" My lord , just tell me, what do you want us to do?"

Under the influence of Hailan, the villagers who were originally as meek as a flock of sheep have also The fighting spirit was burning, and their faces were filled with the madness and determination of the last fight.

The soldier counsels one, and will counsel a nest.

The fierce wolves can be domesticated into pets, and the docile sheep can also erupt with incredible battle strength under the leadership of the tiger.

even more how this is itself a powerhouse, the weak are prey to strong, no matter how gentle the villagers are, in the bones also have a wildness that belongs to this World.

"You don't need to do anything, just wait here obediently."

However, Hailan doesn't have any hope for the battle strength of these villagers.

Their objective strength is really not enough to see, no matter how strong the subjective initiative is.

The world is materialistic.

Be determined not to eat as a meal, let alone as a shield against Pirate's sword.

The villagers still be eager to have a try: "But..."

"I just drank a bottle of your wine, and the rest, wait for me to come back After drinking with you, your task is to protect these fine wines! Lilith!"


"Sensei gives you a task to look after the village Villagers, you are not allowed to let go alone, otherwise you are asking!"

"But Sensei, I think..."

Lilith originally thought she could be with Hailan She went to rescue Similu and avenged the dead villagers. She was ready to die, but didn't expect Sensei to give herself such a task. This is not the result she expected.

She wanted to express her determination, but Hailan interrupted her just now.

"Why? Way of Sword hasn't learned solidly yet. If you don't listen to Sensei, you will learn very quickly. Lilith, can Sensei no longer control you?"

"No ...Sensei, I didn’t mean that!"

"Then do as Sensei says, and look after your folks!"

Lilith stomped her feet in a hurry, and finally He gritted his teeth and replied: "Yes! Lilith will never disappoint Sensei's expectations!"

As for Lilith's strength, Hailan is still very confident. He believes Lilith can control these villagers.

After all, after being sold to Celestial Dragon, she can live to this day. Lilith's physical fitness is absolutely excellent.

The slaves purchased by Celestial Dragon are not moving bricks and farms to do hard work in Celestial Dragon, but everyday all have to withstand the cruel abuse of Celestial Dragon, and even fight with other slaves and beasts. .

The scar on Lilith's body is the best proof of her excellent physical fitness.

Although her Way of Sword attainments have just been just entered, Lilith has enough strength to deal with these villagers.

Hai Lan's eyesight shows that Lilith may have the strength of Marine Headquarters to the level of lieutenant.

But even so, Hailan still feels a little worried about her arrangement.

Hai Lan is a thoughtful person, but he is not exactly the same as a clever person like Staff Kong Ming who likes to make complicated plans.

Hailan likes to make a simple plan, and then make the most adequate preparations.

Because in Hailan’s view, the more complicated a plan is, the lower the fault tolerance rate will be. As long as one link of the plan of a closely linked with one another is wrong, it will collapse.

But if you are fully prepared for the simplest plan, you will have the highest fault tolerance rate. As long as there is no problem with the core of the plan, everything can continue to move forward.

So Hailan walked to Ai Yin's side again and said to her: "You stay here too, I am worried that Lilith can't be busy alone."

Ai Yin wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes with the back of her hand, and asked: "Do you really need my help?" The difference between them, although your Blade Technique has reached the level of'slashing iron', you should be very clear about how far you are from those Peak powerhouses, and I am not weaker than them."

"Slashing Iron" seems to be high-end,

is not actually a particularly high realm, it is even simpler than Marine Rokushiki.

Zoro was comprehended when he played against Mr.1 in Alabasta. At that time, Zoro was not the opponent of Ayn at all.

The difficulty of "cutting iron" is not getting started, but to achieve a realm of do as one pleases.

As for "cutting iron", "cutting people without blood" is even simpler. Zoro can do it easily when he first entered Reverse Mountain and competed against a group of Bounty Hunters at Whiskey Peak.

As an assassin-type player, compared with Zoro's fierce sword technique, Ai Yin's Blade Technique focuses more on flexibility. It is her basic operation to cut people without staining blood.

These are some techniques that "seems high-end, but it's actually that way", so Ai Yin clearly understands how far apart he is from true powerhouse.

Seeing that Ai Yin did not refute, Hai Lan said in Ai Yin's ear with a small voice that only the two of them could hear: "Especially Lilith, look at her, she is not very emotional. Stable."

Ain firmly nodded: "I understand. UU reading www.uukanshu.com"

"Friends in the village, just give me the rest Protect your wine, and wait for me to come back and have a drink with you in a beautiful bar!"

"My lord, you must be careful."

"Sensei, I will listen to you , Protect everyone, and wait for your return in the village."

"Mama Mama, are all adventurers so good?"

Hai Lan waved his hand. The villagers were left with a firm back and drifted away.

After leaving the village for a while, Hailan deployed the Kenbunshoku electric field in all directions and confirmed that no one was around. He took out a special Den Den Mushi from the castle body protection talisman.

"Hailan Sir, I want to kill you!"

Buggy's excited roar came from the other side of Den Den Mushi. It must be the use of the 200,000 Beli Won a lot of money.

After Den Den Mushi of baring fangs and brandishing claws calmed down, Hailan asked, "Buggy, are you back to headquarters now?"

Den Den Mushi grinned Issho , His eyes narrowed and became funny: "Drag your blessing, the subordinates have returned to the headquarters safely...Cabaji, you go and watch me, watch out for someone to watch."

Hai Lan seriously said: "Buggy, I have a very important task to give you now."

The funny Den Den Mushi immediately put on a serious expression: "Say it."

"You first go to Wagner and name 53 outstanding soldiers. Carlo must be there, but not Gerrard or Fishman..."

"Um... why 53 Where’s the name? Isn’t it okay to round it up?"

"For not rounding up, you will understand when the time comes."



"etc. after you put together teams, go to Kuro, I will make a detailed plan Kuro explain to you."

"understand! Sir you look all right!"

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