The "Aurora Cross" left by Hailan to Celestial Dragon Pierce is certainly not a magic weapon that can exorcise evil spirits and kill the enemy after reciting incitation.

Actually, this is an auxiliary prop developed by him after gaining the [lightning conversion] ability to further strengthen the combination of Kenbunshoku Haki and electromagnetic waves.

The ability of [lightning conversion] allows Hailan himself to be absent, Pierce’s "Aurora Cross" can emit an electromagnetic wave, enhancing Hailan’s perception ability in the area.

Pierce can transfer the voice to Hai Lan's mind by shouting after encountering danger, so that Hai Lan can understand his situation.

The "Aurora Cross" that remains in Pierce's hands at the same time can also trigger Hailan's "Aurora Assault" like "Aurora Sword", increasing Hailan's movement speed.

As long as Pierce is not given a spike to kill him, there will be no mortal danger.

Of course, it’s not a big problem to kill in seconds. After all, Hailan is not the killer. When the time comes, just throw the pot on the head of Hezhi Kingdom and Beasts Pirates.

As for why Hailan chose the shape of the "cross" instead of other shapes, the main reason is that the "cross" is relatively sacred in the culture of this World. Not suitable...


"Master Kaido, of course we know that you are not afraid of Celestial Dragon. Celestial Dragon is just a fart. Kill if you want!

But that was just Marine's aggressive method. He just wanted to use language to provoke you and let you kill Celestial Dragon with your own hands, so that we can't use Celestial Dragon to delay Marine's high-end battle strength!"

After a series of chaotic battles, Shogun Orochi and many warriors finally succeeded in persuading Kaido of the Beasts.

Kaido has a temperamental and irritable character, but he is not really brain-dead like the "drought" Jack. He can still figure out some things.

After making a big fuss, demonstrating his powerful military force and fearless majesty, Kaido of the Beasts, who confirmed that he saved face, no longer targets Celestial Dragon, but has a thought. , Turned his anger towards Hai Lan.

"This hateful Marine little demon...I will kill him!"

When Beasts Pirates raided the "steam steel factory" on the Iron Ore Island a year ago, almost the entire army of Beasts Pirates Annihilated, except for Kaido himself, "Plague" Jhin and "Plague" Quinn, the rest of Pirate were all buried in the Sea Territory.

But this is not the root reason Kaido hates Hailan. The most important thing is that in that battle, Kaido was torn off his beard, cut off his pants, and even his hairstyle. Cut to kill Matt...

Although this scene is only known by the loyal flame and plague, Kaido has already kept this humiliation firmly in his heart.

Even today's "new hatred" seems to be nothing to Kaido. This "old hatred" will always be a thorn in his deep in one's heart.

"This is the country of Wano, my home court. Without the aid of Akainu and Kizaru, I think what you can do with me!"

Kaido lost the wolf casually fang club, he made a right hand and smashed the roof of the castle tower with a punch. Accompanied by a loud dragon roar, he turned into a dragon and hovered in the bright sky of the flower capital.

"My castle tower..."

Hei Tan Shogun Orochi really hurts in his eyes.

However, Kaido is getting angry at this time. It is definitely not a good time to find his theory. Besides, the two Marines are the culprit in the destruction of the castle tower after all...

Consolation In his own sentence, Kurozumi Orochi, who was beaten by Kaido to vomit blood, withdrew from the battlefield: "I'll take a rest first. You can help Kaido-sama deal with the two Marines, living, then must see the person, died, then must see the corpse! "

The Divine Dragon Kaido hovering in the air soon discovered Hailan's silhouette.

Dragon is a kind of Legend Divine Beast that combines many biological advantages. Kaido's vision and perception ability are naturally impossible too weak.

"The heat of the dragon breathes!"

The Kaido who found Hailan bulged his cheeks and sprayed in the direction where Hailan was located. It was not a flame, but a similar The shock wave of Yu Guipai Qigong.

The blazing dragon flame hit a distance of thousands of meters in an instant,

directly hit an area where Hailan was located-Kaido didn't care if there was a son of the country of peace there. civil.


The area hit by the dragon flame shock wave exploded more violently than it was hit by a missile.

With Hailan's speed, he certainly won't be hit by Kaido head-on.

But the scope of the explosion was too wide, and Sea Lan had to create an "electromagnetic barrier" for defense.

"This guy is so cruel..."

As far as Hailan can see, there are bombed ruins, charred corpses... everywhere a mess.

Hai Lan had only heard before that Big Mom would fall into a kind of crazy realm after committing "thinking about eating disorder", not recognizing one's family, see who kill who, even his own country will be without the slightest Hesitation to carry out large-scale demolition.

Didn't expect this Kaido is more ruthless than Linlin, and he doesn't care about his people when he is sober.

There are many kinds of kings.

Some Wang Aimin is like a son, and has been working for the welfare of his people all his life. For example, Neferrutari Cobra of Alabasta, Bartholomew Bear, who was detained as "tyrant", was unjustly charged.

Some kings regard everything as ants. The king is angry, floating corpses are everywhere, and blood flowing into a river.


"So maybe Kaido can be used to dismantle this Wano country that even Gorosei has a headache?"

After seeing Kaido's anger Desperately crazy, Hai Lan soon had another idea.

Hezhi is different from other countries.

The nationals of World Government member countries are the citizens of World Government, and non-participating countries can also be regarded as a neutral force.

But the country of Waza is a hostile force of World Government.

Marine is in the country of Hezhi, just like the Americans have entered the Sushou homeland, do the Americans care about Sushou's life and death? It must not care.

"Dragon heat breath!"

"Super electromagnetic gun!"


The high-heat shock wave and golden laser I ran into each other in midair, UU reading Along with a huge thunderous roar, the smoke of gunpowder bloomed in the sky wantonly.

"Kaido of the Beasts, remember, this move is called Flying Sword!"

Since the last battle with Whitebeard's son, Hailan has been a long time This move is not used anymore.

The buzzing sword cry sound began to resonate in the streets of the flower capital, and the dazzling Aurora Sword gradually solidified like a phantom.

"Get up!"

As soon as Hailan raised his hand, hundreds of Aurora Swords rushed to the sky, immediately turned into a radiant Storm of Swords, strangling in Wyvern Kaido from midair.

Kaido of the Beasts mocked: " pain or itching..."


Hai Lan waved again , Baibu Flying Sword instantly changed its style, and began to sweep the wind flowing hair behind the faucet.

"It's this move again!"

Kaido was furious and suddenly accelerated. The huge dragon head directly slammed into Hailan on the ground.


The incomparable gigantic body of Divine Dragon Kaido, with the power of crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood, flattened the city of flowers in a blink of an eye Large houses.

"Kaido of the Beasts, you come after me!"

Wyvern Kaido chased Hailan at full speed, and the Flying Sword was chasing Kaido behind Kaido.

In fact, most of Hailan’s attention was focused on his path at this time. The Aurora Sword behind Kaido only distracted a small part of his attention. Kaido mistakenly thought that he was on full fire.

Hai Lan continued to mock Kaido: "I can change into a dragon and fly. What's the use of being huge? You can catch up with me!"


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