After leaving a small portion of the soldier for Hill Captain of oversee Loguetown, Hailan took the soldier from the overwhelming majority Loguetown Marine base to the island where the passenger ship of the Kingdom of Victoria was killed.

Sitting in the captain's room, Hai Lan closed his eyes, and his personal data panel appeared in his mind.

Identity: Hailan

Perception: Lv5

Calculation: Lv6

Skill proficiency value

Shigan: 86%

Tekkai: 100%

Kami-e: 100%

Rankyaku: 100%

Geppo: 100%

Shaving: 100%

Approval value: 1103/1000

[Achievement: As the highest Sir of Loguetown Marine base, you have won unanimous praise from the overwhelming majority military and civilians , Initially demonstrated his excellent leadership ability. ]

[Has achieved the achievement "First Show", which can be used to strengthen calculation ability. 】

Since the Loguetown News Agency has continuously touted the Major Hailan sent by Marine Headquarters this month, Hailan’s approval value soon exceeded 1,000.

[Whether to consume 1 achievement point to strengthen computing power? ]

[OK! ]

[The enhancement is completed, your computing power has reached Lv7, and you have gained additional power: never forget it. 】

[Not forgetting: The information you obtain through careful observation, reading, etc., will immediately become a permanent memory, reminders, please be careful. ]

[The maximum value of the recognition value achievement has been updated, and the data is shown as follows:]

[Identification value: 1103/5000]

There are no other details in the confirmation After that, Hailan returned to reality from the System in the depths of his mind.

The computing power of Lv7 and Lv6 does not seem to be very different.

But he has unexpectedly acquired a brand new ability: never forget.

"Is this an exaggeration or is it really memorable?"

Hai Lan couldn't wait to pick up a document from the table and read it.

"The kingdom on the bridge named'Tichla Wolfe' is a country established by the World Government from scratch, and most of the citizens of this country are countries that refuse to join the World Government Citizens and criminals of the United States, people everyday all struggle through endless labor. Tequila Wolf has a history of 700 years..."

in the heart, read the document silently. Hailan put the file back on the desktop, closed his eyes, and began to recall in his mind.

"It's really memorable!"

Hailan was happy, he was very satisfied with this newly acquired ability.

It is difficult for people to learn a new thing, not because it is difficult to understand the specific principles and methods, but because they always forget.

If there is no forgetting, then mistakes will be greatly reduced during operation.

Without making mistakes, you can quickly master the proficiency level by practicing over and over again.

In Marine Headquarters, there are many useful techniques besides Rokushiki.

Because Hailan was worried about bite off more than one can chew, she did not study at the same time, but chose Marine Rokushiki first.

Now that this is the case, many of his abilities that he used to understand only briefly but did not study in depth can finally be put on the agenda, such as "Seimei Kikan"...and so on.

"Report to Major Hailan that we have approached the Sea Territory of the Kingdom of Victoria. Please give instructions on the next action."

Lieutenant Wagner ran back from the deck to the cabin and faced Hailan Reporting the battleship voyage.

Lieutenant Bellmere stays on the deck and is commanding the busy Marine soldier.

Hailan put the information on hand back to its original position, and walked out of the cabin with Wagner: "Lieutenant Wagner, when we arrive at the destination, you will lead the first squad to rescue the passenger ship that was killed.


"Lieutenant Bellmere, you lead the second squad into plain clothes and ambush, ready to respond to the enemy's surprise attack at any time."

"Now listen to my orders and move forward at full speed!"


After hearing Hai Lan's order, the soldiers who had been sticking to their posts originally steered the Battleship to their destination within a few moments.

Different from Pirates, which has too many people, the soldiers on a Battleship all have a clear division of labor. Navigator, watchman, helmsman, sailor...A Battleship is a whole.

If there are no powerful combatants in Pirates, when Pirate Ship encounters a Battleship, they can only escape in a panic, or they can do everything they can to approach the Battleship and start a gang jump.

"Report to Sir that the passenger ship that was attacked has been found ahead. There are three Pirate Ships in the vicinity, but the flags on the Pirate Ship are just ordinary skull and crossbones flags, and you can’t see where the other party belongs."


Soon, the shout of the watchman came from the watch tower.

"Don't slow down, keep going!"

"Soldier, push the cannon out of me!"

The cannon mentioned by Hailan is not fixed The normal cannon on the Battleship is a cannon specially used to launch chain bombs.

A chain bomb is a special shell that connects two shells smaller than the bore of the gun in a chain.

After launching, one shell will drag another shell into a centrifugal swing and fly out. It can easily shatter the sails of the enemy ship, and good luck can even tear off the mast.

It’s just that this weapon has no rules at all, and whether it can hit is basically based on luck.

But this is not a difficult thing for Hailan, whose computing power has been strengthened to lv7.

In the distance, the watchman on the Pirate Ship also spotted the Battleship approaching at a fast speed.

"Look, big brother, UU reading The Marine of Loguetown is here!"

Koch, one of the battle captains of the Sam Fleet, loudly shouted: "Small Everyone, give me the spirit of twelve points."

"I think you have heard of it. Because of the arrival of a major headquarters in Loguetown, now those mobs have been tempered into fierce The warrior is now."

"But who are we? We are Pirate of the Sam Fleet, and the subordinates of Admiral Sam. We live a life of blood licking on the tip of a knife!"

"Our strength is not trained, we are killed!"

"Little ones, let them see the terrifying of our Sam Fleet! I'm going to call Lord Sam now , Let him send someone to support us!"

"You don't need to kill that Captain, as long as you can persist until Lord Sam comes to support, from then on you can set foot on Lord Sam's own warship!"



The Pirates who were ignited by Koch's fighting intents are so powerful that their eyes seem to radiate wild beast The general fierce light.

But Koch took advantage of the so-called opportunity to call Admiral Sam and quietly evacuated the battlefield.

These Pirates are nothing but cannon fodder, the abandoned sons of Admiral Sam.

Hailan used herself as bait, and Sam bet countless lives.


The cannon on Battleship first sounded the alarm bell of war.

If it is in normal times, the cannon bombardment is just a loud thunder, but only tiny drops of rain, and mutual demonstrations.

But the cannon on Battleship today is surprisingly accurate.

The rotating chain bullets reflected dazzling rays of light under the shining of the sun. The iron chain between the two shells was like a chainsaw, instantly cutting off the two Pirates that could not dodge!

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