As a soldier, you need to be friendly when you need to be friendly, and you must be tough when you need to be tough.

When Hailan met Jinbe for the first time, he had already explained to Jinbe the difference between "Adventurer" and "Pirate".

Jinbe is not stupid, he can understand that this is not just a question of two titles.

But now, after Tiger offended Celestial Dragon, after a period of deliberation, he still chose to form a "Sun Pirates group".

Soldiers are not teachers and will not earnest and well-meant advised to educate each other.

Even more how Jinbe did not understand, but failed to convince Tiger.

Now that Tiger has violated Marine's principled issue, Hailan will no longer behave in favor of Jinbe.

He wants Jinbe to understand that Marine will not give in a single step if it is a matter of principle.

Perhaps from Tiger’s standpoint, he took the initiative to become a Pirate just to prevent the World Government from angering Fishman Island.

After all, as one of the participating countries of the World Government, Pirate should generally be the enemy of the participating countries.

But for soldiers, the faith must be firm.

The most unshakable thing for a soldier is his position. When a person gives up his position, then he is no longer a soldier, he is just an militant.

Hailan does not intend to give Jinbe the opportunity to continue the discussion, but raises another question:

"Jinbe, since Tiger has now made his own choice, then I won’t say much. What about you? Would you choose to help Tiger and become a Pirate? Or choose to stay here and protect your most cherished Fishman Island?"

New World has not yet formed a "Yonko separatist regime" and Whitebeard has not announced sheltering Fishman Island.

Although Fishman Island is one of the member countries of the World Government, due to serious racial discrimination, even though Fishman Island is under the "Holy Land" Mariejois, the World Government still does not provide shelter for Fishman Island.

This has led to long-term turbulence on Fishman Island, and the emergence of human traffickers.

When Fishman was captured by human traffickers, the World Government basically never dealt with related issues, which further aggravated Fishman's hatred of mankind.

Hai Lan was once curious, could this be because the World Government was afraid of the "Sea King", one of the three ancient weapons in the legend, so it deliberately targeted Fishman Island?

But it doesn't seem to make sense.

Because of the Royal Family of Fishman Island, the mermaid family are usually pure and innocent people. As long as the World Government and Fishman Island have a good relationship, how can "Sea King" Poseidon become an enemy?

However, even though Hailan doesn't understand the deep problems behind these, he can still use the status quo of the two races to serve himself.

Seeing Jinbe's tangled face, Hailan said in a relaxed tone of chat: "Jinbe, do you know Celestial Dragon?"

Jinbe nodded: "I know. "

Different from the overwhelming majority who have never left Fishman Island since childhood, Jinbe is already familiar with the world above the sea with strong strength and calm mind.

"World Nobles" Celestial Dragon's arrogant and despotic and absolute privileges, Jinbe has already understood clearly in the mind.

Hai Lan asked again: "Then what do you think of the World Government's decree prohibiting Fishman from coming to live on land?"

This time Jinbe is more confused. Try to explain: "Our Fishman clan is very unwelcome to human beings. It has been like this for hundreds of years." Hailan smiled and shook the head: "Then you are wrong. Yeah.

I told you before that the top leaders of World Government are not so short-sighted.

Facts have proved that you Fishman have an absolute advantage in naval battles, but why World The Government did not allow you to move to the land to live?

That’s because the World Government is protecting your Fishman clan."


Jinbe For a moment.

Is this nonsense?

"Yes, protect."

Hai Lan continued to explain with a smile: "Whether it is the mighty power of your Fishman clan or the beauty of the Mermaid Race woman, if Celestial Dragon sees you,

want to capture you back as slaves, what should you do?


Don’t be kidding, who dares to provoke Celestial Dragon in this world?


Look at the Fishman who ran to other islands. When did the World Government and Marine send a force to drive the Fishman clan back underwater?

Just Fishman and humans Get along peacefully, the World Government has never targeted you, right?"


Jinbe was a bit speechless for a while.

Although it sounds like nonsense.

But if you consider it according to this logic, it seems that it really makes sense!

Who dares to provoke Celestial Dragon?

Even the wives or daughters of the kings of World Government participating countries, as long as they are favored by Celestial Dragon, they have to offer them with both hands obediently.

The price of mermaid in the slave market is extremely high, Jinbe knows it very well.

If the Fishman and Mermaid Race move to Sabaody Archipelago, the back garden of the Celestial Dragon, it is indeed equivalent to the fat sheep on the chopping board.

Although it sounds reasonable, Jinbe is impossible because Hailan turned a fan to the World Government in two or three sentences: "So what do you want to say to me?"

Hai Lan continued to be cheeky, UU reading "Big Huyou" possessed: "Think about it, why should I recruit you into Marine to serve as an Instructor? Why should I set up a Marine guerrilla team to fight against Sabaody The slave ship near Archipelago?"


"Because we Marine is now trying to reform, trying to put your Fishman on the broader stage of the world Ah!"


"Jinbe, you are a sensible person.

Your Big Brother Tiger has gone further and further on the road of anti-World Government Yuan, he will pay the price of his life sooner or later.

I did not let you deny him, persuade him to betray him, arrest him, but I want to tell you that now, let Fishman Island live better The opportunity for you is right in front of you. Don’t choose an extreme path because of temporary emotions.

Tiger and Fishman Island, you can only choose one.

I will give You take three days off, and I will wait for your reply in three days."

Jinbe fell silent, Hailan turned and left the tavern.

Jinbe really wants to follow the big brother Tiger he admires, to travel the sea with Tiger, to protect the man he admires.

But what Jinbe cares most about is always Fishman Island.

For Fishman Island, he can give up everything, glory, status and even life.

This is a man who always carries a heavy load on his shoulders.

"The burden is on my shoulders..."

Jinbe walked to the window and looked at the scenery outside the window. Deep in one's heart has made a decision: "Sorry, Brother Tiger, I can’t accompany you on the long journey at this time."

"I don’t know which of the two of us has made the right choice, but I sincerely hope that Goddess can take care of your journey." I want to talk about "This Marine is not serious" with more like-minded people. WeChat pays attention to "Excellent Literature" to read novels, chat about life, and find friends~

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