"Ah..." The current flowed through Hancock's body in an instant. There was a feeling of numbness all over, Hancock felt as if his body had lost the control of his brain, and his whole body was limp on the deck at that time. Hailan can accurately control the intensity of the released current by virtue of its precise calculation ability. The electric current will never harm Hancock's life, but it can let her taste the most sour Lightning Flash within a safe range. The brain of Hancock, who was paralyzed by the electric current, had a momentary downtime. She only felt that her eyes were black. When her eyes became clear again, at some point, her two younger sisters had already gone. Ran to her side. "How can you treat your elder sister like this?" Hancock's two younger sisters guarded her, and asked Hailan nervously. A playful smile appeared on Hailan's face: "Why can't I treat your elder sister like this? Only your elder sister is allowed to treat our soldier like this, but we are not allowed to fight back against your elder. Sister, is this the reason why Amazon and Lily are popular?" "You...whoo..." Hancock's body gradually regained consciousness, and she was supported by two younger sisters I tried to stand up, "You man, you are so rude to your concubine!" Concubine, because there is a word "concubine" in it, some friends may mistake it for a humble and lowly name . Actually not. The concubine body is just a modest name for herself by a woman in a high position in ancient times. So on the contrary, this not only does not mean that Hancock feels that her status is humble, but that she still uses the term "concubine" in front of outsiders, which represents her pride in her empress identity. Seeing Hancock wearing a cheongsam, Hai Lan also felt a little big head. The women of Kuja Pirates, including the two younger sisters of Newborn and Hancock, are all dressed up in a very cool Amazonian style. Hancock, who is the emperor of Amazon Lily, wore a cheongsam. This gives Hailan the feeling... It's as if you crossed over to Great Tang, and when you saw Emperor Taizong Li Shimin, you found that he was wearing a suit, which violated... But when I thought of this World was originally a fantasy world made up of various cultures, so Hailan was no surprise. In the face of Hancock’s accusation, Hailan said with a smile: "Isn’t this something you asked for? I talked to you well. Instead of listening to advice, you attacked me instead. Just stand here and just play? I don’t want to talk nonsense with you now, so I’ll ask you, do you plan to change our soldier back?" Hancock doesn’t buy Hailan’s account at all: "hmph ! Don’t think about it!""Well, as expected to be a woman who can become an emperor, she is really hard-hearted. Unfortunately... hard-heartedness doesn’t work with me!" Hailan walked to Hancock's face and grabbed it. Hancock's wrist. "Let go of my elder sister..." Sandassonia and Marigold have already drew their weapons. Hai Lan didn't do anything to them, he just glanced at the two girls coldly, which actually scared them all back. This may be a kind of powerhouse power, or it may be a murderous aura cultivated in the years of battle, but in any case, the two girls were shocked by the imposing manner on the Marine tiger. "You...ah..." Hancock, who was grasped by Hailan's wrist, had not had time to struggle, and a numbness that was the same as before hit her body again. Hailan did not give her a chance to abuse her at all, nor did she intend to talk nonsense with her. This is a world where truth is everywhere within the reach of the fist. There is no absolute military force in this world that cannot be solved. If there is, it is not ruthless enough. With great difficulty, Hancock's strength was relieved, and Hancock, who had just stood firm, once again felt that his whole body's strength was instantly taken away. Hancock lost his strength and was unstable, but Hai Lan didn't let go this time. He just held Hancock's wrist like this, letting Hancock hang his head down and was held in place by himself. Although Hancock's height is less than 1.91 meters in the future, he is still a well-known figure among normal women. Unfortunately, she is still a bit shorter than Hai Lan. The second Lightning Flash not only took away Hancock's strength, but also caused densely packed sweat on Hancock's forehead. Hancock's green silk, which was originally as soft as a waterfall, has also become a little messy. But the weak Hancock still gritted his teeth and insisted: "You...hateful man...I will never forgive you! Those Marine soldiers, let them wait to die!" Hailan frowned . He knew that this woman was once the slave of Celestial Dragon, and she should have quite a strong resistance to punishment. Compared with Celestial Dragon's cruel methods, perhaps his methods are indeed too gentle? ? ? Hailan didn't know that in fact, she only needed to threaten Hancock with the secret of "Celestial Dragon slave" to make her make the biggest compromise. In fact, even if he knew it, he would not use this method to threaten others. This is Hai Lan's bottom line, he always thinks that is too awkward. But a person's bottom line does not mean that he can give in. "I still have the strength to say these things that have nothing to do with the subject. It seems that the intensity of the current is still lower..." The current that Hailan releases now is the maximum safe current that does not affect Hancock's life. But every time you delay, it will be more dangerous for those soldiers who are petrified. Hancock is Pirate, and Hailan is Marine. Obviously, the greatest kindness to the enemy, UU reading www.uukanshu. com is the greatest cruelty to one's own people. Hancock was grabbed by Hai Lan and hung his head with his wrists and held it in place. The current surge on Hailan's body, naked eye can tell that the intensity of the arc is significantly stronger than before. Just as Hailan was preparing for the third Lightning Flash, the shout of Momonga Vice Admiral rang behind him. "Stop! Hailan Vice Admiral!!!" Momonga Vice Admiral's face is solemn. Hailan puzzled: "Why?" "I can't stand it...you still don't use this trick..." Hailan is getting more and more confused: "I'm electric It's her and not you, why can't you take it anymore?" "Then don't ask, I just can't take it anyway..." The remaining Marines were flushed and hurriedly agreed: "That's right, Hailan Sir, we can't stand it anymore!!" "???" "Let's do it...I still have several pairs of Kairosaki handcuffs on board. See if you can remove them." Her Devil Fruit ability." "Boo...Boom...Boom..." Momonga Vice Admiral flew to the Battleship by stepping on the air with only one remaining leg. Really is a poor and respectable general... "This day tiger Vice Admiral, please forgive our offense. Hancock is still just a child. This is the first time she has gone to sea. Don't be serious with her..." Mother-in-law New, accompanied by a smiling face, wanted to make peace. Hailan respects the elderly, but will not compromise with them: "It is the first time for everyone to be born, so why should I let her?"

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