In the command center of the castle, Indigo Academician is directing the staff to monitor the situation on the battlefield. Indigo Academician is not only a biologist and chemist, but also the personal doctor of Golden Lion. At the same time, he is also the second in command of Golden Lion. Ignoring those cadres who died in battle, Indigo is the cadre who is most loyal to Golden Lion. "How's the weather? Has it been calculated?" Indigo Academician paced anxiously in the command center. For unknown reasons, every time he took a step, he would feel like a fart. The "pu pu" sound. However, apart from Golden Lion, no one on the entire floating Skypiea dared to blame Indie. "We really don't know why a lot of aurora suddenly appeared here. Under the interference of the magnetic field, most of the equipment has now failed!" The meteorologists in the command center were anxious. Golden Lion once lost to Roger due to a rainstorm, which allowed Golden Lion to re-establish a professional weather squad after his comeback, in order to monitor changes in the weather to prevent accidents. But these meteorologists have not received the kind treatment they deserve, and their lives are still in danger. A few days ago, Golden Lion just killed a meteorologist due to weather forecast errors. They still vividly remember this scene. "oh la la!" The gate of the command center was suddenly smashed from the outside. "What's the matter?" Indigo Academician looked over with a puzzled look, only to find a woman suddenly appeared at the door of the command center with a team of Marines. "What's going on? Why didn't anyone notify me?!!!" Indigo Academician yelled with anger. This castle is the most heavily defensed place on the entire floating Skypiea. Even if the soldiers who are in charge of guarding are not the opponents of the Marines, it is impossible to even have a chance to notify. "It seems that this is the meteorology squad in Golden Lion's hands." Seeing the various sophisticated instruments and white coats in the room, a smile appeared on Gion's face. "Listen to everyone, stop your work, as long as you don’t resist, we can keep you alive!" The meteorologists froze for a short moment, but soon They raised their hands and stood up from their seats. Although they are quite afraid of the power of Golden Lion, the Marine in front of them has attacked the inside of the castle, but Golden Lion is still entangled in another battlefield. At this time, when do not choose to surrender? Indie Academician trembles with anger: "You...traitors! Lord Shiki will not forgive you when he comes back!" "I'm afraid Shiki won't be able to come back. To deal with Shiki, we are I have been preparing for several months!" Gion looked towards Ying Di Ge Academician and asked: "What about you? Do you choose to surrender directly, or be beaten and then dragged away?" Indigo Academician replied somewhat weakly: "I...I surrendered..." The two soldiers walked up to Indigo Academician, just before they were about to hold Indigo, Indigo Suddenly took out a bottle of weird potion from his pocket. "pa!" The potion was dropped to the ground, and a large amount of green smoke burst out instantly, which immediately filled the entire command center. "Quit quickly, it's Crazy Green!" Crazy Green is extremely harmful, even if it is as strong as Gion, it can't overpower the toxicity of Crazy Green. Gion, holding his breath, relied on Kenbunshoku Haki's perception to pass through the dense smoke that obscured the line of sight, and was about to catch up with Indigo. But as Indie flicked his left hand, a small fireball with a weird green light exploded in an instant, igniting the entire command center. In fact, Indigo Academician's strength is not strong, but its ability is weird and changeable. It can only be used once for Gion, because when the difference in strength is too large, the same style will not have a second effect. There are not many people who can turn "Sun Fist" into three styles by relying on psychological tactics like Hailan. " people first!!!" Gion originally wanted to continue chasing Indigo Academician. But Marine is Marine after all, and their responsibility is not only to destroy Pirate, but also to protect civilians. In this command center filled with wild green and flames, only Gion who is proficient in Kenbunshoku Haki can find the exact location of every scientific researcher. …… On the other side, when Gion led the special operations squad to launch a surprise attack on the Golden Lion command center, Koala and Wagner had already rushed to the Indigo Academician's laboratory. "Koala, what on earth does Sir Hailan want you to find? Can't you tell me now?" Wagner was carrying Koala on his back, while using "shave" to run wild. Although Koala's own running speed has already far surpasses ordinary people, but in front of Wagner's "shave" is still equivalent to the snail. "Look for Pikachu!" "Pikachu...what is it?" Wagner started inwardly, but the speed under his feet did not slow down. "It's too late to explain, you'll know when you see it." "Good!" Wagner stopped asking, and focused all his attention on the route on the hand-drawn map to continue running wildly. "Here!" Soon, Wagner and Koala found Indigo Academician's laboratory. There are traces of repairing with rocks on the walls of the laboratory. UU Reading www. uukanshu. com It was Golden Lion who used his fruit ability to personally repair the previous damage for Indigo Academician. In the laboratory, there is a cage as high as one person. There is a strange bird in the cage. This weird bird has yellow feathers and down like a duck, red flame-like patterns near its eyes, flat mouth, and webbed feet, but strangely, it also looks like an eagle. Strong wings, orange like a peacock-like tail, more strangely, there is a crown like a big rooster on top of the head. Unlike those animals that mutate freely, this is a genetically modified combination mutant organism currently being studied by Indigo Academician. The appearance of a strange flower is not the value of its existence. Its real power is that it can release a golden arc, just like Pikachu. When Hailan invaded the Golden Lion's castle, he had already used the Kenbunshoku electric field to perceive the ability of this strange bird. It's a pity that the situation was too urgent at the time, and he couldn't take it away directly. So when returning to the floating Skypiea again, Hailan thought of sending Koala to conquer the "Pikachu". Wagner tilted his head and looked curious: "This is Pikachu? How do you know it's Pikachu?" "It's the name Hailan named." Koala walked to the cage where Pikachu was held. , Began to try to communicate with Pikachu. The little girl is very happy: "...this is a gift from Hailan!" https: Genius remembers this site address in one second: .. Mobile version reading URL: m.

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