Until then, the aurora background that Hailan had prepared early on finally came in handy.

An aurora weapon was quickly spawned on the colorful background board, and then flew to the Golden Lion in midair like strong wind and swift rain.

The reason why the aurora was made into the shape of a weapon was not because Hailan made an unnecessary move.

Aurora fruit is not like Kizaru’s Pika Pika no Mi.

Pika Pika no Mi’s golden laser rays of light, with special effects of explosion and penetration, do not need to be deliberately prepared, you can cause decent damage.

So Kizaru’s "Yasakani no Magatama" only needs to shoot his laser beam out.

But Hailan’s aurora is only light after all. The high-energy charged particle stream and electromagnetic power are derived from the fruit. It is harmless to rely on “light” alone.

Therefore, every current aurora weapon is a stream of high-energy charged particles in different shapes. Only in this way can the aurora weapon's powerful penetrating ability be wielded. &1t;i>&1t;/i>

Facing the densely packed weapons that are falling like raindrops in the sky, Golden Lion did not call "stop" this time.

Because he knew that he had no way to control the light.

The lion's might. The ground roll!

The mud on the ground flooded into the sky under the power of Golden Lion Fuwa Fuwa no Mi.

The mud all over the sky combined to form one after another majestic lion heads, opening their bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl and swallowing Hailan’s aurora weapon.

If this is just an ordinary clay lion, facing Hailan’s aurora weapon,

it will only be impossible to withstand a single blow.

But under the action of Golden Lion's abilities, the hardness and density of these soils have been greatly enhanced. Even steel is not as firm and firm as these formidable lions.

"You two, don't hurry up and help!"&1t;i>&1t;/i>

On the ground, precognition scolded Crocodile and Doflamingo.

Although the strength of Golden Lion is not as good as that of the past, the current Golden Lion is not a sick lion against Luffy in the future. His strength is still very strong.

The precognition is very clear that it is impossible to defeat Golden Lion by Hailan alone.

It is a pity that he can't fly, and his ability is restrained by Golden Lion. Now he has to order two Oka Shichibukai to help.

But the order is the order. It is not certain whether Doflamingo and Crocodile will follow suit.

Gorosei is the apex of the power of the World Government.

Under Gorosei, he is the commander-in-chief of the World Government.

Further down, Marine, cipher po1, Judicial Island, other departments of Government, and Oka Shichibukai are equal in relation to the five forces. &1t;i>&1t;/i>

Not to mention that the precognition is just a headquarters Vice Admiral, even if the Marine Fleet Admiral "steel bone" arrives, he is not qualified to order Oka Shichibukai.

From another point of view, the reason why Crocodile and Doflamingo participated in the Golden Lion crusade was entirely the World Government's military commander or Gorosei's own arrangement.

Marine can object to this, but as to whether it will be adopted, it is beyond Marine's control.

And this is the fundamental reason why Marine is extremely disgusted with Oka Shichibukai System.

Those so-called Shichibukai used to be just a group of gangsters on the sea, Pirate who opposed justice.

However, after a change, they became equal to Marine Fleet Admiral.


Why! &1t;i>&1t;/i>

Even in this World, the unwritten rules of life have not changed.

The bad guys only need to put down the butcher knife to become a Buddha on the spot.

If a good person wants to cultivate a righteous fruit, he has to go through 9 by 9, 81 difficulties.

Too good for bad people, too bad for good people.

This is a malicious existence objectively in every world.

Good people are getting less and less, not everyone’s conscience is eaten by dogs.

But even the best people can't stand this kind of grievance.

So every Marine who can still fight for justice should be respected.

Crocodile grinned Issho: "Didn’t I already help?"

He was originally unwilling to take part in the crusade against Golden Lion. If he had not received a mandatory call-up order from the World Government, Crocodile prefers to stay in his desert country and farm with peace of mind. &1t;i>&1t;/i>

Crocodile is the first batch of Oka Shichibukai. He has passed the "investigation period" safely, and now he has become a regular, almost act wilfully.

Relatively speaking, the newbie Doflamingo is still only a "temporary worker."

Just as Luo needs to send 1oo Pirate's heart in the future and Whitebeard Jr. defeats a large number of Whitebeard remnants before becoming Shichibukai, Oka Shichibukai is not a casual prostitute.

even more how Doflamingo got the position of Oka Shichibukai by threatening Gorosei by plundering heavenly gold.

Even if he used to be Celestial Dragon, Gorosei's tolerance for him is limited.

Giving him a position of Celestial Dragon is already a concession. He even asked Lion's big mouth to release his family.

The Oka Shichibukai System was established to serve the World Government. &1t;i>&1t;/i>

Not only did Doflamingo fail to serve the World Government, it also threatened the World Government.

You know, Gorosei also has a temper.

So this time they gave Doflamingo a death order. If the "Golden Lion Crusade" fails, don't even think about releasing the family members, get out as soon as possible.

So compared to Crocodile who doesn't work hard, Doflamingo is more serious this time.

Crocodile has a cigar in his mouth, and his face is arrogant: "Doflamingo, I really look down on you more and more."

"Crocodile, shut your stinky mouth !" " Doflamingo and Crocodile have some early origins, Doflamingo always wanted to draw Crocodile, Crocodile has been thrown face child.

At this time, facing Crocodile's ridicule, Doflamingo was naturally impossible and convinced.

"I think you dare not go up and help purely because you have no ability!"

After leaving a mockery, Doflamingo stepped on the silk thread and jumped into the sky.

"Drop the rogue line!"

In the sky, Hailan who fought with Golden Lion fought and retreated.

Five silk threads descended from the sky, and instantly pierced the rudder above Golden Lion's head.

"courting death!"

Golden Lion avoided the sudden sneak attack, turned his right hand toward Doflamingo, clenched his fist and smashed it down.

The air above Doflamingo's head instantly solidified, and a translucent air awl was transformed into Doflamingo's head.

Golden Lion's revenge is extremely strong, and he wants to treat him in his own way.

"The spider web wall!"

Doflamingo opened a large web to block it. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

What shocked him was that the air awl was easily split first, and then reunited, with no reduction in power.

"This is a big joke!"

Doflamingo's expression condensed, and when he was too late to dodge, he could only raise his hand and use Busoshoku Haki to shake Golden Lion's air cone hard.

The air cone collided with Doflamingo's palm covering Busoshoku Haki, and there was a toothless rubbing sound.

The bright red blood has flowed slowly along Doflamingo's arm.


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