(The title of the chapter cannot be modified, so the title of Chapter 89 can only be done like that. I had to round the content a bit, don’t care about these details~)


The so-called "Master Bayi" is actually Buggy.

Buggy was once a trainee sailor on Pirate King Gol · d · Roger, and he used to travel the world with Roger.

Buggy has gone up to the sky, crossed the sea, South Blue sea rushes the waves, North Blue ice field climbs the mountains

With these characteristics, Buggy is very suitable for telling the so-called "adventures" Home Legendary" story.

Because Buggy is a Marine school officer after all, of course his real name cannot be used directly, so "Bayi" became his pseudonym, "Master Bayi" is a fictitious senior adventurer identity .

The editor whose pen name is "Dreams Become Strong" is called Absalom, who is a Paramecia "Transparent Fruit" Ability User, who is exactly the half-orc perverted erotic maniac under Moria in the original book.

Absalom was actually a very thin man since he was young. Because of his weakness, Absalom was often bullied by peers when he was young, which made him a very weak character.

In the original work, Moonlight Moria took a fancy to his ability to transparent fruit, and ordered the genius surgeon Hobackak to transform his body, giving him the body and strength of a lion.

Because of Moria's gift, Absalom became a loyal subordinate of Moria.

It's a pity that now he has no chance to meet Moria-sama.

So by chance, with the ability to "transparent fruits", Absalom was picked up by "Big News" Morgans and became a journalist.

This ability makes it easy for him to get news that other reporters struggled with Strength of Nine Bulls and Two Tigers.

In fact, Absalom simply has no innate talent for fighting. In fact, his innate talent focuses more on literature.

It is precisely because of this that Morgans handed over the column of "The Memoirs of the Pai Master" to Absalom to take charge of it.

At the end of the column, it ends with a question.

The dream becomes stronger: The legend about "Skypiea" has always been circulating on the sea, then I would like to ask Master Bayi,

As an adventurer, you must have been to Skypiea too?

Master Bayi: This is a good question.

But as for whether Skypiea exists, I cannot answer.

Because only the "unknown world" is the real adventure!

These secrets are still left to adventurers of the younger generation to explore for themselves!

"Ace, did you see what's written on it? It's Skypiea! Do you believe in the existence of Skypiea?"

At the end of the newspaper, Sabo's eyes were bright , The color of longing is undoubtedly revealed.

Seeing how excited his good friend looked, a faint color flashed in Ace's eyes.

Because Sabo has always dreamed of being a Pirate, and the characters of the two are also compatible, so Sabo and Ace have become good friends.

But with the spread of the "adventurer" story, whenever I saw the color of Sabo's face, Ace gradually realized that he and Sabo were still different.

Sabo longed for Pirate because he wanted to freely venture on the sea.

But Ace is different.

He wants to become Pirate completely because he does not want to live in the shadow and halo of his own father Gol · d · Roger. He wants to surpass that bastard man.

If Garp didn't tell him Ace's true identity, maybe Ace might really become a Marine.

But Garp did not choose to hide.

After knowing that his biological father is Roger, every time I hear people talking about Roger is an idiot, Ace’s mind will be hurt once.

The impact of discrimination is more profound than without father.

At a young age, Ace began to wonder if he should be born in this World.

It wasn't until I met Sabo that Ace's character gradually became brighter.

Ace cautiously asked: "Now, Sabo, will you be an adventurer in the future?"

He was worried that Sabo would abandon him and let him go alone The way to Pirate.

Sabo glanced at Ace suspiciously, then grinned Issho, revealing a missing white tooth: "How is it possible? To be Pirate, but we have already made a promise! As long as we have made a promise! Wouldn’t it be okay if we don’t be the kind of bad Pirate that robs everywhere?"

"en! !"

Ace smiled and tried hard to nodded.

The minds of young children are very simple, a little thing is enough to make them forget their worries.

"I said you two, should you pay back the money you owe Mr. Carat?"


Sabo and Ace were caught The sudden sound jumped in shock.

"Aiya Yeah"

Slipping down, Sabo dragged Ace directly from the tree and fell fiercely to the ground.

"hmph! Let you two bastard not play with me, get retribution!"

At this time, another voice rang.


Sabo and Ace walked around and found that two boys, one big and one small, had walked in front of them.

"It's the brat next to the idiot Dark Crow!"

"I am not brat, I have a name, my name is Trafalgar Luo!"

Luo His expression is as indifferent as always.

It has been more than half a year since Luo and Rosinante have been in East Blue. His condition has been cured for a long time, and it is only because of a long-term terminal illness that the body's weakness has not fully recovered.

But his strength is the strongest of the four, not only because he is the oldest, but also because of the various training he received in the Donquixote Family.

"Also, for the benefactor who invited yourself to eat noodles, do you call them idiots?"

A few days ago, Sabo and Ace went to the city to eat the king’s meal. Annoyed the restaurant Boss.

Rosinante and Luo also happened to have dinner at that restaurant. When they saw that there were two little demons, Rosinante helped them both pay for the meal.

When I was serving as Corazon in the Donquixote Family, UU reading www.uukanshu.com all pretended to hate little demon.

After removing the disguise, Rosinante didn't mention how much he liked the little child.

It is a coincidence to meet Ace and Sabo by chance, but it is not a coincidence that Rosinante will appear in Goa Kingdom.

He is Sengoku's righteous son, and he must be called Garp an uncle in terms of generations. He came to Goa Kingdom this time to visit Luffy.

It is precisely because of Luffy leading the way that Luo can find Ace and Sabo.

The young Luffy is very timid.

He hides behind Luo, pointing at Ace and Sabo: "They are always bullying me, I kindly find them to play with, they also ignore me, Traza, you help me Teach them a lesson!"

"Idiot! Don't call me Terrazai!!"

Luo turned his head suddenly and gave Luffy a fiercely look.

Luffy was taken aback for a moment, then he burst into tears with a "wow"

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