Grand Line, starting point.

Reverse Mountain, Twin Capes.

At the foot of the lighthouse.

A slightly lonely silhouette is standing on the shore, looking in the direction of the Grand Line.

This person has a tall and thin body, wearing a plum red shirt and scarlet trousers, a pair of black high-heeled shoes with gold rims on his feet, and a wide scarlet cloak on the inside of the cloak. It is a checked pattern.

The man’s white hair was braided into two braids and hung over his shoulders. In his hand he held a slender bat-handle umbrella with a blue flower on the cloak on his chest. There is a long golden chain hanging from his mouth, and the most eye-catching thing is his crimson's eyebrows.

"Red the Aloof" Patrick Redfield-the Legendary who used to go hand-in-hand with Roger Pirates, Whitebeard Pirates, and Golden Lion fleets just by relying on one person's power!

Brook's rhythmic music and Laboon's cheerful cry came in my ears. Redfield's within both eyes revealed a touch of longing for the color, and it flashed away: "Brook senior is still as always. Chic...I really envy a man like him..."

Redfield is an unfathomable man without a partner. Whether it is his origin or age, it is all a secret, the only thing the world knows. He is from West Blue.

Brook's age is 16 years older than Whitebeard, and Redfield went to sea because he admired Brook. If we infer from this, his age should be not much different from Whitebeard.

"Since I envy a man like him, why not gather a group of like-minded partners like him? You are a lonely person, if you get injured in the battle, no one will save you. "

Behind Red the Aloof, Crocus asked casually.

Before the Great Age of Pirates, Red the Aloof was once known as the three legends Pirate together with Roger and Golden Lion.

At that time, Whitebeard was not interested in fame and wealth, so he did not compete for these titles like Golden Lion. In addition, he did not cause trouble like Roger, so he was not like Roger and Golden Lion in Pirate. That's famous.

Crocus and Red the Aloof used to belong to opposing factions, but now they are both old and belong to the remnants of the era. There is no longer a fight between them, and the rest is more just sympathy .

"Partner? I don't like those boring things, just have it.


In Red the Aloof's arms, holding a small civet cat.

This civet cat is not a real animal, but a paintbrush that ate the fruits of Zoan ・Mythical Type ・civet.

Its name is "Pat", which is short for Red the Aloof's last name "Patrick".

With this brush, just like the magic pen Ma Liang, Red the Aloof can draw any Devil Fruit Ability User at will, and copy the same Devil Fruit Ability User with them.

It is precisely with this brush that Red the Aloof can be on an equal footing with Roger Pirates on its own.

Otherwise, Roger, Rayleigh, Kozuki Oden and all other Roger Pirates can only draw a tie with Red the Aloof, which would be too fun.

The three views are different. Cannot make plans together. Crocus no longer struggles with the topic of "partners", but asks: "You have been silent for a long time, why are you suddenly appearing now? Do you want to do something big?"

"This era is called Great Age of Pirates, right?"


" But what about reality? None of those newbie Pirates are arrogant, but Marine is becoming more and more exasperated. Hiruto... Tiger? Liger Fighting? He really dares to call this name..."

Red the Aloof stroked Pat in his hand, and a wicked smile was outlined at the corner of his mouth: "Roger is dead, but he opened the Great Age of Pirates, his death is glorious!

But you See what others have done?

The once flying thief'Golden Lion' Shiki was actually killed by a trifling Marine Vice Admiral in his best aerial battle.

The "Whitebeard" Edward Newgate, who is known as "the strongest man in the world", actually only huddled in his territorial waters and engaged in Pirate play house games,

'world destroyer' Byrnndi Wapol The German stupid was so stupid that the CP0s who were trifling plot against in the deep sea prison...

Do you think this era... is worthy of the Great Age of Pirates. Words?"

Crocus's expression became serious: "Do you want to..."

As a member of Roger Pirates, he knows very well that Red the Aloof is Pirate in a true sense, and the biggest feature of Pirate is to bring terrifying to this World.

This is not the era Captain Roger wants to see.

Unfortunately, as a ship doctor, Crocus was unable to stop it.

And he knows very well that Red the Aloof would never come to him if it hadn't been because Brook was in the Gemini.

"I don’t have the leisurely feelings of Golden Lion, and I don’t want to do the boring things that dominate the world...

...I just want to remind the world that in this era, the name For the Great Age of Pirates!"

Crocus said curiously: "Then what do you want to do?"

Red the Aloof's eyes became deeper: "The strongest in the world The man is Pirate, right?

The most beautiful woman in the world is also Pirate, right?

So the Greatest Swordsman in the World...and Pirate should do it... "

Crocus was surprised: "So you are going to challenge..."

"Yes, the most beautiful woman is the best in the world calculated by strength, It’s not even a turn on the heads of these youngsters!"

With that, Red the Aloof slowly walked towards a small boat, saying that the boat was complimenting it, and it looked like it was simply on a raft. A sail was raised.

"As for the partner... just think of the idiot Wapol De... If it weren't for his partner's betrayal, how could he be caught in the deep sea prison?"

In fact, Byrnndi Wapol's partner did not betray him. This is a countermeasure of CP0, but Red the Aloof doesn't know it, so this aggravates his dislike of the term "partner".

Stroking Pat’s supple face, Red the Aloof sat cross-legged on the raft and floated to the distance of the Grand Line, " long as you are there, you will never Betray me...Pat..."

The civet cat in Red the Aloof's arms solemnly vowed and said: "Of course! I will never betray the boss!"

"These two people... really look like..."

Looking at the back of Red the Aloof, a youngster suddenly appeared in Crocus's mind. .

That was a young man with eyes as sharp as a falcon.

Just like Red the Aloof, it is also a lonely silhouette with graceful demeanor in every gesture. It is also a weird man who is drifting on the sea in a small boat.

I just set off from Reverse Mountain a few days ago.

The only difference is that Red the Aloof has a chilling baleful aura, and the man from Hawk Eyes never said a word to Crocus from start to finish, but he gave Crocus intuition. , The whole person is like a sharp sword!

There is no doubt that the man with Hawk Eyes must target the highest realm of Way of Sword.

"So... the first to win the Greatest Swordsman in the World head, will it be you... or the youngster of Hawk Eyes?

This era.. . Will it still belong to our old bones?"

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