"Charlotte Linlin, don't underestimate Marine's veteran!"

Garp and Zephyr's statement after clashing fists ignited the fighting spirit of Marine officers.


Charlotte Linlin on the Pirate Ship has a smile at the corners of his mouth and anger at the corners of his eyes. As the emperor of Pirate, he is confident with these two Marine veterans. At the same time, her anger was shown on her face.

"Then this move, can you still catch it?"

Using the ability of "Soru Soru no Mi", Charlotte Linlin injected his tough soul below In the sea, in a blink of an eye, those turbulent seas came alive as if they had life. No, they really have life. The sea has already awakened, and the tens of meters high waves are rushing towards with an imposing manner that is invincible. The Marine Research Department.

"Hateful...if the precognition Admiral is here..."

On the small island, facing the monstrous waves, some Marine soldiers have been sweating coldly. Risk.

Garp, Zephyr, Roger, Akagami... these body refinement powerhouses, if they are only singled out, they will not be afraid of any Devil Fruit Ability User.

But in this situation-when the Devil Fruit Ability User launches a huge range of skills to swallow everything, it is only the body refinement powerhouse, which is just not capable of what it wants.

No matter how strong Garp's Iron Fist is, it is also impossible to punch in the past and knock the monstrous waves and dark clouds all over the sky, because this is the world of Pirate King.

And this is the reason why Hailan had the guidance of body refinement Masters such as Garp and Zephyr, and finally chose to eat a Devil Fruit.

"Don't panic, someone will stop this mad woman."

Kong Ming Vice Admiral holds a feather fan that has turned into a black sword in his hand. Mount Tai collapses and the face doesn’t. 't change.

At the same time, Charlotte Katakuri flashed in front of Charlotte Linlin on the deck of the "Queen Mama Anthem": "Mama, you can't use this move. Do you want to drown the scientists? Is it?"


When reminded by his son, Charlotte Linlin also sobered up.

The monstrous waves gradually subsided in Kong Ming's precise judgment.

The Pirate fleet finally approached the island.

"Little ones, rush to the island for me, kill Marine, and capture Marine scientists alive!"


Both Marine and Pirate The shouts rose to the sky, resounding across the sky, and a fierce battle finally officially began.


Grand Line, Sabaody Archipelago.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Red's silhouette blocked his way.

The laziness on precognition's face immediately disappeared, and under the scorching sun, precognition's body was already white and cold: "Ah la la... the lonely Ryder, I really didn't expect. Pirate, who is as proud as you, will join forces with Beasts Pirates and Big Mom Pirates."

Red the Aloof Issho coldly: "Don’t get me wrong, I’m not interested in taking care of those pasts. Brat, I am not interested in knowing what they are doing or want to do.

I am here just to teach you Marine Fleet.

The new Marine Fleet Admiral?Marine Headquarter?hehe...It's so ridiculous!"

As he said, the bat cane in Red the Aloof's hand waved forward, and a scarlet's sword aura cut straight towards the precognition.

Precognition immediately raised his hand to shape an ice wall. Scarlet’s sword aura left a terrible scar on the ice wall.

The ice wall of precognition can change the hardness.

When the precognition actively controls the ice wall, the hardness of the ice wall can even resist the sword aura of the great swordsman.

But when precognition no longer paid attention to the ice wall that has been generated, then the ice wall is just like the ordinary Iceburg, and the great swordsman can easily cut it off.

Just as Red the Aloof was about to continue the attack, a tall and robust silhouette suddenly fell from the sky and hit Red the Aloof with a punch.


The sound was ear-splitting, and the rubble flew away.

Red the Aloof flashed in the distance and grinned Issho: "The'steel bone' is empty, are you finally willing to appear?"

This is the real purpose of Red the Aloof.

If it is just to "learn" Marine Headquarter, Red the Aloof can do it at any time.

But the "steel skeleton" Kong who has been promoted to the "World Government General Commander" is not casually dispatched. Even if Red the Aloof enters the World Government, there will be too many powerhouse prevents him from challenging the "steel bone" Kong.

The joint action of Beasts Pirates and Big Mom Pirates can involve a large amount of the World Government and Marine's military power. Red the Aloof is sure that if you come here and get a kick at this time, you will surely be able to successfully force the "steel bone". null.

Fleet Admiral Sengoku still stays at Marine Headquarters, because if he goes out again, Marine Headquarters will be completely empty.

"Fleet Admiral Kong...here..."

"Go and do your business, just leave it to me here!"

"Steel bone" Kong has stronger explosive muscles that are more eye-catching than Garp and Zephyr. "Steel bone", as the name suggests, the beard on the chin has taken care of three pointed old man, and the whole body is covered with a pair of Steel Muscles. Iron Bones.


The precognition did not pretend, and stepped on the Bicycle and rode towards the Marine Research Department.

Red the Aloof doesn't care about the departure of the precognition at all. His lifting cane points to the "steel bone" empty: "Empty, I haven't seen you in a few years, you have climbed into the World Government as the commander-in-chief of the whole army, then Let us dignified a single match, let me see if your ability is worthy of your current status!"

Steel Bone Kong geared up: "Ryder, you still think about it."

How should you spend the rest of your life in Impel Down!"


Two fists that broke the sound barrier collided, and a cloud of gas was in the fist. The collision point slowly spread to the surroundings.


At this time, Hailan, who is far away in the New World Wano Country, UU Reading www.uukānshu.com has temporarily thrown off the enemy who chased him.

I felt the "Aurora Cross" in the hands of Celestial Dragon Pierce, and after confirming that it was safe, Hailan was also sighed in relief.

In fact, Hailan’s idea of ​​"Great Saint Sun Wukong" was mainly because he thought of the bridge when Sun Wukong plucked monkey hair to protect the lives of some young monks in Chechiguo.

Speaking of Sun Wukong, I think of learning from the West, and when I think of learning from the West, that is one adventure after another.

Since this World has a "Mythical Type" Devil Fruit, it means that there are still many Myths and Legends stories in this World, and the story of Journey to the West is not too obtrusive.

If when the time comes to adapt the story of Journey to the West to "Big News" Morgans to handle, continue to carry forward the spirit of adventurers, it is bound to further improve the position of adventurers in the hearts of the world , Reduce Pirate's influence.

But that's all funeral. The top priority now is to make a big disturbance to the Kingdom of Peace first, and try to rescue the Celestial Dragons who were caught by the way.

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