These islands floating in the sky were named "powerhouse world" (strongworld) by Golden Lion.

As the name suggests, this is the world of powerhouse, and only true powerhouse can survive.

The so-called "powerhouse" refers to those "transgenic" animals that are constantly mutating and evolving.

The floating Skypiea of ​​Golden Lion is completely different from the real Skypiea.

Skypiea is an island in the "White Sea" and "White White Sea" composed of white clouds at an altitude of seven kilometers to an altitude of 10,000 meters.

The essence of Skypiea is composed of "island clouds".

And "Island Cloud" is a large naturally formed substance similar to "non-Newtonian fluid".

The floating Skypiea named "powerhouse world" was originally an ordinary island on the sea.

In this magical island group, there are a variety of rare and exotic animals, as well as two special plants named "iq" and daft green.

The plant called Crazy Green releases a special gas. Except for humans and Den Den Mushi, all other animals can hardly tolerate this gas, even if it is several kilometers away from Crazy Green. Animals will also be stimulated away from the wild green.

It is precisely because of the existence of wild green that the primordial inhabitants of the island group can be protected from the beasts.

Although human beings will not be stimulated by mad green, at best they will feel a slightly unpleasant aura, but the influence of mad green is real.

After inhaling a certain dose of mad green gas, the human body will produce green spots like molds. As the green spots spread, the human body will gradually become stiff, and eventually even completely unable to move.

Moreover, the time of poisoning is extremely fast.

It only takes a few hours to incapacitate people.

This particular disease can only be cured by a plant called "iq".

And this is why these two plants are special.

Originally, because of the existence of wild green and beasts, Pirate rarely invaded the island.

Unfortunately, the good times did not last long. When Golden Lion escaped from the deep sea prison and hit a wall at Whitebeard, he turned around and came to this island that he had noticed many years ago.

At that time, the Golden Lion swallowed thousands of miles like a tiger, and could stand at the apex of the world without the help of external forces, directly ignoring this peaceful and peaceful island group.

But the current Golden Lion needs all external forces that can help him dominate.

So the residents who originally lived on this island group became the slaves of Golden Lion in a blink of an eye.

All this is like a nightmare coming too fast, making people caught off guard.

Eight years have passed in a flash.

The people enslaved by Golden Lion are also numb.

When they saw two flying aliens a few months ago, they finally had a glimmer of hope of salvation, but it was shattered in an instant.

No hope is not the most terrifying thing.

The most terrifying thing is to turn hope into despair.

But today, everyone in the village looked at the blackened area.

"What's that?"

"It looks like someone is riding on the backs of those Winged Dragons!"

"This is God sent to save us Knight?!"

Under the influence of Hailan Aurora Fruit, the Marines riding on the dragon's back are like a Paladin army!

This time is not for him to fool who, but for his ability to use Logia Devil Fruit is gradually affecting the surrounding environment.

It is not unreasonable that Logia is regarded as Peak Devil Fruit by the world.

Paramecia can affect the environment only after "awakening", and Logia is natural.

"Lion. Chop!"

The Golden Lion lifted his right leg, and a golden sword aura slashed out from above the dead wood, blasting towards Marine getting closer and closer. The army, the huge golden sword aura, is like a god o from the sky.

However, all Marines sent by Marine this time are well-trained elite Marines.

Even if facing the Golden Lion, the golden sword aura that can cut the mountains and rivers, there is no chaos on the Marine side.


An azure sword aura volleyed into the air, and in an instant it hit the golden sword aura of the Golden Lion.

oh la la ...

As if the sound of glass breaking, the sword aura of azure was instantly chopped.

Although golden's sword aura has also been greatly weakened, it still has the power to cut steel.

"The beautiful swordsman who is well-known in Marine Headquarters, it seems to be just this..."

Doflamingo grinned and mocked Gion.

In order to defeat the living Legendary Golden Lion, the World Government adopted a mandatory call-up order and sent all the flying Oka Shichibukai.

Both Doflamingo and Crocodile came to this Floating City.

Ignoring the arrogant Doflamingo, Gion slashed out again.

azure's flying slash shoots out from the self-named sword Jinpiluo.


Two sword auras collided,



in the air A violent gust of wind was rolled up.

"One shot is not enough, then two!"

Gion didn’t even look at Doflamingo. After leaving a sentence, she rode with Koala with a special operations unit. Winged Dragon broke away from the main force.

Those flightless generals are not the main force in crusade against Golden Lion. Their task is to fight against many Pirates under Golden Lion.

And Gion's mission is to go to the scientific research department of Golden Lion to plunder materials and kidnap scientific researchers.

Hailan has already hand-painted the map of this island on paper with the ability to remember it.

"Everyone disperse! Separate operations according to the plan!"

As the large force came to the sky above the floating Skypiea, as the supreme commander of the crusade at this time, the precognition was issued at the right time Combat orders.

One by one Marine soldiers jumped off Winged Dragon or Big Bird.

They are not Koala, so they can't control the mount do as one pleases.

By relying on your own Geppo, you can perform your tasks more conveniently.

"Lion. Chikiri Valley!"

Seeing that the Marines ignored themselves, Golden Lion was furious.

Withered Wood and Sakura Ten flew up and down on his legs, and countless golden sword auras flocked to the Marine Corps not far away like strong wind and swift rain.

"This is a bit dangerous..."

The precognition muttered, as soon as the right hand was lifted, there was a cold ice shield with a thickness of several tens of meters. Rise from the ground.

The golden sword aura hits the ice wall, like rain beating against a banana tree, making a densely packed explosion.

After the ice wall was crushed, there were only a few sword auras of Golden Lion left.

If precognition only creates the Iceburg ice wall, and then let go, then the ice is no different from ordinary ice, and Golden Lion can cut it off with just one move.

But if it can provide energy continuously, the hardness of the ice will be enhanced by Epic Grade.

"Ice Block: Partisan!"

Precognition With his hands crossed in front of his chest, dozens of lances made of ice shot at the Golden Lion in the air.

However, facing these glorious icy lances, Golden Lion just lifted his left hand and said one word:



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