嘁Jia Xingmu Wωωω.χ⒏1zщ.còм哽b捌㈠小h

"Yo...It's really interesting... and even told me not to pay attention The action of the Sun Pirates group...

...That’s good, I didn’t want to waste time on these pesky Fishman."

New World Sea Territory, Kizaru wearing a Marine justice coat and a black jazz hat is talking to himself, with Den Den Mushi he just put down on hand.

Because of the emergence of "Golden Lion" Shiki, the World Government has made a brand new mobilization of Marine's forces.

Why is "The Flying Thief" different from others?

He can fly!

If it hadn't been for the Golden Lion's endless battles, even the combination of Garp and Sengoku would be impossible to capture Golden Lion alive.

Will Golden Lion continue to fight endlessly this time?

Obviously impossible.

In order to guard against the sudden attack of Golden Lion, the World Government ordered Fleet Admiral Kong to transfer Kizaru from New World back to Marine Headquarters.

World Government is not for the safety of Marine Headquarters.

Only when Kizaru is in Marine Headquarters, Celestial Dragon can conquer Marine's highest battle strength faster if the Celestial Dragon is in trouble.

Currently, Akainu, Precognition, and Kizaru are already Admiral candidates. In addition, Admiral in the headquarters is only Sengoku. So Gorosei has already planned to find a new "Summoned Beast" for Celestial Dragon.

Kizaru has no opinion on this.

Because this is a fairly easy job.

"Borsalino Vice Admiral, shall we return directly to the headquarters? Don’t hand over mission intelligence to Kuzan Vice Admiral?"

"Ah...that’s no longer our mission. Why are you still worrying about this?"

"Um...you have a good point..."


"world economy News Agency", headquarters.

President "Big News" Morgans is hosting a Marine Headquarters visitor, Marine Commodore, Hai Lan.

The "Big News" Morgans is an albatross who can walk upright and can talk.

Hailan not quite clear whether Morgans ate a certain kind of Human-Human Fruit bird or a fur-like creature, but he was not interested in knowing.

He came this time to publish a big news with the help of Morgans’ "World Economic News".

"Hailan Commodore, is it true that you are talking about it? Can this news be published in the newspaper?"

Morgansmo smiled with his wings on his face. .

The flying thief "Golden Lion" Shiki's castle in the sky was discovered by Marine?

This is big news!

In the past few years, ships sailing at sea have disappeared suddenly.

Sometimes even the entire island completely disappears from the face of the earth.

It seems that this is not a mysterious natural phenomenon, but a ghost made by the "Golden Lion"!

Morgans has even thought out the details of the news.

Split all of this into several issues, ah no, dozens of issues for publication.

Starting from the supernatural events on the sea, it attracts attention, and then the fog is removed layer by layer, and finally extended to the body of "Golden Lion"...

This will definitely win the readers. Eyeballs!

Hailan doesn’t care much about Morgans’s specific arrangements for Golden Lion’s news, as long as the content at the time of publication conforms to World Government’s attitude, there is no problem.

Looking at this strange creature with neither human nor bird, and its wings as flexible as human hands, Hailan replied: "It's true."

"very good !!!"

Morgans almost jumped with excitement.

What the "Sun Pirates group", what is the "sea train" under construction, compared with Golden Lion, that is a fart.

"Don't be happy too early, there are some things that you can't talk nonsense, do you understand?"

"Hey...understand, understand...willing to listen to you The teachings of the world government."

Being able to achieve a world-level news agency, Morgans naturally has a close relationship with the World Government.

In this business, it’s not good to be inflexible.

In previous meetings at Marine Headquarters,

Hailan suggested that in order to demonstrate the World Government’s caring for the people, and to demonstrate Marine’s military might, the World Economic News Agency could render Golden Lion’s terrifying.

Through the information Hailan obtained in Floating City, Marine naturally realized the ambition of Golden Lion.

But the newspaper will not publish these, World Government has its own professional writers.

The terrifying of "Golden Lion" is well known all over the world.

Through public opinion building momentum, people will naturally support World Government and Marine.

The more people fear the "Golden Lion", after Marine captures or kills the Golden Lion, the more people are in awe of the World Government and Marine.

So Hailan’s suggestion is what the World Government wants to see.

The World Government will not allow two living Legendaries on this sea to stir the wind and the rain.

"Golden Lion" and "Whitebeard", the two must be divided into one.

Obviously, the current "Golden Lion" is more like a soft persimmon than "Whitebeard".

So they passed Hailan's suggestion.

But Hailan's real purpose is not here.

What is news?

A good news does not mean whether it is true or not, nor does it depend on what important information it conveys, but whether it is interesting or novel.

Dog biting is not news, but dog biting is news.

It's like Celestial Dragon set fire to civilian areas, everyone has long been accustomed to it, but Fisher Tiger set fire to "Holy Land" Mariejois, which immediately caught the world's attention.

There are even media blowing him into a Legendary expert who can come and go freely in Mariejois.

This is man, pursuing reality on the one hand, and indulging in falsehood on the other.

This is the "oddness" of "novelty".

As for "new", it is better to understand.

It has been almost a year since the "Mariejois" arson incident, no matter how big the news, the heat will always disappear.

At this time, "Golden Lion" was born, and the attention of ordinary people will be teleported to Golden Lion.

People are habitually forgetting.

As for "Fisher Tiger", who is it?

Even Celestial Dragon will be attracted most of the attention by Golden Lion.

At this time, Hailan can perform some small actions.


New World.

Because the precognition is eager to return to the "old care" in the first half of the Grand Line, under his supervision, the generals under his supervision have also improved their efficiency, and the "Sun Pirates Regiment" has been pushed forward step by step.

The embarrassed Fishman landed on an island to take a rest. Jinbe relied on Fishman's innate talent and finally found Tiger.

Tiger blushed, "Jinbe! Don't persuade you anymore! If you want to replace my life with your compatriots, I will never allow it! How can a real man let others betray him? I would rather die in battle!"

Jinbe looked sad: "Brother Tiger, UU reading www.uukanshu.com If you die like this, you have committed three major crimes!"

"Which three?"

"First, when you are dead, Celestial Dragon will naturally point the angry spear at Fishman Island;

Second, when you are dead, Celestial Dragon will naturally Will make a big fuss about your death and discredit Fishman;

Thirdly, when you die, it is tantamount to destroying the heroes worshipped by the children of Fishman Island.

So Brother Tiger, You can't die!"

After analyzing Tiger's character through Jinbe, Hailan taught Jinbe these three sentences.

With Tiger’s love for Fishman Island and his compatriots, Hai Lan expected that he would not be persistent.

Wearing a red captain's coat, Tiger stood on the beach, facing the salty sea breeze, and fell into heavy thoughts.

Long time.

"Jinbe, are you sure that the red tiger fish Fishman you brought with you is a scum that harms your compatriots?"

Jinbe Yixi: "Yes."

It seems that Big Brother Tiger finally got the hang of it.

Tiger said loudly: "Okay! In that case, then I promise that Marine will be anonymous for a while, but I also have three agreements. Unless he promises me, I will never compromise."

Jinbe was taken aback, but he still called Hailan.

"Approve a fart! No appointment!"

Hai Lan hung up Jinbe's call directly.


I'm thinking of a way to save your life, or do I beg you in the end?

If it weren’t for seeing Tiger’s prestige on Fishman Island, it would help Hailan use the power of Fishman Island and even the legendary Sea King, who cares whether he is dead or alive.

Although most Fishman's brains are not very good.

But I don’t even know how to count, right?

Do you still want to make three chapters?

Make a fart!

No appointment!

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