"Infatuated with Ganfeng !" Boa Hancock was furious. She didn't expect Hailan to be so falling out to become hostile. She has never met a man who can shame her like this. However, Hancock knows that he is not yet Hailan's opponent. So her target is not Hailan, but the Marine soldiers on the Pirate Ship deck. Previously, Hancock had those petrochemical soldiers who used to negotiate with Hailan as hole cards. Now that the soldiers have disbanded petrochemicals, she has no hole cards at all. So she has to win a new bargaining chip for herself. It's a pity that all of Hancock's movements were observed by Hai Lan. Not to mention the absolute speed of the Hailan Aurora Fruit. Even the current "shave" speed of Hailan is enough to stop her behavior before Hancock takes a shot. The blue arc jumped on Hancock's body, instantly taking away Hancock's power. She slumped feebly on the deck. Under Hai Lan's order, several soldiers hurriedly ran to use Kairosaki handcuffs to lock Hancock. "Sir, what do you want to do with Hancock?" Amazon Lily's former emperor Elder Nyon Ossa, and the current Regent Minister New Grandmother asked nervously. Hailan has no expression on her face: "Catch them to Judicial Island." "But..." "Asshole Marine, let go of Hancock!" "We will definitely not let go Yours!" At this time, the female warriors tied around the mast clamored. Although Hancock doesn't care about anyone except her two younger sisters, all the people of Amazon Lily have the consciousness that they can give life to Hancock at any time. This backward tribe living in the Calm Belt has an extremely simple folk customs. "Shut up all!" Mother New yelled at the female warriors, scared them to stop shouting, "Do you still want to make things worse?" New The mother-in-law is a broad-sighted, broad-minded woman who can really afford the job of empress, but it is a pity that she is too old. She cautiously asked Xiang Hailan: "This Sir, is there really no room for discussion?" Hailan said resolutely: "It is the greatest kindness that I did not arrest you with them. , What else do you want?"If you are from Marine's standpoint, the three Boa sisters who are Pirate are indeed Marine's enemies. But from the standpoint of World Government, the relationship between Amazon Lily and World Government is not the antagonistic relationship between the United States and North Korea. If World Government is compared to the United States, Amazon Lily is just a town under the World Government. So Marine will not kill everyone in Amazon Lily to the last one no matter how far away you are you will certainly be punished. "Before the law...everyone...cough...before the law, there is no room." Hai Lan wanted to say that everyone is equal before the law, but when she thought of living in "Holy Land" Mariejois Those World Nobles Celestial Dragon finally changed their words. Mother-in-law New did not expect to refute Hai Lan's words. She just regrets now, why not stop Hancock from looting at sea. Amazon Lily is a traditional pirate country, and the citizens there regard it as an honor to be Pirate. However, the previous emperors are mostly small fights. Although there are losses and losses, there has been no problem in general. Although playing the banner of Pirate, but never provoke Marine. Hancock, the child, was offended by Supernova Pirates and Marine Headquarters when he went to sea for the first time. It wasn't until she truly stood on the opposite side of Marine and faced this irreversible situation of powerlessness that Granny New couldn't help but regret it. Why do we have to go to sea under the banner of Pirate? Amazon Lily is rich in products, is it good to go to Sabaody Archipelago for business? I should abolish the saying "Only brave warriors can be Pirate" earlier. I should try my best to prevent Hancock from going to sea. But... With Hancock's character, can you really stop her? Mother-in-law New suddenly heard Hancock's voice: "I can go with you, but only if you let my two younger sisters go!" In front of her two younger sisters, Hancock is indeed one Very responsible woman. It's a pity that Hailan doesn't eat this set. "As the emperor of a country, don't you even realize your own situation? In this respect, you are not as good as the idiot Prince on Magnetic Drum Island!" The idiot Prince Wapol was sickened by Celestial Dragon. Besides, it is indeed an individual talent. Especially when it comes to dealing with people and things, he can be called a model of politician. If you replace the current empress with a Wapol wave, he would have kowtow for mercy a long time ago. The most important thing is... Wapol waves simply won’t provoke Marine... "Report to the two Vice Admirals. The situation on the Pirate Ship has been counted. Now only those Pirate who have been turned into stone statues have returned Nothing, please give instructions from the two Sirs!" A soldier gave a report to Hailan and Momonga. Hailan suggested: "They will die soon anyway, so just leave them here, just as a warning to other Pirates." Momonga nodded: "Yes. , After all, it doesn’t make any sense for those stone statues to move back."The Pirate Ship with recycling value was drove back to Marine Headquarters by the soldiers along with Pirate’s supplies, and the three sisters Boa were taken away in the cell of the Battleship. Judicial Island. "Mother-in-law New... Master Hancock was taken away... What should we do?" After being untied by the mother-in-law New, many girls couldn't help crying because they lost their backbone. . "Amazon Lily can't be left alone... If it were that man, he would have an idea? Now go to Sabaody Archipelago at full speed!" "What are you going to do at Sabaody Archipelago?" "Don't Asked, act fast!" "Ah...Yes!" In Amazon Lily, UU reading www.uukanshu. com New mother-in-law is the existence of under one person above ten thousand people. Her commands are still very useful. …… Grand Line, Water 7. This is a city with criss-crossed waterways and beautiful scenery like "Venice" everywhere. But this is not the most famous aspect of Water 7. What really makes it famous all over the world is Water 7's shipbuilding art. A man with wealth, fame, power, and everything in this world, Pirate King Gol D. Roger conquered the Grand Line's Pirate Ship Oro Jackson was built by the most famous shipbuilder here, Fishman Tom. It's a pity that with the arrival of the Great Age of Pirates, life in this city has become more and more difficult, far less beautiful than outsiders imagined. Originally, Water 7 was hit by a super tsunami every year, which has made the island's materials scarce, and the raw materials for shipbuilding can only be imported. The arrival of the Great Age of Pirates has made it more difficult to do business, and raw materials that are already scarce have become scarce. The overwhelming majority citizens of this city no longer have any hope for this city, and they even have the idea that sooner or later this city will become a dead city flooded by water. But at this moment, a "remarkable man" stood up. He was the Fishman shipbuilder, Tom, who built the Oro Jackson for Pirate King Gol D. Roger. And Tom's greatest invention is the epoch-making "sea train".

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