"Not good, Kuzan Vice Admiral!!!"

After throwing away the body of the red tiger fish Fishman, less than 10 minutes before the fleet led by the precognition continued to move forward, the Lieutenant Commander panicked Hurriedly ran to the precognition.


At this time, the precognition is lying on a recliner, basking in the sun leisurely.

"Report to Kuzan Vice Admiral, the Fishman we just lost, named Fisher Tiger, is a bounty 230 million Beli Pirate!"

"Huh? "

Precognition took Tiger's bounty order from Lieutenant Commander.

"Then how did this Pirate get to my ship? Did you catch it?"

The officers and soldiers on the Battleship shook the head one after another.

"Childlike fruits" will erase all memories about the parties.

Although this tiger fish is a fake, when Jinbe sent him to the Battleship, people thought that this person was Tiger.

So when Tiger becomes a toy, the corresponding memory disappears.

A soldier asked: "Kuzan Vice Admiral, we just threw the body of a bounty 230 million Beli Pirate into the sea, do we need to get it up?"

" What does that thing do? Isn’t it written on the bounty order? It doesn’t matter whether you live or die."

"Then, can we count on Pirate’s military merits?"

" ...Or...you'd better go get his body up."

After thinking for a while, precognition pointed to a position on the ship’s side and said, "I remember just throwing it down there. , You just jump from there and search."

? ? ?

The officers and soldiers on the Battleship suddenly looked dumbfounded.

What does Kuzan Vice Admiral mean?

Haven't you woken up yet?

Go down and fish at that position on the ship's side?

Get a ghost? ! !

The atmosphere on the Battleship fell into a weird silence...


Precognition scratched his messy hair, "This Isn’t the joke funny?"

Hehe ...

The precognition is not embarrassed, he lay on his recliner again: "Don’t worry, since we have confirmed that Fishman is dead, and the headquarter will not renege on a debt.

So there is no need to fish the corpse. Let’s return to the headquarter as soon as possible!"

As a headquarter Vice Admiral and Admiral alternate, precognition still has a certain right to speak in the headquarter.

The officers and soldiers stood at attention and saluted: "Yes!"


About half a month later.

In addition to Akainu staying at the New World G1 branch, the Pirates who are always on guard for New World glare like a tiger watching his prey, precognition, Kizaru and other generals have returned to Marine Headquarters.

Marine Headquarters, military conference hall.

"As soon as we got the whereabouts of Golden Lion, some merchant ships on the sea suddenly disappeared. It seems that they were all taken away by Golden Lion.


Sengoku first introduced the most recently information about the sea to the generals.

Although Golden Lion's Floating City can be self-sufficient, after all, resources are limited, and many consumables and weapons need to be plundered on the sea.

Golden Lion is not only developing his "rare beast plan", but also continuously recruiting troops.

Staff Crane added: "North Blue’s Germa 66 also sent us intelligence, saying that Golden Lion stole the theory related to the bloodline factor from them, and they strongly recommended that we go Defeat the Golden Lion and destroy the Golden Lion."

"But Hailan Commodore said it? The Floating City of Golden Lion is floating in the sky above the clouds. How can we reach those floating Skypiea? What? You can’t just step on Geppo in the past."

"And Geppo's speed is too slow. If Golden Lion uses his ability to transfer Floating City, we won't be able to catch up."


The two generals put forward their own opinions.

Staff Kong Ming made a suggestion: "I don’t know if Vegapunk Academician can invent a flying instrument?"

By studying the incomplete information brought back by Hailan, The Marine Scientific Research Unit has deduced the outline of the Golden Lion "rare beast plan".

This is a huge threat to the peace of the world. Marine must attack Golden Lion anyway.

"The aircraft proposal is not desirable."

Hailan put forward his own point of view.

Staff Kong Ming shook the feather fan in his hand: "Why do you see it?"

Hailan always wanted to slap Kong Ming twice.

What does it mean for you to be a modern person who always drags ancient prose?

But just think about it, after all, he and Kong Ming have no hatred.

Hai Lan continued to explain: "We all know that Golden Lion is Paramecia Fuwa Fuwa no Mi Ability User.

By touching the non-lifeform, he can use his mind to float objects In the air, even flying, and not affected by the weight of the object.

But through contact with Golden Lion, I found that his Devil Fruit ability has reached the rank of'awakening'."



The generals present frowned.

"Awakening" is another development of Devil Fruit's ability higher level. Everyone who has mastered Devil Fruit's awakening is a famous powerhouse on this sea.

It is not that the awakened Ability User must be stronger than the non-awakened Ability User, but only true powerhouse can master the awakening ability of Devil Fruit.

Sengoku wondered: "What is the effect of Fuwa Fuwa no Mi after awakening?"

He and Garp once had a Peak duel with Golden Lion. He was curious that this old rival had mastered it again. What is the ability.

There is no record of "Awakening" in the Devil Fruit Illustrated Book.

It may be that the recorder deliberately failed to record the relevant ability.

Hailan replied: "Golden Lion can now control the floating and flying of objects as one pleases without touching them, and even use his mind to manipulate objects to create the shape he wants. , Displayed a majestic attack in an imposing manner."

Except for Kizaru, UU reading www.uukanshu.com, the generals present here heard Hailan’s information, and their frowning eyebrows tightened even more. It's serious.

In those days, Marine Headquarters had been paying attention to the battle of "Ait·Wal".

Because of a sudden rainstorm, Golden Lion's fleet was completely destroyed, and even Golden Lion himself was severely injured.

If Golden Lion had mastered the awakening ability of Fuwa Fuwa no Mi, not to mention the trifling rudder, even the monstrous waves would not hurt his fleet.

Peak’s Devil Fruit Ability User, all have the qualifications to challenge nature.

The corpse mountain and blood sea of ​​Marine Headquarters was chopped out by the Dual Blade Flow great swordsman.

If I could awaken a few years earlier, maybe even Marine Headquarters would be gone.

Obviously, although the strength of the current Golden Lion has been regressing, it must be more difficult than it was in the past.

Kong Ming shook the feather fan and said slowly: "In this case, the flying device is naturally no longer usable. Only a single thought is needed, and the entire flying unit can be defeated by Golden Lion.

...So do you really have to rely on Borsalino Vice Admiral and Hailan Commodore you two?"

Glancing at Kizaru whose expression has not changed at all, Hailan said: " No, we can go to Little Garden!"


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