What Hailan didn't know was that the historical trajectory of this World had already begun to move towards a different direction slowly due to his influence.

But Hailan doesn't care about these at all.

If he is reborn into the past, perhaps he will be frustrated with problems similar to the "time paradox" and dare not do a lot of things.

It would be miserable if you accidentally mess up yourself.

But this World has nothing to do with his original world, and Hailan doesn't worry about the so-called historical trend at all.

"Mr. Garp, why did Red the Aloof appear here?"

Follow Garp's side, precognition said curiously.

Garp shook the head: "I don’t know very well. The man’s character is too weird. No one can guess what he is thinking about.

Is it because the competition for hegemony between New World Pirate is getting more and more fierce, so he also wants to get involved?"

"Oh...it seems that the task at this time should have been completed. I'll go back if there is nothing wrong."

At this moment, Kizaru suddenly interjected.

Then he turned into golden rays of light and flew directly back to Marine Headquarters.

He doesn't care about these messy things, some people worry about it anyway.

"Because of Pirate of New World?"

Precognition is really interested.

In recent years, New World has launched two brand-new Pirates-"Beasts" Pirates and "Big Mom" ​​Pirates.

They not only stir up the storm in New World, they even openly occupy the territory that originally belonged to Whitebeard Pirates and provoke Whitebeard's authority.

It is said that Kaido, "Beasts", was caught several times by Whitebeard Pirates, but it was a pity that he ran away.

"Hailan, what you said just now is not a pity, are you? Are you really planning to go to New World?"

Remembering what Hailan said before, Garp could not help but be the sea Lan became worried.

"New World is no better than other Sea Territory, Pirate there is so fierce, even Busoshoku Haki has been flooded, even if you are Logia Devil Fruit Ability User, in New World you are not necessarily to be discussed It’s cheap."

Hai Lan said indifferently: "My advantage is not elemental transformation, but fast!"

The moving speed of the Aurora Fruit, "calculate" The speed of reaction brought by the ability is enough to make Hailan travel through the Sea Territory of New World as much as possible.

If Red the Aloof is indeed the powerhouse of the cream of the crop in the world, Hailan now has reason to believe that no one can stop his silhouette except Red the Aloof.

Even "the strongest man in the world" Whitebeard can't!


Garp nodded, "Since you are confident, then I won't stop you. Youngster should have this kind of motivation, hahahaha..."

"Quickly, quickly..."

With the passage of time, the third batch of Marine has also arrived at the shampoo.

This time came the fully armed Marine troops.

Although they can't play a role in front of Red the Aloof, at the end of the battle, the clearing of the battlefield still requires a large number of middle and lower marines to be responsible.

The rescue and comfort of civilians, the identification and arrest of pirates...Marine's work is very busy.

Following the guidance of the life card, Pikachu quickly flew to Hailan's side.

On its back sits Koala, and on its legs, there seems to be a person hanging...

It's Buggy!

At this time, Buggy was holding Pikachu's legs tightly, for fear that he would be thrown off.


"Master Hailan!"

As soon as they landed, Koala and Buggy rushed towards Hailan with tears.


Hai Lan looked confused.

What is going on here?

Why are you still crying?



Koala hugged Hailan and looked towards him with tears." ...Your hand...is it broken?"

"My lord!"

Follow closely from behind is a big red nose...

When Buggy and Koala heard Hailan’s hand broke,

Koala immediately turned over and rode on Pikachu.

Buggy's movements slowed down by half a beat, and in the end he only hugged Pikachu's thigh.

hong long!

Hai Lan's body flashed, and Buggy's nose came into close contact with the grass behind him.

Buggy pouted his butt and arched on the ground: "Uh, uh...it's not fair..."

"How do you know I broke my hand?"

Hai Lan, who got rid of Buggy, asked Koala.

Koala replied while sobbing: "Yes...in Kizaru...Vice Admiral told us..."


Hai Lan suddenly came to Satori.

Didn't expect this old brat to have such a bad taste?

Half talk?

So Koala and Buggy are crying like this because they are worried about themselves?

Actually, Buggy’s mind is different from Koala...

Hai Lan smiled, extend the hand and wiped the tears from Koala’s eyes: "I’m fine, Kizaru senior He teased you..."

"Huh? Really okay?"

Seeing that both of Hailan's arms were intact, Koala burst into tears and smiled.

Buggy mumbled on the ground: "Ah...I fell down...I want the little lady to hug to get up..."

Hai Lan raised his hand.

Buggy jumped up immediately, "It's okay, I'm very strong, you don't need electrotherapy, my lord!"

Garp laughed heartily.

The corners of precognition's mouth twitched a few times.

Hai Lan's face suddenly became serious: "Koala, you leave here with Pikachu first."

Originally, Koala wanted to ask why, UU reading www. uukanshu.com But as soon as she saw Hailan's expression, she immediately realized the seriousness of the matter.

"Why did they go?"

Garp scratched the back of the head, and while watching Koala leaving, he came to Hailan's side.

Soon, a foul-mouthed voice came from not far away: "Asshole! You damn Marine, come here so late, do you want to kill Ben Saint?"

Garp's smile gradually disappeared: "Is it because of Celestial Dragon?"


The sound of metal rubbing.

Precognition turned over and rode on the Bicycle, "My wallet fell off the road, I will find it..."


Ignore completely After Garp's voice, the precognition pedaled Bicycle disappeared quickly.

"This bastard..."

Garp has a toothache, "Hailan, do you want to run too?"

"If I want to run, I will be early I just ran away. The Marine here can't live without Sir."

Hai Lan looked towards "Celestial Dragon" Saint Charlos, with a playful expression on his face, "To be honest, I am really chubby. World Nobles is very interested..."

This Celestial Dragon is wearing an astronaut-like bloated and weird costume. The bubble hood that was originally put on his head has been shattered in the chaos.

Under the protection of bodyguards, Saint Charlos foul-mouthed finally walked in front of Hailan and Garp.

"Asshole! I'm Celestial Dragon. Celestial Dragon is in trouble. You should get here as soon as possible. You are too slow."

Garp did not speak, He wanted to see how Hailan dealt with this headache Celestial Dragon.

If he was the only one here, he would basically fool around in the form of picking his nose and pretending to be dumb...

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