Watching the two rows of Marine soldier imposing manner running proudly past the door of his store, Ippon Song, the boss of the Loguetown Weapon Store, even wondered if he was dazzled.

"Did the sun come out from the west today? The Marines actually exercise like crazy, it's really strange...Oh, it hurts, it hurts..."

A woman appeared behind Yibensong, grabbed his ears and walked into the store, and said by the way: "Even if the sun hits the north side today, you have to show me back to the store!"

"Yes, ma'am!"

As surprised as Yibenmatsu, there are many people in Loguetown today.

Where can trainable soldiers still have the energy to care about the opinions of others.

After a day of training, even if Hailan has reduced the amount of training by half, the soldiers who lacked practice in them are all already so tired and red-faced.

If it weren't for the newcomer Hailan Sir who accompanied them in all the training today, they might have suspected that it was Sir from the headquarter who was playing with themselves.

Even if they are better than the two lieutenants and the second lieutenant, they are lying on the ground at this time, panting heavily, their uniforms are already soaked with sweat.

Only the two Sirs were not blushing or breathing.

Hailan needless to say, these sports have long been routine for him.

Hill Captain is different: "Didn't expect headquarter the training intensity of the soldiers is so strong, even if it is replaced by me, I am afraid I can't hold on."

Hill Captain, who has worked hard to learn Rokushiki secretly, is not as weak as it seems on the surface, and this level of training is not at all difficult for him.

But if you and Hailan are not flushed and breathless, then your true strength will definitely be exposed.

Theoretically, disguise can also be used to confuse people, but Hill Captain is very worried that the major from the headquarters can easily see through his disguise.

So he simply found a reason for not participating in the training organized by Hailan.

Hailan gave an order to disband: "Well, you guys will rest here today, Hill Captain, it's time to tell me about the difficulties you are currently encountering."

"Okay, please come with me."

Hill Captain nodded, ready to bring Hailan into his office.

Hearing Hailan called by name again: "Lieutenant, Second Lieutenant, come here together!"

Wagner was dressed roughly and cared: "Bellmere, can you still move?"

Bellmere struggled to stand up: "Even if you can't move, you can't let the headquarter underestimate us, I can do it!"

In Hill Captain's office, Hai Lan looked at Bellmere and Wagner who were brow beaded with sweat: "Two, sit down."

"Report Sir, no need!"

"Why, I want to run in circles again." "


Feeling that they can't run anymore, Bellmere and Wagner finally sat down.

"It's like this."

Hil saw Hailan, who was already prepared, finally turned her attention to herself, so she said, "Through our efforts, Loguetown It’s still relatively peaceful at the moment, and Pirate is rarely attacked on the street."

"However, there are always incidents of passenger ships and fishing boats being attacked in the nearby Sea Territory, and we have no time to rescue them."

"Although there are other branches to help, East Blue is really too big, which makes our forces stretched."


Hailan feels something is wrong: “Don’t the East Blue kingdom have the ability to resist Pirate autonomously?”

If there is no Celestial Dragon, the World Government is equivalent to a joint government. The Marine under the World Government is equivalent to "peacekeeping force."

This is a cross-border support force.

In other words, every country should have its own military power.

It is completely possible to take Pirate into the prison of its own country, and even execute Pirate according to its own country’s laws.

If the entire Pirate of the sea had to be caught by Marine, wouldn't it be a joke?

Wagner opened his mouth, but when he thought of what happened last night, he suppressed his excitement again.

Hill Captain explained: "So the problem lies here."

"According to our investigation, behind these Pirates, there should be one ruling them The overlord exists. But we were unable to investigate the identity of this overlord. This is the biggest problem we encountered."

Being a overlord, but not known to outsiders, is enough to reflect this The overlord should be a cautiously person.

Those who dare to push themselves to the forefront are either the powerhouse that can by the strength of oneself pulling strongly against a crazy tide, or the hot-headed fool.

"This problem is tricky, an enemy hidden in the dark, no matter how strong it is, it is definitely not easy to deal with..."


"This problem is tricky. A headquarter officer assigned to East Blue, no matter how many subordinates he brings, is definitely not easy to deal with..."

East Blue, Victoria Kingdom, Marine No. 1 8 branch bases.

A person wearing golden armor and helmet, UU reading www. The invisible man was sitting on the sofa unceremoniously and said to Marine Sir who was sitting behind the desk.

Generally speaking, Marine will not build a Marine base within the territory of an official franchise country.

But the Kingdom of Victoria is an exception.

Because of Sir of the 8th branch, Admiral Nelson Roy is the country's biggest backer.

The position of admiral is basically equivalent to "Admiral".

Of course, Marine Headquarters will not really appoint Roy as the admiral. In fact, his military rank is only Captain.

In the four seas, you will be out, and your life will not be affected.

The warlords have separatist regimes, which leads to the appointment of admirals and generals by these people themselves.

The so-called Commodore here can only be used as cannon fodder on the battlefield of the Grand Line.

"Roy Captain, if you want to deal with your opponent at this time, even me, I'm afraid I have to ask for foreign aid, and I don't know how much brother I will lose."

The man wearing the golden armor began to bargain: "For this reason, I suggest that in the future, the Victoria Kingdom's maritime business should be divided into half of me."

"You guy, the appetite is still really big."


The potbellied Roy Captain is holding a small fan in his hand and grinning Issho: "Aren't you afraid that you won't be able to eat so many things, so you can hold yourself to death?"

"Even if I eat No, aren’t there still my brothers?"

The tone barely fell of the armor man, and three tall and burly men walked out behind him.

One of them has short purple and white hair, a turban tied to his head, and a pair of three white eyes that makes his expression look cold and unforgiving.

"Krieg, don't be so forward."

"Be careful of misunderstandings with Roy Captain's bodyguard."

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