A cookie cannot prove anything, but it may become the most important clue someday in the future.

After returning to Dressrosa, in order to avoid beating the grass to scare the snake, Hailan did not tell Vice Admiral Tsuru and Garp about the cookies, but instead conducted an insignificant investigation.

Followed the clues to find the past, the final goal pointed to a high-end hotel.

According to the hotel boss, a group of people with a very terrifying imposing manner once lived here.

According to the description of their appearance and clothing by Boss, Hailan can roughly understand that there are three of them are Doflamingo, Pica and Trebol.

Only the fourth man Hailan dressed in red-clothed has never seen him.

But that person went to participate in the bullfighting tournament, only to lose to a mysterious sword fighter in the final.

This has also been confirmed by the Arena staff.

"So... Donquixote Pirates should be someone who has never shown up..."

The people of Donquixote Pirates seem to be They are like Superman, they want to hide their tracks, no one will notice them at all.

So the clue is so broken here.

"Aunt He, do you have any plans next?"

After returning to Battleship, Hai Lan asked casually.

Crane lightly replied: "After leaving Dressrosa, I will take these two Pirates to Marine's New World G1 branch for interrogation first. You and Garp will go back to Marine Headquarters directly."


"You didn't bring it back to the headquarters directly?"

Hearing Hailan's doubts, He took a deep look at Hailan: "Hailan, there are some things, now you are still Don't ask too much."

Hailan was nodded, he didn't need to embarrass Crane.

After all, you can ask Sengoku directly when you go back...


Marine Headquarters, in Admiral Sengoku's office, Garp is eating sweets Circle, boasting about the heroic deeds that he and Hai Lan taught the Eight Treasure Navy in Dressrosa.

Sengoku has always acquiesced to Garp's provocative behavior.

After all, the official Pirates of the World Government participating countries can only use this method to teach them.

I don’t know what’s wrong. Normally Sengoku, who has always been busy, didn’t drive Garp out today.

His eyes flashed on Hai Lan's body from time to time, and there seemed to be a trace of envy in the kind and approving eyes.

It would be great if Rosinante could have a combat innate talent like Hailan, and his undercover operations would not need to be so worried.

Sengoku thought of it.

I am most afraid of the sudden silence of the air. Garp has nothing to say as he speaks. Only the sound of Garp chewing doughnuts ka-cha is left in the entire office.

"Uncle Sengoku, why didn't Brother Rosinante come to see me?"

Hai Lan asked suddenly.

Sengoku is five years older than Zephyr, and Rosinante is also older than Hailan.

In terms of seniority and intimacy, as Sengoku's adopted son, Rosinante can also be regarded as Hailan's eldest brother.

And Rosinante is kind by nature. After learning about Hailan's childhood experience, he takes good care of Hailan in his daily life.

Even if Hailan's strength has far surpassed him, Rosinante still has not forgotten to take care of this younger brother.

Hailan didn't know Rosinante's mission, he just asked casually like a chatter.

Sengoku's expression naturally replied: "Rosinante...he has a mission. It is estimated that he will not return to Marine Headquarters for a long time."

Will you return to the headquarters?

A trace of doubt arose in Hailan's heart, because in memory, Rosinante seldom performed difficult tasks.

So Hailan asked again: "What's the task?"

"Oh, the slave sales situation on Sabaody Archipelago is a bit serious recently. I asked Rosinante and Borsalino Vice Admiral to Let’s investigate together."

Hailan, who smelled something not simple, deliberately continued to ask: "Sabaody Archipelago, isn’t it very far?"

"It’s definitely not far away. Far, it’s a bit troublesome, you know, slave sales are always inseparable from Celestial Dragon."

"Okay, well, I have a lot of things to deal with. , You two will go out first."

Sengoku under the Expulsion Order.

Hailan reconciled and said directly: "Maybe some of my information may be helpful to Brother Rosinante."


Sengoku stared at Hailan with a firm gaze for a long time before whispered: "...what have you discovered..."

Sengoku watched Hailan grow up since he was a child. Yes, he knows that Hailan is very smart and very curious. This is an advantage, but in some cases, it is also a disadvantage.

"Garp, you go out first."

"Hey? Let me out?"

Garp was taken aback: "You really want to let me out? "

"Really, you go out first!"

Although Garp grumbled a few words in dissatisfaction, he walked out of Sengoku's office.

Garp is not as curious as Hailan. There are some things in UU reading www.uukanshu.com. Since Sengoku doesn't want to tell him, he doesn't bother to listen.

It would be nice if Hailan was as obedient as Garp.

Although I thought so, Sengoku knew it was impossible.

"Let’s talk about Hailan, what did you find?"

"I found a cookie while chasing Doflamingo's men. Here, it’s this one."

Hailan put the cookie that fell off Vergo's face on Sengoku's desk.

Sengoku was so angry that Hailan said, "What's the use of this?"

He thought Hailan knew some secrets.

"The point is that this person deliberately avoided his true appearance when he saw me. Later in the investigation, no trace of information about this person was found."

"Uncle Sengoku, you know, after the start of the Great Age of Pirates, there have been countless undercover agents sent by Pirates in Marine, so I want to say, if the headquarter suddenly has one more favorite This kind of biscuit’s newbie, you need to beware.”

Hailan’s words reminded Sengoku, who was so busy all day, that he would arrange undercover for the Donquixote Family, and Doflamingo also did the same. You can put an undercover in Marine.

Although there is only one cookie and nothing can be investigated, it is indeed possible to expose the enemy's feet at a certain moment.

"Uncle Sengoku, this biscuit is left for you, remember to say hello to Brother Rosinante for me."

A few days later, Marine broke out in the New World G1 branch. Large-scale jailbreak incident.

A weird dumb man dressed like a crow wounded the guard and escaped from the branch prison.

In the chaos, Pica and Diamante were caught by Vice Admiral Tsuru and they were not very long.

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