When Admiral Sengoku of the headquarters personally took the two super rookies recruited this time to the Marine cafeteria to eat cakes, Hailan and Koala were continuing to study Koala’s in the residential area behind the headquarters. Devil Fruit ability.

Beside Koala, there are a few butterflies dancing lightly and gracefully around her.

Koala in a dress looks like Fairy Maiden Hua in a fairy tale. The little girl exudes a unique charm.

This is the ability of the "fruit of music", Koala can affect the emotions of all creatures.

Every modern person has been more or less influenced by music.

Take the simplest example:

The evaluation of a novel basically depends on its plot.

But if the content of this novel is drawn as a comic, with the stimulation of the picture, the reader’s evaluation will be even higher, and even because of some handsome storytelling. To fall in love with supporting characters who were not noticed by me in the novel.

In this way, a novel that was originally evaluated as "average" has become a "good" comic.

If you add in excellent music, it will immediately become "explosive", "moved to cry", and "made by God".

In addition to those games or movies and animations that are famous for music, it is said that there are some music that can make a normal person have a tendency to "suicide".

It can be seen that the influence of music on living things is terrifying.

And there is no doubt that the impact of music on people is the impact on emotions.

However, just like Boa Hancock's Mero Mero no Mi.

There is no perfect look in this world that everyone likes, but Mero Mero no Mi has given Hancock the charm that can attract all men, women, and even animals.

"Music Fruit" does not require Koala to become a world Grandmaster Level musician. Her voice now has a magical power that can affect emotions.

Music can make people feel happy, angry, relaxed, passionate...

Through its emotional influence, Koala can already become friends with some weaker animals.

These butterflies now dance lightly and gracefully around Koala because they can produce a kind of "joy" emotion.

Because of "joy", the butterflies have regarded Koala as their friend.

With the further development of the fruit ability, Koala can also gradually become friends with cats, dogs, birds, and even tigers and leopards and other beasts, becoming an alternative version of the "trainer".

The reason why it is called an "alternative version" is because Koala's ability is not to force animals or sign master-servant contracts, but to let them take the initiative to consider themselves as friends through the influence of voice on their emotions.

Similarly, Koala can also make the enemy feel "angry" towards himself, affect the enemy’s judgment and even "pull monsters"...

Of course, Koala now With her age and strength, "Pulling blame" is not very suitable for her.

But obviously, just as blind can resist Hancock's charm, deaf people can also resist Koala's abilities.

But charm is not the only attack method of "Mero Mero no Mi", and it is certainly not the only ability of "Music Fruit" to affect emotions. Paramecia Devil Fruit, isn't it just brain holes?

Although Koala did not hesitate when he ate Devil Fruit at the beginning, in order for Koala to better develop the Devil Fruit ability, Hailan finally gave Koala a perfect talk about the various effects of music on human emotions. clear.

Koala learns things very quickly. In just a few days, she has been able to affect the mood of the little animals.

"How? I didn't lie to you? This Devil Fruit is not weak at all, right?"

I am happy to see Koala surrounded by dancing lightly and gracefully butterflies Hailan also felt very happy.

Koala's age is still a little younger after all. The cultivation Marine Rokushiki and Fishman unarmed are still too early, after all, not everyone is Rob Lucci's body refinement genius.

But the development of Devil Fruit's abilities has nothing to do with age. As long as you don’t use the “overload” ability, you won’t cause any harm to your body.

When Koala grows up to the age to be able to cultivation Rokushiki, her Devil Fruit ability should have been developed to a certain level.

"I like this Devil Fruit so much!"

Koala ran to Hailan's side, "With this Devil Fruit, I believe I will be able to compete with some very Amazing creatures have become friends, so I don’t have to stay in the headquarters every day and can fight side by side with Hailan!"

"That is impossible!"

Although Hailan has always been I hope Koala can get stronger, but not to let Koala help myself.

After all these years of getting along, Hailan has already regarded Koala as his younger sister. He just hopes that Koala will become stronger and stronger in this weak are prey to strong.

"If I can’t fight with you, what's the point of my efforts to become stronger?"

But for Koala, what is just and unjust is not important at all, a little Where do girls care about these things?

She has been studying hard and getting stronger, just to protect her family and friends, and to help Shanghai Lan.

Looking at Koala’s stubborn look, Hailan couldn’t refuse directly, so she had the idea: "Why don’t you do that, UU reading www.uukanshu.com as long as you can make a Sea King Become your friend, and I will allow you to go to sea with me."

"Hailan, you are lying..."

"I didn’t say that it must be in the Calm Belt. The kind of Sea King that even Vice Admiral is not an opponent..."

"That's OK, it's a deal, don't regret it!"

"When did I lie to you Now? Let’s not talk about it, I will make you a barbecue today!"


"Go and use your ability to fool a few..."


"No, don't you deceive the feelings of little animals? I won't go!"


1 month later ...

"Hailan, do you remember the pie?"


"I have recently targeted a suspicious target..."

In the office, Sengoku handed Hailan a document.

"This is...the betrayed Marine Rear Admiral, Diez Barreiros (father of x·Drake)? Is it him?"

"Not him, This is another matter."

Sengoku continued to explain: "I'm just a little skeptical, but I'm not very sure. After all, his performance this month is quite normal. So I plan to send you there. North Blue."

"Send me to North Blue?"

"You have two tasks at this time. One is to investigate Barreiros’ business in North Blue. , And the second is to cooperate with the crane staff to ambush the Donquixote Family.

I plan to take the initiative to release some news to explore the reality of Vergo, and you are the surprise soldier we left behind, you can understand Do I mean it?"

"Serial plan..."

Hailan was nodded, "Then I don't take soldiers at this time, can I go by myself?"

Sengoku is satisfied with Issho: "Just what I want!" I want to talk about "This Marine is not serious" with more like-minded people. WeChat pays attention to "Excellent Literature" to read novels, talk about life, and find friends~

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