New World, a certain Sea Territory near the Calm Belt, Wheat Island.

After Hailan wiped out the "Pirates" who originally belonged to the Big Mom fleet and arranged for Buggy and other subordinates to act as Pirate to "loot" the treasures on the nearby islands, she succeeded in transferring Big Mom. Pirates' attention.

The residents on several islands were not implicated by the anger of Big Mom, and used the blank time to store a lot of resources.

Although Big Mom Pirates has sent a new agent to rule this Sea Territory, with the resources stored in advance, coupled with the reasonable allocation of new resources, the residents of the island The standard of living is at least not as tight as it was a few years ago.

In fact, if Big Mom sends a highly intelligent cadre like Katakuri to investigate this matter seriously, it may not be impossible to find out the truth here.

But after all, this Sea Territory is just a farm for Big Mom, not her “Totto Land” key territory, so Big Mom did not take what happened here too seriously.


A girl's voice rang out in the forest of Wheat Island, followed by a "hong long" sound, like a blast, one block by one cubic meter The rocks on the left and right exploded into rubble in an instant.

"His...It still hurts..."

Ain's one-knee kneels rubbed her white little feet on the ground, and she didn't know the results of her cultivation Too satisfied.

Just now, Ai Yin was cultivating Busoshoku Haki. She kicked the rock to pieces.

She didn't wear shoes, because her Haki had just been entered and had not been cultivation enough to protect the item.

Sugar and Ai Yin are two neglected fighting geniuses in the original book.

The speed of the "Dong Tata" Little Human Race is faster than the "Shave" of Marine Captain, but the sugar accurately kills a group of small Human Races in seconds.

Ai Yin and Shuzo, who are comparable to Momonga, can fight for five or six hours in a heads-up battle. This is in Pirate King’s world. Except for mutants like Big Mom, females The reason why it is generally weaker than men is also the reason why Zoro's Sensei Koshiro said that his daughter Kuina could not become the Greatest Swordsman in the World.

But even with exhaustion, Ai Yin finally defeated Shuzo by virtue of the fruit ability.

At that time, Shuzo and Momonga were already regarded as old brands of Vice Admiral, and Ayn was still very young.

So Ain is not too much to learn Busoshoku Haki now.


Not far from Ai Yin, a cold glow flashed by, and a big tree hugged by two people was cut off with a knife. The cut was smooth tidy.

It is the Way of Sword dísciple collected by Hailan when he was on Wheat Island-Lilith.

The "Haki cultivation" and "Way of Sword Profound Truth" that Hailan gave to Ai Yin, Ai Yin did not hide it, she shared it with Lily from the very beginning Silk.

The two of them were good friends in the first place, and later they often cultivation and discuss together.

"When will I keep up with him..."

Not paying attention to Lilith who is cultivating on the other side, Ayin mumbled to herself.

Ai Yin knows very well that the adventurer’s adventure is full of dangers and hardships, so if you want Hailan to accept herself, at least her own strength should be able to catch up with him. Don't want to be a drag oil bottle.

"Ayin! Who are you thinking of?"

Ayin was startled by Lilith who suddenly appeared behind him: "Where...Where is it?"

"I heard it all!"

Lilith slyly Issho, and before Ain's refutation, she took out a newspaper from her arms: "You are thinking about Marine Vice Admiral, right?"


"The newspaper said he has become an Admiral candidate now, are you happy?"

For the confidentiality of Marine's senior identities, newspapers will not publish positive photos of Marine seniors.

Although the Marine award ceremony takes the form of live broadcast, the camera is far away, and it is still impossible to see exactly what the generals on platform look like.

Most countries even more how New World don’t even have the opportunity to watch live broadcasts.

So Ai Yin didn't know that the day tiger was "iron-legged floating on the water."


Ain glanced casually and returned the newspaper to Lilith.


Lilith was puzzled: "Ayin, don't you like the day tiger now?"

"Where do I like the day tiger Huh?"

"But you used to obviously...I remember that you also collected a lot of newspapers about Zhouhu, where did you hide it?"

"I didn't!"

"Then I can go to your house to look for it!"


Ain really liked the day tiger before, accurate It should not be called "like", but worship.

Actually, it is not just Ai Yin. Under the operation of Hailan in the early years, there are too many people who worship "Day Tiger".

Some children even cut out the picture of "Day Tiger" and "Golden Lion" cautiously and pasted it on the wall to inspire themselves to become stronger, thinking of Day Tiger as " "Heroes" come to worship.

Otherwise, Hailan’s "identity value" will not rise so fast.

Before the merchant ship encountered a "silent super thunderstorm", one of those voices talking about the day tigers was Ai Yin.

But now...Ayin doesn't care what happens to the day tiger.

She has thrown away all the newspapers about Hiruto in the house, so even though Lilith goes through it, she can't find anything.

Lilith didn’t panic at all when she saw Ai Yin’s expression, she was even more surprised: "Really not...?"

"hong long! !"

The birds in the forest are scattered and flying.

A bombardment instantly broke the peace of Wheat Island.

Ain hurriedly put on her shoes, and ran in the direction of the sound with Lilith.

I saw that the main ship of the Big Mom Fleet "Queen Mama Anthem" had arrived on the coast of Wheat Island.

Ayin's eyebrows are twisted together: "That's the direction of Calm Belt? How did they appear from there?"

A tall and handsome person who looks like Little in Ayin's eyes The giant man with his mouth covered jumped directly from the boat.

The first of Big Mom Pirates Four Commanders-Charlotte ・Katakuri!

With the strong perception of Kenbunshoku Haki, UU reading Katakuri turned his head and looked towards the direction of Ayin and Lilith in the grass: "Give you two hours to fill up with grains The four warehouses of this ship!"

As he said, a mountain-like coercion swept toward the grass.

Lilith was overwhelmed by the pressure of Katakuri’s Haoshoku Haki. Some small animals passed out directly. Ayin, who had experienced Hailan Haoshoku Haki baptism, stood up stubbornly under the pressure of Katakuri Haoshoku. He clenched his teeth and insisted on squeezing out a word: "Okay!"

Katakuri raised his eyebrows, although he was worried that these people might directly stun these people and have restricted the output of Haoshoku Haki, but Ai Yin Still able to stand up under his pressure and look directly at him, Katakuri's eyes were filled with an imperceptible look of appreciation.

Katakuri is a person who is willing to respect any powerhouse.

Although Ain is still weak now, Katakuri has also had a weak time.

"Then you will be in charge! Remember, don't linger, Mama is waiting very quickly!"

After that, Katakuri turned and jumped onto the Pirate Ship.

I felt that the mountain above my head suddenly disappeared. Ain just sighed in relief, and the song of Big Mom came from the Pirate Ship. The general meaning is as follows:

Drink it well, eat the cake, Marine scientist, see where you go..."

"They are going to kidnap Marine scientist? And how did they emerge from the Calm Belt? "

Although Ai Yin doesn't like Zhouhu anymore, after all, Zhouhu was also someone she admired, so she still prefers Marine emotionally.

"I have to find a way to inform Marine about these two things..."


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