
Jinbe put Den Den Mushi back in his pocket and looked towards Tiger, "The Marine said no appointment"

"No appointment?"

Tiger is startled first.

Soon afterwards, he was relieved again.

So too.

You are Pirate now, and the other party is Marine, how can you accept your terms?

"Then you guys can take a break here first, and wait until dawn to continue running around."

Tiger is very open to it.

He won't want to die, but he is not afraid of death.

Because Tiger firmly believes that if you bow your head to power, you are not a man.

At night, the Fishman were eating today's dinner around the campfire.

Fishman, from a biological point of view, they are humans just like giants and villains, but they have the characteristics of fish.

Just like humans eat monkeys, many Fishman also eat fish.

But this fish-eating Fishman also lost the ability to communicate with fish.

"Big Brother Tiger"

Jinbe got up and walked towards Tiger under the gaze of Arlong and Kuroobi.

"Don't persuade you anymore"

"But Brother Tiger, do you have the confidence to keep running away in the pursuit of Marine Headquarters Vice Admiral? I heard that Vice Admiral But there is a Marine Headquarter alternate."

"So what?"

Tiger raised his head and looked at the night sky.

"The reason why I set up the Sun Pirates group is to play out the backbone of our Fishman!

I want to tell the humans, to tell those Celestial Dragons, that our Fishman is free. I won’t let them bully and slaughter!

I just want to tell those humans with iron and bones,

our Fishman clan, will never be slaves!"

When Tiger shouted out this When speaking, both Arlong and the others stood up and came to Tiger's side.

As if inspired by Tiger.

Looking around at the compatriots beside him, Tiger finally looked towards Jinbe, his face was full of dignity, "If there is one day, I would rather die in battle!!"

bang !

There was a muffled noise in the air.

"Arlong, are you crazy? Why are you hitting me?"

Tiger turned around and looked towards Fishman Arlong, the serrated shark standing behind him with an incredible expression.

Arlong is also full of shock.

The punch he hit on Tiger's back of the head just now was like an ordinary people hit the rock with a punch.

Tiger stood still.

Arlong's fist was shocked.

Arlong has long known that Tiger and Jinbe are stronger than himself, but he never imagined that the difference in strength would be so big.

"Oh, I can't move and look at you, Jinbe!"

After hearing Arlong's roar, Tiger turned around and looked towards Jinbe.

However, he just turned half of his face when he was hit in the head with a blue fist and passed out on the spot.

"Brother Tiger, I'm sorry, there is nothing we can do!"

Jinbe and Arlong hurriedly tied up the fainted Tiger.

Then the other Fishman carried a sack.

The sack opened, and a red tiger fish Fishman, the same as Tiger, emerged from it.

Jinbe pointed at the Fishman "It's him, colluding with human traffickers and selling compatriots."

"The thing I hate the most in my life is the scum on my compatriots, go to death!"

Arlong slammed forward, his hacksaw-like long nose instantly turned into an electric drill, piercing the Fishman's heart


"Don't hate it, really hate it, Hailan, why did you bring me to this place!"

New World, a Pirate Ship full of corpses, one with a blue-green head The little girl with short hair is questioning the companion next to her.

The little girl's name is Sugar, and her companion is naturally Hailan.

Although it is said that Vice Admiral Tsuru adopted sugar in name, Crane has been chasing Donquixote Family for years, so sugar has been living with Zephyr

Hailan pinched Pinching the sugary little face, said with a smile "You'll know when you meet that person."

Fate is such an unfair thing.

Some people desperately may not get a Devil Fruit, some people do nothing, and Devil Fruit finds her on her own.

At that time, Sugar was walking on the beach, and a treasure chest just floated across the ocean to the sugar.

Because of wandering around with the elder sister, the young sugar has long learned to open the lock.

But it's not for theft, but for self-help.

For example, after being caught, unlock the chain or cell.

Sugar, who has gone through hardships, knows that this is a world with the highest strength, so when she opened the treasure chest, she directly ate the Devil Fruit.

Originally, granulated sugar intended to conceal the little secret that she had eaten Devil Fruit.

But in the unintentional perception of the electric field of Hailan Kenbunshoku, he discovered the little secret of sugar.

And when Hailan saw the treasure chest that Sugar was talking about, he was shocked at that time.

This is a special treasure chest of World Government!

So this Devil Fruit is heavenly gold?

How could heavenly gold drift on the sea?

Is it related to the case where the Heavenly Gold escort ship was attacked some time ago?


The news of Tianshangjin's robbery has already reached Marine Headquarters.

But it didn't take long for this case to be suppressed by the World Government.

Therefore, Hailan was not very clear about what was going on at the time.

When Hailan confirmed that the sugar eaten was the "childlike fruit", he told the sugar that this matter must be kept secret, and try to let the fewest people know about it.

It’s not that Hailan is worried that the World Government will recognize sugar by virtue of its fruit power.

What he is worried about is that Gorosei will forcibly grab the sugar and use her fruit ability to do something ugly.

Just like Ope Ope no Mi.

Hailan can't shake the "Celestial Dragon" mountain now, but he can continuously do little damage to them.

Aren’t the seven bottle gourd babies divided and conquered by fairies?


"Whoever you go and catch me some fish up."

Hai Lan ordered a living Pirate to jump out of the sea.

"Don't even think about running away, you've seen the end of those who ran away."

After Pirate caught the live fish, Hailan locked herself and the sugar in In the cabin. U U Reading www.uukánshu.com

"Try again, what if Fishman is different from humans?"


Sugar Pouting her little mouth, she stretched out her little hand and touched the live fish.

Unlike Koala, Sugar's personality is relatively naughty.

But with the relationship of Monet-Kuro-Hailan, this makes Granu a lot more cautious when facing Hailan and dare not make troubles casually.

At first, she even called Hailan "Master Hailan".

Hailan took a pen to record all the things that she might forget on the paper, and then nodded to the sugar, "Okay, you can activate your abilities."

With the sugar thoughts move, the live fish that was dying before became a monkey in a blink of an eye!

It's just that this is a toy monkey!


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