? "Spandyne, you are such a trash!"

Hailan's face was angry, and she pointed to Spandane's nose and yelled.

If it weren't for the protection of Spandane, Streisie wouldn't have to slap the bear. If Spandane was not targeted by the bear, the bear would have no chance to hit Fei Hailan and in one go. Dafei himself out of the battlefield.

This is the process and result that everyone on the surface can see. Although the bear’s successful escape was not caused by Spandain alone, it has a direct relationship with him, and he has to bear it. main responsibility.

As for Hailan and Xiong’s long-arranged plan to allow Xiong to escape successfully and prevent Hailan from being carried away, only the two of them know about it, even the other ministers of this country. I don't know anything.

After Hai Lan's curse, Spandane didn't dare to say a word.

Because this time is indeed his own fault.

But the most important thing... is that he can't beat Hailan.

This will dare to compete with the "angry" Hailan. Isn't this just for fun?

As for the CP0s, they are now in a state of watching a movie with a crowd of people eating melons.

CP0 is a group of cold-blooded agents, they only recognize tasks.

Their task this time is to cooperate with Marine Vice Admiral to arrest the "tyrant" Bartholomew Bear. As for other things, they will not take seriously.

Even more how, they didn't like Spandane in the first place.

No one likes a waste without ability to lead oneself, tyrannically abuse power all day long.

Regardless of the reason, since the bear has escaped, this incident will inevitably make Gorosei angry.

At this time, Spandane is backing his head, and they are very happy to stay out of the matter.

Just as Spandane was not knowing what to do, Hailan's voice suddenly sounded like a sound of heaven.

I saw Hailan sighed and said: "Finally, this matter is because I am not strong enough in the final analysis, and I can't just blame Mr. Spandane alone. I am also responsible for this matter."


Spandane hurriedly agreed: "Yes, yes,

I don't want to be like this, you can't just blame me."

The CP0s looked at Spandane contemptuously. .

This guy is not only a trash, but he is really stupid. Vice Admiral is just giving you a step down, why are you still pushing your nose on your face?

How did this idiot become his boss?

Not only CP0 people don't understand this question, but Sea Lan also doesn't understand it.

Previously, he guessed that although Spandane is a villain, he should also have some political talents, otherwise, how could he become a Government official.

It does not seem to be the case now.

Could it be Gorosei's special use to keep him by his side?

For some things Gorosei is not convenient to do directly, let him wipe his butt? Like Buster Call in O'Hara?

It should be like this.

Thinking about this, Hailan walked towards the king's castle.

CP0 and Marine soldiers also protected other officials from the relevant government departments to go to the castle to take over the country.

Spandane was left in place by everyone.

Since the CP0s are all wearing masks, Spandane did not see their contemptuous expressions.

He is desperate now.

I failed to catch Bartholomew Bear this time, what should I do if Gorosei blames it!

It's night.

Spandane in the castle turned over on the bed, and couldn't sleep at all.

After returning to Mariejois, how can this matter be told to Gorosei to have the least impact? It's really anxious.

"dong dong dong."


"It's me!"

"Hidayoo? Are you here? What are you doing?"

When Spandane opened the door, what he saw was Hailan standing at the door.

Hailan looked at Spandane, who was wearing a suit and didn’t change into pajamas, said with a smile: "It seems that this matter is really anxious for you. I don’t even take off my clothes. I went to bed?"

Spandane wanted to stop Hai Lan from letting him in, but he couldn't stop Hai Lan.

Hailan sat on the sofa casually, picked up a South Blue specialty fruit and ate it. Spandane would really enjoy it.

Spanda has nothing to do with Hailan, so he said sullenly: "Hiruto Vice Admiral, aren't you here just to eat fruit, right?"

Hailan laughed and said: "Mr. Spandane, don't worry, come, sit down, don't be nervous."

Spandane snorted, dare not say anything else, and sat in Hailan. On the opposite stool.

"Vice Admiral has so many points, just call me Hailan ."

Spandane squinted his eyes and looked at Hailan, and said in doubt:" What do you want to do?"

Hailan didn’t talk to Spandane until he finished eating the fruit. He said leisurely: "If you don’t want to take responsibility for this action, Mr. Spandane. Not difficult."

"How to tell?"

"I can take the initiative to take responsibility for the failure of the action this time, and let Gorosei blame me on my own. As for you. .."

"What price do I have to pay?"

Spandane is still smarter than his son Spandam.

"You can't give me hundreds of millions of Beli, right?"

Spandane stood up abruptly: "Jiuhu Vice Admiral, don't you want lion's big mouth!" "

Hailan smiled and said : "I am not a lion, I am a tiger."

Spandain said with a mournful face: "But I really can't get so much money. Ah."

Hailan doesn't believe that he can't get hundreds of millions of Beli, but if Spandane thinks this matter is not worth hundreds of millions, Hailan is understandable.

So he changed his words directly: "Then give me a tens of millions of Beli. Isn't that too much?"

This is the purpose of Hailan.

He didn’t think that this alone would be able to pit hundreds of millions of Beli from Spandane, but if at first is asking the price, he can now say "I have reduced the requirement tenfold. "This directly cut off Spandain's opportunity to bargain.

Spandane gritted his teeth: "This can be, but I am a little curious..."

"Mr. Spandane, please tell me."

"Hailan Vice Admiral, are you not afraid of being blamed by Gorosei?"

"Of course not."

Hailan showed an indifferent expression: "I am now The most indispensable thing is credit. I will be impossible to be Marine Headquarter or Fleet Admiral for a while, so I prefer to exchange these extra credits for cash and treasure!"

I realized Spanda during the day. After being stupid, Hai Lan planned this out.

Finally met an idiot, who does this cheat him?

Thinking, Hailan looked towards Spandane again with a bewildered gaze, and said in a sophisticated tone: "Make friends, Mr. Spandane, cooperate with me in the future and protect you. There is meat to eat."

Hailan is not sure whether she can successfully flick Spandane today.

It would be great if Koala was here too. As soon as the spiritual influence of the fruit of music was released, Spandane kept smiling from ear to ear and asked Hailan to cooperate with him.

"Then how can I guarantee that Mr. Hailan will not lie to me?"

In a short period of time, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com Spandane has changed Three titles.

Hailan eyes shined, thinking that there is a drama: "You can see my specific performance after we return to Mariejois, and if you are satisfied, you can send me the treasure."

"That's OK?"

"Why not?"

"Then I would like to thank Mr. Hailan in advance."

"You are welcome." " after

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