If Magnetic Drum Island is a small country, World Government equivalent to the United Nations, then the Kingdom of Sorbet in South Blue is a big country.

Sorbet Kingdom, also known as the Kingdom of Ice Cream.

Due to the planet’s special climate, geography and chaotic magnetic field, in North Blue, most of them are cold islands covered in snow and ice all year round, while in South Blue, most of them are like Hawaii Beach-like tropical island.

In such a tropical Sea Territory, the title of "Ice Cream Kingdom" can be maintained, and the powerful national power and financial resources of the Sorbe Kingdom can be seen from this.

The Kingdom of Thorby is not only powerful, but their king, Bartholomew Bear, has a super personal military force.

As a headquarters Rear Admiral, Doberman didn’t even have time to react, but the bear used his Devil Fruit ability to make him disappeared like magic in front of a group of Marines. Obviously, even In Marine Headquarters, only a few "monster Vice Admiral" have enough strength to fight the bears.

Ignoring those Marine soldiers who were still in shock, the king of the Kingdom of Sorbet slowly put on his gloves, turned around and walked towards the direction of the kingdom, not caring what he did. .

The Kingdom of Sorbet is a big country that can mediate the United Nations. It’s just that World Government is not a powerless organization like the United Nations on Earth. In this sea, World Government has absolute Strength and power.

A few days later, Marine Headquarters.

"Gion little elder sister, where are you going?"

With a toothpick in his mouth, Rear Admiral eagerly caught up with the one who was about to leave. Gion Rear Admiral.

Gion smiled slightly: "What? During the meeting just now, is it possible that our Super Charger Rear Admiral fell asleep?"


lightly coughed, Jia Ji felt like he had said something wrong, but soon he cheered and said: "The ability of the South Blue bear is really weird, so you have to attack him alone. Don’t worry, let me go with you."

Gion’s smile remains unchanged: "I don’t think it is necessary at all."

"Why not!"

He said anxiously: "Doberman Rear Admiral's strength is already very powerful. If not unexpected, he will definitely be promoted to the headquarters Vice Admiral next year, but this is him, the one in South Blue. In front of the big bear, he sacrificed before making any resistance. It can be seen that the strength of the big bear is not necessarily weaker than that of Sengoku Boss."

Gion thought for a moment, and felt that he was talking about it. It is not without reason.

The powerhouse that can "kill" a headquarter elite Rear Admiral, its strength cannot be underestimated.

I may not necessarily lose to the big bear, but it will inevitably be a hard fight. If there are extra plans to go with myself, the problem should be solved much simpler.


Sighed, Gion asked: "Have you finished your other tasks?"

Plus, confidently replied: "Of course! Sengoku Boss has agreed to my request."

The power of love can make a person burst out of unprecedented mobility. In order to catch up with Gion Rear Admiral's South Blue campaign in time, add Ji had already completed his task perfectly.

It's just that this "love" belongs to only one person, and Gion has clearly refused to add up many times. This is a one-man love drama that belongs to one person alone.

The poor honest man has added Rear Admiral...

But this is also an obsession. It has been rejected dozens of times, and he is still doing his best This is a way of pursuing Gion, if it were replaced by ordinary people, they would have already given up.

So it seems...he doesn’t seem to be very honest...

After weighing the pros and cons, Gion nodded: "Okay, since Admiral Sengoku has agreed, Then I won’t say much, let’s get on the boat."


I have just stepped onto the First Layer steps of the Gion Battleship stairs, just listen." "Pu Tong" there was a loud and deafening noise,

it seemed that a meteor fell from the sky and landed on the Marine Naval Port, and a jet of water burst into the sky in an instant.

The shock wave in the sea water turned into one after another wave rushed in all directions, and even the Battleship shook in this wave.

"Enemy attack!"

The alarm sounded in time at the Marine Naval Port.

It deserves to be a well-trained headquarters Marine. After a few breaths, the officers and soldiers are ready for battle.

"pu tong!"

Soon, another column of water rose into the sky, and a tall silhouette rushed out under the water.

"Bartholomew Bear, I did it with you!"

Along with angry roar, Dauberman landed on the ground.

Then he was stunned...

Marine's officers and soldiers were also stunned at the same time...

Doberman’s eyes twitched Turning around, I glanced at the surrounding scenery, wondering if this isn't Marine Headquarters? When is oneself? How did you come back here again? Is it a dream?

A school officer boldly asked: "Doubman Rear Admiral, why did you live again?"

"What is it that I live again? I am Are you alive?"

"But your Lieutenant Commander reported that...you have sacrificed in South Blue..."

"Fart! This Rear Admiral is alive Okay, who's spreading the rumors?"

Looking at Dauberman's fierce appearance of wanting to eat people, the school officer of UU Reading www.uukanshu.com is already nervously speechless...

"Doubman, what the hell is going on?"

I waited until Gion and Jia Ji walked over before the tranquility was broken again.

"Gion Rear Admiral? Add Rear Admiral? Marine Headquarters? I'm not dreaming, am I?"

Doberman slapped himself, telling him with clear pain that now It's really not dreaming.

"But I'm obviously in South Blue..."

"Doubman Rear Admiral, please calm down and reminisce about your experience in the past few days. First Let’s report to Kong Ming’s staff."

Gion felt that there was something weird in this, and then said to Jia Ji: "I will report to Admiral Sengoku first, and I said that the information is wrong, Doberman Rear Admiral In fact, there is no sacrifice. You are here to accompany Doberman Rear Admiral to recall the situation at the time."


Add nodded.

Now Dauberman’s mood is not stable, of course he has to stay here and watch Dauberman to prevent him from making trouble on impulse.

It's just that I have some regrets in my heart. The long-distance date between myself and Gion's little elder sister is so bad...

No, how can I say regret? Daubman Rear Admiral is still alive, which is obviously a good thing.

But I have to admit that it is indeed a pity to deep in one's heart.

Oh...Am I a good person or a bad person?

Doubman is wondering about his own experience, but Jiaji is unconsciously wondering about the philosophy of human nature.

Finally, shook the head with a helpless smile.

"Forget it, it's Hailan's little fellow who is right. Good people and bad people can't look at what a person thinks. In the final analysis, it depends on what he really did."


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