(Not today)

In such troubled times, those who dare to open Auction House must have two brushes.

Otherwise, some good things will be snatched away.

The largest slave Auction House in Chambord is backed by the World Government, and this Auction House can only be organized by the Mafia.

The strength of the Matthew family lies in the West Blue Five Great Families Ranked 2nd. As a member of the Capone family, "Weird Gun" Werther even knows that he has been pitted for buying a shell for 20 million. Don't dare to trouble Auction House.

The Capone family cannot afford to offend the Matthew family!

But that little girl is different.

Since she is so rich, she has caused herself to be pitted. After the auction is over, she must take away all the good things from her.

Then "Weird Spear" Werther was stunned...

Because he found that the little girl not only pitted him... Had a pit...

Good fellow... This is the first time he has ever seen him, who has done so much.

Could it be...this little girl is actually the childcare of Auction House?

It doesn’t seem to be right. With my own wisdom, I’m impossible in childcare, so what went wrong?

"Five hundred million Beli three times! The deal!"

A Devil Fruit that doesn't know what the ability is actually sold 500 million Beli, the host simply laughed out of the pig. Sound, my face cramped.

Some people think that Devil Fruit is a priceless treasure. As long as you have the opportunity to meet it, you can't sell it for a lot of money. You must eat it yourself first.

But some people do prefer money. The specific choices they make will only vary from person to person, and may even be affected by the situation at the time.

The Matthew family doesn't care about this, they only know that it is because of that little girl that they made a lot of money today.

"Go and report the situation here to Master Giles... By the way, do you have any information about this little girl..."

Behind the scenes, Auction The Boss of the House ordered his men to look for Lord Matthew Giles.

As soon as he gave the order, he was locked by Kenbunshoku Haki by Hailan on the street nearby.

On the vast crowd on the street, within the sphere-shaped perception range of Hailan's vertical and horizontal radius of two kilometers, there are chaotic sounds everywhere.

This is down to Level 9's computing power, otherwise he may not be able to lock the target he wants to track in the shortest time.

Less than two kilometers away, the reporter did not even notice the existence of Hailan.

Not to mention that almost no one can realize the tracking from about two kilometers away, even if it is only using vision tracking, due to the difference in strength between Hailan and him, he can't notice any abnormality at all.

Koala's spending money at Auction House is not just for mere mischief.

The purpose is to attract the attention of the Matthew family, and then fish out their boss Matthew Giles.

"Get out of the way! I have an urgent matter to report to Lord Giles!"

At the door of the gang base, the runner changed into an arrogant face.

In fact, his humility outside is pretending to be to reduce the vigilance of the external forces. In fact, he is the confidant of Matthew Giles.

"Oh...it turned out to be an underground base..."

As soon as the confidant entered and had several points of bell, Hailan appeared at the door of the base.

"Who you are?"

"Under...Um...No right..."

"Under" is Shiranui's opening remarks. ..

"I am Bai Wuchang, an adventurer and Bounty Hunter who is interested!"

"Bounty Hunter? Go report the boss..."

"Aurora Sword Technique .Ittoryu. Illusion Burial!"

At the moment when the wind was unsheathed, a bright blade light flashed from the blade, which actually shook two guards. Can't open your eyes.

Calling itself Bai Wuchang, there must be a style related to "white".

The blade light of Aurora Sword Technique is white high-power bright light.

In this World, apart from Devil Fruit Ability User, the most peculiar profession is swordsman.

Some swordsman can cut out the flame, and some swordsman can cut out the rays of light...

Especially "sword aura", different swordsman is not the same, gold, Silver, blue, purple, green...multi-colored.

Therefore, the white blade light is not yet reminiscent of the Marine Vice Admiral "Day Tiger" body.


More than one guard was cut off with a single knife, and even the gate behind him was divided into two in the bright blade light.

Hailan did not pursue another guard who fled.

Because he called out his style when he was out of the knife just now, in order to let the guards pass on his name and ability.

During the time when the guards fled, Hailan carved a smiling face on the stone wall at the door.

The composition of the smiley face is very simple, a circle, two dots, and a D that turns 90 degrees to the right.

"Who is outside the door, so dazzling!"

Inside the base, Matthew Giles and other officials also noticed the strong light outside. He just Hearing that a little girl had increased the income of Auction House today by dozens of times, before she was happy, she heard the sound of the broken door.

"Report...Report...A Bounty Hunter named Bai Wuchang has come in!"

Giles was a little confused: "Bai Wuchang? Bounty Hunter? Nothing. I've heard..."

"West Blue also has this kind of Bounty Hunter who is not afraid of death? I will meet him!"

A tall cadre pushed aside the room The door went out, and before it could close, he flew back in again.

The whole person is planted on the wall behind like a carrot, life and death are unknown.

As a balance point to break the layout of West Blue's dark forces, the Matthew family belongs to Hailan's personal goal. As long as the Devil Fruit ability and Marine identity are not exposed, there is no need to save strength.

"Little Brother, I think you are good at it. Why don't you just follow me...puff..."

Matthew Giles hasn't finished a word yet , He was pierced by Hai Lan.

Generally speaking, there are two kinds of people who say this kind of thing. One is that strength can crush the opponent, but they are interested in the ability of the other party; the other is that they don't know what to do with the other party and want to fool the other party.

Giles is obviously second...

A feast of killing took only a few minutes from beginning to end.

"Get up!"

Hailan picked up a gang member.

"If you tell me all the treasures hidden in this base, I can't kill you."

"I...I don't know...I'm just a Brother..."

"That's right, then you can die."

See the blood seal in the throat.

Kenbunshoku Haki reminds Hailan that there are two younger brothers on the ground who are pretending to be dead.

But he not at all kill to the last one, because he needs these little brothers to spread the deeds of "Bai Wuchang".

Using the induction of electromagnetic force, Hailan seized some of the treasures in the underground base.

The reason why I didn’t find all of them is because it’s underground... The signal is not good...

But it is only part of it, UU reading www.uukanshu.com is also enough Hailan packed two big sacks.

"Oh...I finally feel the pain of the rich now..."

Hailan sighed shook the head.

This time, Hai Lan drew a crying face on the ground.

Bai Wuchang, of course, emotions must be volatile.

And this will indeed have a headache.

The composition of the crying face is also very simple, the same as the previous smiling face, except that D, who is lying, turned his head, and leaned over.

Complete this graphic, put two sacks on your shoulders, and Hailan strode out the meteor.

"The pain of the rich is that there is too much money... It's a bit hard to pick up..."

"If this fantasy world can resemble a fantasy world or a science fiction world That way, it would be much more convenient to have Space Magical Artifact or Space Technology..."

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