But after a long time, Monet still did not dare to ask the sentence "Can you not beat that Marine?"

Kuro seems to see Monet’s doubts, he is not angry, just like chatting, and casually replied: "Only the great man is the opponent of that Marine, Monet, don’t be unwilling. ..."

That adult again, which adult?

Monet became more and more curious about the adult Kuro always mentioned.

Is it Doflamingo?

It's not like...

Unfortunately, Monet is only 15 years old now, and her lack of experience makes her not as far away as possible.


When Hailan came to the treasure that Kuro had collected in advance, Doflamingo was using the thread fruit to manipulate "cheat" Smith, enjoying his evil taste of killing enemies .

According to the agreement between Doflamingo and Kuro, as the agent of the Donquixote Family, Kuro needs to "make confessions" to the Donquixote Family on a regular basis.

The legacy of the "Smith family" naturally needs to be submitted to the Donquixote Family, and the rest can be left to the "Black Cat Family".

Hai Lan knows very well that Smith certainly has more than Beli and gold and silver treasures. With Smith’s background, how can there be no Devil Fruit or some other good things?

Before Donquixote Family accepts it, he must first harvest a wave.

This is the good thing that came out after defeating "cheat" Smith. Smith's head is worthless.

"Paramecia ・Peas fruit?"

"Zoan ・Husky fruit?"

"What the hell is that..."


Unfortunately, Smith is left with some wonderful fruits.

After all, some useful fruits were either auctioned off at a high price by him, or sent to his subordinates to be eaten.

In Auction House, the nobles all have the Devil Fruit picture book, so you must not buy it blindly.

On the black market, a Devil Fruit that does not know its specific abilities can be sold for 100 million Beli, but not everyone has the courage to gamble on luck.

So most of the rest is what Smith is going to sell to Celestial Dragon to feed to the slave to eat and play.

"O Wazamono 21 workers?... I'll take it first."

"Paramecia ・Music fruit? I remember this fruit as good, so I can take it back and give it to Koala. That little girl sings very well..."

The "fruits of music" mentioned by Hailan are two different things from the "fruits of musical instruments" of "Haiming" Apu in the original work.

Instrumental fruits can turn Ability User's body into various musical instruments. UUReading www.uukā can cause substantial physical damage through music, which belongs to the "sound wave" ability.

And the music fruit belongs to the "spiritual" ability. According to the Devil Fruit Illustrated Book, there was a music fruit Ability User who used singing to control fish, just like the legendary "sea monster".

Since I met Boa Hancock, Hailan has realized the terrifying of Devil Fruit of the "spiritual system". With his current strength to crush Hancock, he is almost caught, so wait for Hancock to grow up. After that, how many people will be fascinated by her and petrified?

"Doffy, isn't that Marine scared away by you, right?"

In the distance, there was a conversation from Donquixote Family.

Trebol, one of the top cadres, takes pictures of Doflamingo's flattery everyday.

"I don't think things should be that simple..."

Doflamingo was scared by Hailan, this guy shouldn't suddenly come out from somewhere and shatter himself Sunglasses, right?

When the Donquixote Family came to the door of the Smith family, Hailan just used an O Wazamono to carry a burden and walked out.

"haha, I won this time!"

Doflamingo was taken aback: "What did you win?"

Saini Oro loudly roared: " Young Master, in his bag is Devil Fruit..."

baby-5 yelled: "I'm blind."

When the Donquixote Family regained their eyesight, Hailan was long gone.

Trebol hurriedly shouted: "Quickly chase!"

"Forget it, just a few Devil Fruits, it doesn't matter."

Doflamingo said serenely. , Always maintain the demeanor of Young Master.

But in fact, there are 10,000 Divine Beasts in his heart rushing past... I want to talk about "This Marine is not serious" with more like-minded people, and WeChat pays attention to "Excellent Reading Literature" Read novels, chat about life, find friends~

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