A genius remembers this site address in one second: https:///fastest update! No ads! "It's really weird, why is there no follow-up report of Marine Headquarters Vice Admiral's "Day Tiger" Hailan vs. Beasts Pirates "Drought" Jack in the newspaper? Did I miss a newspaper issue?" "That's right, the "World Economic News" is only published once a week, and I still keep it last week, which is connected to this issue." Because it is a "world-scope" newspaper, so "world The publication cycle interval of the Economic News is relatively long. After all, this World does not have a "network", and the ability of news delivery is obviously not as developed as Earth. As Hailan annoyed World Nobles Celestial Dragon, "Big News" Morgans wittily cancelled all news reports about Hailan, a matter of no concern to oneself. He is a journalist, and he can't afford to offend him anywhere. "Don't worry, wait and see if there is any news about'Zhouhu' Hailan in the next issue of the newspaper." "It's a pity that all the newspapers in the previous issue belonged to that big elephant. In the photo, Master Hailan has only one back and one silhouette, and he hasn’t worn a military uniform. It’s really a shame." "..." Hearing someone on the passenger ship quietly discussing his voice, Hailan’s first I don’t feel happy, but... it’s over! My computing power still has 187 recognition points to upgrade, and this passenger ship only has about 200 people, and I can’t get two recognition points from the same person, that is to say... If there are more "fans" on this passenger ship, wouldn't it be impossible to upgrade even if you save everyone? Wouldn't it be so bad? How can it be so difficult to be a good person. If what you need to upgrade your computing power is not the "identity value" but the "hate value", how convenient is it? If you cut this passenger ship into two parts, the "hate value" will be securely obtained. Maybe... It is precisely because I am the son of Marine Former Admiral "Black Arm" Zephyr that I tailor-made this system that requires "identification value"? If you are the son of the flying thief Golden Lion Shiki, then it should be the "Hate Value" System, right? Doesn't it mean that if you crossed over to become a Bounty Hunter, you should get the "Krypton System"? At this time, the service of the Temporal and Spatial Administration Bureau is quite in place... After silently complaining about her System, Hailan continued to stimulate her body with electric current. "It seems to be getting colder and colder..." As the strong wind blew across his cheeks, feeling the colder and colder weather, Hai Lan opened his eyes and looked up towards the sky. "Oh, we have encountered a'silent super thunderstorm', hurry up and turn the rudder to the left, go forward at full speed, and escape from this Sea Territory, the farther the better!" "What does the silent super thunderstorm mean?" "Don't talk nonsense, get busy!" "If we escape, the supplies that were originally sent to Jianhao Island..." "Jianhao Island" was originally called "source stone island" , Is the place of origin of Poneglyph source stone most important. Since the demise of the "Kozuki clan", "source stone island" has become the favorite place for swordsmen to learn because of its "sturdy" characteristics, hence the name "Swordsman Island". Hearing so much nonsense from his men, the captain scolded: "This thunderstorm is different from what we have encountered in the past, don't ask, hurry up and get busy, otherwise all of us will have to die here!" As soon as I heard "Everyone has to die", the originally warm and peaceful deck immediately became a commotion. "It turned out to be a silent super thunderstorm...this time can be troublesome..." Hailan at the stern has stopped the cultivation, and his expression gradually became serious. Hailan once saw in the data that "Silent Super Thunderstorm" is a unique weather that New World has. "Silent super thunderstorms" are irregular. The originally clear sea may suddenly appear super huge cumulonimbus clouds, accompanied by extremely violent storms and thunderstorms, not to mention the ships sailing on the sea, even Just passing by an island will bring huge disasters to the residents on the island. Now it's just the tranquility before the rainstorm. As the headquarter elite Vice Admiral, Hailan has already felt a clear chill. From this, we can infer how terrifying the real thunderstorm will be. "I said I wanted to sell some favors to the passengers on this ship, but don't you need such a big battle? This is much more difficult than Pirate..." In a short moment, the sky above the passenger ship has become black and heavy. The black clouds pressed the ship and the ship was about to destroy, and the high-pressure and dull atmosphere permeated the air. Even Sea Lan felt a faint anxiety. Hailan cares about the identification value, but it is not at the point where "birds die for food and people die for money"; Hailan is a Marine, but has not dedicated his life to the noble consciousness. Hailan admires the warriors who fight floods and rescue people and put out fires, but they can only admire them in the heart. Asking himself, he can't do it. "Let's do everything to your fate... If you still have enough energy, you can help the passengers on this ship. If you are at a desperate step, then you can only say sorry." "Beasts Pirates Why is the "three plagues" called the "three plagues"? That is because "natural disasters" are the most frightening existence in this sea. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com Whitebeard can cause a tsunami, Dorag can cause a typhoon, Enel can cause a thunder... But the "silent super thunderstorm" itself has the three natures of tsunami, Taiwan Wind, and Thunder. disaster. In the face of these disasters, Hailan and Kizaru have no big problems. Precognition self-preservation has begun to be somewhat difficult, and Akainu or Crocodile, if they are unlucky, will inevitably die in this disaster. The three rare beasts of Beasts Pirates are simply not worthy of the three words "Three Disasters". Tsunami, Taiwan Wind, Thunder storm... These are the Three Great Natural Disasters that truly dominate the sea. Under the dark clouds, the sea without the sun's shining turned into a thick black, full of offensive like a surging oil, and it just looks terrifying. "ka!" With a lightning as thick as a water column falling from the clouds to the sea, the "crash-bang" rain fell from the sky like pouring, and many people on the deck were suffering with buzzing ears. The ground wailed. "Help..." There was a scream for help in the squally wind. Sound originates from vibration, and strong wind will interfere with the vibration of the air. Therefore, even two people facing each other need to shout to communicate with each other in a strong wind. That is, Hailan could barely hear the faint cry for help. pa! Hailan grabbed the wrist of the caller, a little girl with black shoulder-length hair and red pupils. She was almost blown away by the wind. "Don’t hang out on the deck for the little child, and roll into the cabin!"

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