"Aiya...Where is this place? I seem to be lost?"

Standing in the square of Dressrosa, "Kizaru" Borsalino looked at the surrounding vast crowd and said to himself language.


"pu tong!"

The people of Dressrosa moved towards the rear timidly, some of them were more courageous The little one even fell to the ground.

A golden streamer suddenly condenses into a living person. In the eyes of the ordinary people of the overwhelming majority, this is an extremely incredible thing.

Especially Kizaru, who has been nominated as an "Admiral Candidate", has not officially become the Marine Headquarter, but he has already produced the oppressive aura of the Marine Headquarter.

Even if Kizaru did not release any murderous aura, ordinary people, even ordinary Marine Rear Admiral Vice Admiral, would involuntarily be timid in front of Kizaru.

Kizaru bent over and asked a man casually, "Brother...Do you know where Hailan is?"

"No... I don't know... Help..."

The man scared witless and fled Kizaru. He really couldn't stand this kind of oppression.

"Why did you run away? How strange?"

Kizaru tilted his head and looked at the boy, "Am I so scary?"


"Bo...Bo...Bo...Borsalino Vice Admiral, I want to kill you!"

A big red nose suddenly appeared in the crowd.

Buggy, who got rid of Donquixote Family, jumped out as soon as he saw Kizaru.

Kizaru looked at Buggy a few times and said clearly: "Are you...Buggy?"

Buggy patted: "Yes, that's right, it's me!"


Like Marine at Buggy this level, Kizaru can't remember.

But Buggy's red nose and personality are so distinctive. After only meeting a few times, Kizaru also has an impression of Buggy.

The Donquixote Family who was chasing Buggy once saw Kizaru,

immediately gave up the pursuit.

And Kizaru has no interest in them at all, so he ignores them.

"Buggy, do you know where Hailan Vice Admiral is?"

"No...I don't know."


At this moment, a scream suddenly came from the street not far away.

"Now I know..."

Kizaru used Kenbunshoku Haki to explore the past, said with a smile: "It seems that he is okay, so I don't need to worry. "


"Is this the fairy in the legend? It turns out to be such a thing..."

"So the fairy we usually support Are they all these little things? What's the point?"

"I think this little fairy is actually pretty cute..."

"The Liku clan really is Sinners, they actually feed these guys with the fruits of our hard work!"


Amidst the voices of the Dressrosa citizens, a "little" has been lying in embarrassment. On the ground, green smoke was all over his body.

Doflamingo smiled happily, "Hailan Vice Admiral, is this what you call justice? Even such a little cutie, can you handle it?"

Before Hailan and Doflamingo were walking on the streets of Dressrosa, a "little Human Race" suddenly appeared from the side of the road and went straight to Hailan.

But the moment he just touched the "sounding wind", the dazzling lightning jumped on him.

Then there is this scene.

"Otherwise, why do you think it is justice? Because he is cute, his crimes can be ignored, right?"

This little Human Race is not dead, as Marine, killing people in the street is not good.

But under the stimulation of the electric current, the little Human Race has completely passed out.

Unlike the law of "the villain dies by talking too much", in fact, Doflamingo is a person who talks a lot.

In the original work, when Sengoku called Shichibukai for a meeting, most of the time it was Doflamingo alone. N Bo N Bo N Bo N...

Doflamingo teased: "Of course I don’t understand justice. , So Hailan Vice Admiral, what exactly is justice?"

"The essence of justice is actually very simple, that is,'fairness'!"



"Murder pays life, a debtor must pay his debt, distribution according to work... The emperor commits the same crime with the common people... etc...

All of this, the essence In fact, there are only two words, fair!

It’s not the first time I have come to Dressrosa, and I know a lot about the situation here.

When everyone works hard, it’s not easy When you earn money and spend money on other things, you will eventually be taken away by these little Human Races. This is not fair, this is not justice!

Is this hard to understand?"

In a peaceful and prosperous age of singing and dancing, in theory, it should be a matter of road and night without closing the house.

Dressrosa can be regarded as "closed at night".

But the reason why everyone "does not close their accounts at night" is not that this country simply does not have robbers and thieves, but that the king told everyone that if something is lost, it should be, just smile.

This has already run counter to "fairness" and "justice".


Hailan understands that no matter which country or world it is in, it is impossible to have true "fairness" and "justice".

But as a Marine, since this happened to me, I still have to take care of it.

"Then...that adult can talk and laugh with Doflamingo...could he be the Hailan Vice Admiral in the live broadcast?"

"That The damn fake Master Bayi hasn’t even photographed Master Hailan’s face, otherwise we should have recognized him a long time ago."

"This lord is right, why should he be? We take the fruits of our hard work to raise these fairies? We want to be fair!"

"You...you are Hailan Vice Admiral, right? That rare beast has been defeated by you. Is it?"

Various voices rang from the crowd.

Hailan glanced at Doflamingo, and then said with a smile: "That big elephant has been beaten away by me."

"Long live Master Hailan, Master Doflamingo Long live, let’s celebrate with a banquet!"

Hailan shook the head: "It’s really a group of troublesome citizens, it’s a bit too enthusiastic..."

"Hailan Sir!"

Buggy's voice came from the crowd.

The crowds who were originally on the side of the road quickly gave way-don't get me wrong, not to make way for Buggy, but to make way for Kizaru behind Buggy.

When I saw Kizaru, Doflamingo's expression became heavy: Why is he here?

As soon as I saw Kizaru and Buggy, Hailan's mood also relaxed: "Buggy, I'm tired, you can help me find a hotel nearby."

"Yes! "

"Doflamingo, I won't go to the palace with you today, and tomorrow I will accept your sincerity."

Doflamingo sneered: "Also."

He doesn't want to bring Kizaru to his palace. Although it is not a big problem, it will make him feel very uncomfortable.

On the way to the hotel, Hailan asked: "Borsalino senior, why are you here?"

Kizaru slowly replied: "Oh... it's Zephyr-sensei Please come here. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com It is said that he was watching your live broadcast at the time, and suddenly lost the signal, but it frightened him."

"Is that right? Thanks Senior."

Hailan is very aware of the contradiction between Zephyr and Kizaru.

That old-fashioned person would actually go to ask Kizaru on his own initiative, and Hai Lan was also moved.

The mother Hai Lan, who had never met, didn't care at all.

I have been with Zephyr for nearly 20 years, how can it be possible that there is no relationship at all.

"Senior, there is one more thing I need to trouble you..."


"I will sleep first..."

As soon as he walked into the hotel, Hai Lan's head sank and fell asleep directly on the comfortable bed.

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