The so-called fairies are the little Human Race that lives in Dressrosa. The name of this race is "Dong Tata".

Little Human Race has the innate talent of "fast speed" and "big power".

In terms of power, the power of the Dongtata clan is stronger than the Fishman clan, which is born with ten times the power of human beings.

Their speed is incredibly fast. Almost all battle-type clansman in the race have reached the "shaven" level.

However, compared with Hai Lan, the speed of this fairy is still a bit worse.

Had it not been for Dong Tata's natural short stature to have Innate's advantage in the city chase, he would have been caught by Hai Lan a long time ago.

To be honest, it’s just a few pieces of food. Hailan has made a lot of money in the bullfighting arena in the past few days, which is not bad at all.

If Dong Tata sincerely seeks Hailan to ask for food, maybe because of the lovely face of this patriarch, Hailan will not only care about them, it is very likely that he will lead them Go to the restaurant and have a meal.

But this direct robbery cannot be tolerated.

This is a completely different nature, and it is a provocation to the parties.

Why do martial arts heroes go to a new place and do art? Just grab it directly.

It's so unbelievable, then Tata Tata even robbed a Marine.

It seems that the police have no evidence for fear of stealing.

A small, one, one, and two afterimages flashed continuously in the city, and everything in the city seemed to them both in slow motion.

The citizens of Dressrosa have seen something new today.

The "fairy stealing incident" has long been accustomed to them, but this is the first time such a big fairy like today has seen it.

The vision of ordinary people can't capture the silhouette of Hailan when using "shave", they only know that the afterimage behind is larger than the usual fairy.

So I took him as a Great Demon.

After nine curves and eighteen bends, I ran almost half of Dressrosa, and even crossed over the steel suspension bridge with ferocious piranhas everywhere in the surrounding waters, and came to Grimbit, an island north of Dressrosa.

Just one second before Dong Tata successfully entered the forest and completely returned to the home field of the goblin battle, Hai Lan leaped forward and finally caught the messing goblin.


Hearing only a muffled voice, Hai Lan, who lost control of his body, slammed into a man walking out of the forest. On the man.

"That's it, hit someone to death?"

Hailan is all Tekkai, and with the speed of shaving, if it hits ordinary people, the damage is no less than A car traveling at extreme speed.

"Are you okay with this friend?"

Amidst Hailan's subconsciously questioning, the man climbed up at a speed no less than Hailan's.

The man waved his hand to indicate that he was okay.

Hailan sighed in relief, thinking that this should be the hunter of Dressrosa, and it looks like she should be good at strength.

"You grinning little fairy, you wasted so much energy. Come on, how do you apologize? Isn't it right that no one in your family teaches you to steal someone else's stuff?"

Seeing Dongtata with tearful eyes caught in her hands, Hailan was also intrigued for a while, and she wanted to take one back to the headquarters to raise it.

No... Strictly speaking, Little Human Race is also a human being, not an animal that can be regarded as a pet.

"Run... ran!"

The anxious Dongtata didn't know how to speak, he suddenly pointed to the direction behind Hai Lan and yelled.

"Run away?"

Hailan was taken aback, who ran away?

He turned around, only to find that the powerful hunter who had just been knocked down by him ran into the forest again, leaving only a vague back.

What kind of folk customs is this?

Shouldn’t it be lying on the ground and asking for money? Why did he run away instead?

Hailan was taken aback,

but she quickly reacted: "No, there must be a demon if something goes wrong. This is obviously a guilty conscience!"

He threw the little demon on the spot. On the ground, no matter what kind of food, who has made a lot of sense, Hailan's current energy has all been transferred to that mysterious man.

Vergo is very painful now.

He had already successfully led the Marines from the city to this remote and uninhabited island according to Young Master's orders.

At this time, he should have achieved his success and retreat, waiting for Young Master and other cadres to come and eliminate this group of Marines.

Why did you run into a youngster with good strength?

With just such a collision, Vergo had already judged Hailan's strength.

It's hard to say who is strong or weak between himself and him, but at the very least, it will not be easy to defeat the other party.

So now the best choice is to turn around and run away, because he is not only the top cadre of the Donquixote Family, he is also a hole card in the hands of Young Master that can never be seen.

"Hush...Did you hear it? There seems to be a strange noise!"

"Is there? You heard it wrong, right? It may be the sound of the wind blowing leaves in the forest "

Several Marine female soldiers are cautiously searching in the forest.

Marine squad like them, there are four more.

"No, it's definitely not an illusion. I suspect that we should be in ambush! I suggest that we should return to Captain's side quickly!"

Female Marine used it here "Captain" is a more euphemistic term. UU reading www.

Because the crane from the very beginning, I suspect that the clues that the soldiers found were deliberately left by the enemy to Marine.

But in order to find out the truth, Crane has disguised as an ordinary soldier and personally came to this island called Greenbit.

At the same time, Hai Lan was like a wild wolf with a keen sense of smell, biting Vergo's tail tightly.

Vergo is the existence of Donquixote Family's second only to Doflamingo strength, and is a pure body refinement cultivator. Even if he has not studied Marine Rokushiki, he still has a good moving speed.

But even so, he couldn't get rid of Hailan behind him.

This makes his heart more and more tense.

Suddenly, the ground under their feet began to shake, like an earthquake without warning.

Wilgo's heart is overjoyed: This is Pica's ability!

The unsuspecting Hai Lan shook abruptly, but in less than a second he had stabilized his balance again.

Just as Hailan was about to pursue the fuzzy back of the mysterious man ahead, a spider web-like net suddenly fell from the sky and stopped in front of Hailan.



Two styles in one go, using Rankyaku to slow down the speed of the web, Hailan flashed back instantly, barely avoiding becoming a prey in the web.

Along with the chilling evil laughter, a blond man wearing a black suit, a flamingo-like feather coat, and a pair of red sunglasses suddenly fell from the sky.

"You are the Hailan, right? If you didn't go to the bullfighting arena to compete, why did you come here to chase my family?"

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