?The water swayed by the spiral sword aura of Red the Aloof suddenly surged into the sky. Then it was like a goddess scattered flowers that enveloped the battlefield where the two were fighting. Seawater is different from freshwater. Among them, the content of PYROBROIN is extremely high. If you are unlucky, even if you don't fall into the water, you just have some seawater on your body, the Ability User will most likely be deprived of strength. The current battlefield has changed from the aurora field which is favorable for Hailan to the sea which is favorable for Red the Aloof. Red the Aloof's be worldly-wise and play safe is correct. If he continues to entangle in the aurora field of the source stone duel, he will be killed by Hailan sooner or later. The situation is completely different here. If you have good luck, maybe you can kill Hailan with sea water. But he immediately realized that he was too naive. I saw a circle of naked eye recognizable translucent blue energy shield appeared on Hailan's body. The flower-like sea water of the goddess fell on the energy shield, as if it were on a hot iron pan. , It instantly turned into white water vapor. Electromagnetic barrier! As a Devil Fruit Ability User, how could Hailan not consider the situation when fighting on the sea. As early as when he fought with Golden Lion, he had already used the "electromagnetic barrier" to resist Golden Lion's "sea burial", which was the monstrous water like a lake. Now it is nothing more than a splash of water being shot up and down, completely unable to have any effect on Hai Lan. A part of the seawater is ionized by the electric current of the electromagnetic barrier and turned into hydrogen and oxygen invisible to naked eye. The other part of the seawater is evaporated by the energy on the electromagnetic barrier and turned into a white mist, setting off the sea as soar into the The God of clouds and mount the mists is generally dignified. "Damn it!" Red the Aloof cursed secretly, took out a "Whitebeard card" and threw it out. Whitebeard clenched fists with both hands, the muscles above both arms bulged high, and he slammed a hammer toward the sides. crash-bang ... The surrounding space was hammered to pieces like a mirror. "pu tong!" Then Whitebeard fell into the water, but that was enough. Red the Aloof has now become a game king player. Rumble... Accompanied by the deafening rumbling sound, two monstrous waves broke into the battlefield of the two from two opposite directions. "brat, I think this time you can still guard it!" From Red the Aloof's point of view, Hailan's electromagnetic barrier is impossible to guard against the waves, otherwise he would not be invincible? "You guessed it, I really can't help it." Hailan grinned Issho, "But you forgot? I can fly!" Hailan flew into the sky in an instant, the two below Dao Hailang couldn't threaten him at all. Red the Aloof was so angry that Hailan almost vomited blood. Always calm, he also made a low-level mistake in front of players like Hailan. Yes, they can fly. Red the Aloof holds a bat cane and prepares to blast a tunnel in the center of the waves. But the densely packed Aurora Flying Sword killed him one after another. Although Hailan flew into the sky, she never forgot to attack. "Hateful sea..." The flying Aurora Sword caused a great hindrance to Red the Aloof's actions. Before even a word was finished, Red the Aloof was already submerged by the sea. hong long! Two waves collided together and a huge rumbling sound erupted. Even if there is a large Battleship here, it will be shot to pieces in an instant. Hai Lan took out a coin from his pocket and pointed it down. In Kenbunshoku Haki's perception, Red the Aloof's Life Aura has not diminished. When the sea water dissipated, Hai Lan finally saw it clearly. It turned out that Red the Aloof pulled out a "precognition card" in time to freeze the seawater in a small area around it, and it was able to withstand the impact of this stormy sea. Hailan decisively fired a super-electromagnetic gun at Red the Aloof that Kenbunshoku Haki sensed. Orange's rays of light shattered the ice crystal fortress with a howling wind, Hai Lan frowned. There was a slight deviation in his super-electromagnetic gun. Red the Aloof stands on the crushed ice, following the precognition and the Golden Lion beside him. "This time is really effective. I have already figured out how to crack your ability." It turned out that Red the Aloof pulled out a "Golden Lion card" and used Fuwa Fuwa no Mi's ability to attack Hailan. The super-electromagnetic gun interfered. In fact, if it weren't for Red the Aloof's low level of education, he could completely copy a magnetic fruit Ability User, which is simply the nemesis of the super-electromagnetic gun. "Really?" Hailan muttered, and fired another super-electromagnetic gun. This time With previous experience, the effects of Golden Lion's abilities have become more obvious. The path of the super-electromagnetic gun that had been steadily moved towards Red the Aloof has already turned to its second master's house. "What about this time?" Hailan tossed the coin upwards. "It's the same a few more times!" Red the Aloof is full of confidence in Fuwa Fuwa no Mi's ability. But the next second, his expression changed instantly. "Suck!" The super strong Kenbunshoku Haki made him feel a strong danger, but unfortunately his Kenbunshoku Haki has not reached the level of "Foreseeing Future". Just before the coin flew to the highest point, before it began to fall, a colorful rays of light had bloomed from Hailan's hands, more dazzling and faster than the super-electromagnetic gun. Aurora. The ultimate flash! Red the Aloof was hit by Hailan’s unexpected move before he even had time to hide. UU看书www.uukanshu.com precognition and Golden Lion first turned into leaves, and then the leaves were actually there. Burning in the colorful rays of light. With the high temperature of Aurora Sword "Demon Snake" and the inspiration of "Super Electromagnetic Cannon", Hailan further improved and developed this brand new style-"Ultimate Flash". Electromagnetism and lightning are just his derived abilities, rays of light are the origin of the fruit of the aurora. "Ahhh..." Red the Aloof only let out a scream and fell into the sea. Kenbunshoku Haki could detect the apparent weakness of Red the Aloof, but he did not die. Seeing the falling water, Red the Aloof has been reluctant to show up. Hailan condensed his twelve strongest Aurora Swords, relentlessly chasing Red the Aloof in the sea with his perception. Unfortunately, I don't know what card Red the Aloof drew in the sea. He actually moved towards the deep sea and escaped. This time he really has to run away, he has completely lost the ability to continue fighting with Hailan. "Damn it, there's no way to chase it!" Just when Hai Lan was dissatisfied with the results of today's battle, a group of information suddenly appeared in his mind. [Because you have killed Golden Lion, killed Whitebeard’s son, repelled Beasts Pirates, and severely damaged Red the Aloof, and your identity has reached 50,000, your achievements have been updated] Achievements: [Beginning to show off]→[New official takes office]→[Lead by example]→[Hero of the Marines] https: Please remember the first domain name of this book: .. Mobile version reading URL: m.

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