"Please me? What's the matter?"

Looking at Ai Yin who was mysterious and secretive in front of him, Hai Lan asked in confusion.

If before she tells the truth, Hailan thinks that Ai Yin might ask herself to go to other villages to destroy Pirate, but now... what else can she ask for?

"Fuck, I hope you can train me, I don't want to continue like this, I want to become stronger!"


Looking at Ai Yin's sincere expression, Hai Lan refused without even thinking about it: "Impossible."

Ai Yin didn't expect this result at all: "Why?"

Hai Lan didn't know whether to cry or laugh: "Even if I agree to your request, you are impossible to make any progress in just a few days. The strength is accumulated by little by little, how? It may be a fatty after a meal.

If you are not a Devil Fruit Ability User, it is still possible. After all, Devil Fruit can instantly improve a person’s ability, but you are also an Ability User... You stupid girl is really naive..."

It's broken, and the mouth is bald...

"Oh... so is it."


Seeing that Ai Yin didn't care about the "silly girl" that came out of her mouth, Hailan cleared her throat and said, "But I can give Some of your suggestions, you are too obsessed with the cultivated of Blade Technique. In fact, your Devil Fruit ability is very promising. For example, when I release lightning to you, you can use your ability to offset my lightning.

As a Devil Fruit Ability User, we should first focus on the development of Devil Fruit capabilities, followed by body refinement and sword technique.

Of course, this does not mean that body refinement and sword technique are not the same Important, especially body refinement. Without a strong enough body, any fancy Devil Fruit ability is meaningless."

Ain seriously nodded: "Thank you, I remembered."

"Wait for me."

After thinking about it, Hai Lan turned around and pretended to take out two books in her coat.

The two books are actually placed in the "Castle body protection symbol", but Hailan can use the aurora to make a hook and go directly to the body protection symbol to get things, not necessarily he has to get in. .

Ai Yin looked at the covers of the two books: "This is..."Haki cultivation experience" and "Way of Sword Profound Truth"? Give it to me?"

"Ah, I gave it to you."

Like this kind of manual, it is not a unified publication product like the "Five Years College Entrance Examination and Three Years Simulation", but the notes of some people on the sea. Experience. [ The ability to never forget] memorized all the contents of the two books.

"Thank you."

As Ai Yin was looking at the two books in her hand, Hailan was already ready to turn around and leave.

"Where are you going?"

"I remember."

Hai Lan scratched his head and turned back: "The reason why I arranged Another reason for those Pirates plundering treasures is to divert the attention of Big Mom Pirates. When the time comes, you can just push the "Bull Bull" Kate thing on Pirate's body... so that the village and I won’t I have received Big Mom’s attention."

"But what should your friends do?"

Hai Lan confidently Issho: "Don’t worry, Big Mom takes them as There is no other way."

If it is a newbie Pirates, you may also worry about offending a Great Pirate.

But Marine has no such concerns at all, because from the very beginning, Marine and Pirate have been rivals.

"Well, it's okay. Don't be cultivated on this big night. Training requires a combination of work and rest. The cost is persistence. If you want to be a fatty at one go, you will only have stomach problems."



Ain is nodded, but she always feels that something is a bit wrong.

The meaning of listening to the other party's words...

"Fuck, are you going to leave?"



"Leave now?"


"What about Lilith?"

"I I’ve written a letter and handed it to the village head. The village head will hand it over to Lilith for me, and you will take care of her, right?"



"Okay, I'm leaving."

Hailan walked in a hurry, and there was no way he could not say goodbye to the people in the village.

He has to guarantee and protect Pirates, who knows if there are any hidden experts in other villages.

Although even with an expert, it is impossible to be stronger than Kate the Bull, but the Pirate Ship is all his own soldiers, and he doesn't want to see accidental casualties.

Early tomorrow morning, Pirates will continue to plunder the next village.

"Wait a minute."

"What's wrong?"

Hai Lan looked towards Ai Yin, he always felt that the other party seemed to have something to say Say to yourself.

"I...the one who knocked me out last night was actually you?"

"Um...you guessed it..."

After listening to Hailan’s previous explanation, recalling the memory in her mind, Ai Yin speculated that only the iron-legged float on the water could knock herself out in silence, and she couldn’t even make any clues. Find.

When I asked, it was so...

Hai Lan scratched his head awkwardly, "I can't help it..."

" It’s okay."

Ain shook the head with a smile, she ran to Hailan, took a deep breath, and said softly: "Suck, I like you."


Hai Lan blinked, suspecting that there was a problem with her ears.

"What did you say? I didn't hear it clearly."

Ai Yin was not angry, but smiled brighter, she slowed down her speech rate and looked straight Hailan’s eyes: "I said, I like you!" A result outside of his plan.

Before crossed over, Hailan was a boy who didn’t have many friends and didn’t like to talk. After crossed over, he had no experience of being confessed. The silly girl in front of us suddenly came here. In a word, Hai Lan was really caught off guard.

"What do you like me for? Why do you like me? Why do you like me?"

For no reason, Hailan shot Ai Yin directly A set of three consecutive questions was raised.

As early as when Hailan was struck by lightning in the previous "Silent Super Thunder Explosion", Ai Yin had a different kind of emotion towards Hailan in her heart.

Later, Hailan was struck by lightning but was unharmed, and the surprise when she discovered Hailan’s identity as an "iron-legged float on the water" deepened the girl's emotions.

Ayin is a girl who has no scheming but is very persistent. Once she finds something, she will get deeper and deeper.

But she is different from the shy Eldest Miss, her character is as hot as a fire, and she rarely hides her true thoughts.

Especially now, Ai Yin is very worried, if he doesn't say it again, there may be no chance in the future.

Ai Yin was shocked by Hailan’s question: "Um...does it need a reason to like someone? It’s so complicated..."

Nodded: "Yes."

Ayin frowned and thought for a moment, and suddenly eyes shined: "Because you saved me once in rainstorm?...Do you think this reason works?"

"I think it's okay...???"

Hai Lan always feels that there is something awkward between the question and answer between the two of them.

Under the moonlight, the silver moonlight gleams on the shoulders of the two of them, and the young girls stand at each other, but the atmosphere in the air is a bit weird...

It's like it should have been A very beautiful picture suddenly turned into Van Gogh's "Star Moon Night"...


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