"Yes, I'm just a treasure hunter!"

I don’t know if Hailan’s words are taken as true, or even if he understands the ridicule in Hailan’s words It didn't matter at all, Mande Torreja grinned Issho and rushed to Hailan first to attack.

Torreja is Paramecia's "chain fruit" Ability User. He can instantly generate chains on any part of his body and operate freely, just like his arms and legs are as flexible and freely.

Accompanied by a string of weird laughter, the chain that grew out of Torrega's hand flew straight to Hailan like the tentacles of an octopus.

With Torrega’s thoughts move, the chain changed its direction instantly like a spirit snake with life, trying to hit the back of Hailan's head from behind.

"Come on, Major, let me see how capable Marine from the Grand Line headquarter really is!"

At the same time, another chain started in the sea like a python Lan hovered around, as if he could entangle the target to death in the next second.

Originally, Hailan’s plan was to use the Sam Fleet to lead the real secret mastermind that Kuro said that he didn’t even know his identity, but didn’t expect, the real goal has not yet appeared. , But ran into a treasure hunter.

"Your appearance is not part of my plan, but since you are here now, then don't want to leave at will!"


Hailan's silhouette disappeared in the same place for an instant, and the chains released by Torreja only locked a trace of the afterimage.


Hailan, who jumped into the sky, applied force again, stepped on a cloud of gas in the air, and flew to Torreja not far away like a cannonball on a trip.

"hmph, this is what it looks like, the East Blue Marine is too weak, so weak that I don’t even bother to attack the Marine base!"

Torreja did not take it back The first two chains, but chose to directly cut off.

His two hands were raised to the sky, and two brand-new chains broke the skin on his palms, like a poisonous snake burrowing out of a cave, constantly swinging and biting Hailan in midair.

But at this moment, Hai Lan’s body suddenly softened, just like a piece of paper flying in the wind, the air current brought up by the shaking of the chain kept blowing Hai Lan’s body, regardless of Torreja No matter how hard he worked, he still couldn't touch Hailan at all.

Rokushiki .Kami-e!

This is a technique that uses a special method to make one's body as light as a piece of paper. It can unload all the power through the changes in the airflow generated by the opponent's actions. Any attack can be at the Avoid in time at the crucial moment.

Hailan has the "perception" and "calculation" abilities blessed by the System, and it uses Kami-e's skills vividly and thoroughly.

Because of "perception", he can more easily capture the flow of air.

Because of "calculation", he can even make subtle changes to his body's movements, so as to use the air current generated by the enemy to approach his enemy silently.


Hailan, who was already close to the target, slashed to Torrega's neck with a single blow, but Torrega, who was wrapped in chains, intercepted it with a punch.

Torreja's other hand wrapped around the chain is about to launch an attack on Hai Lan, but in his pupils, Hai Lan's fingers are reflected closer and closer.

Obviously there is still some distance, but the scenery in front of Torrega suddenly dimmed, and then there was a heart-piercing pain, as if someone was using a dagger to gouge his brain. .

Fly. Shigan!

The air bomb, which is more powerful than bullets, was shot into Torrega's left eye by Hailan. The most powerful Pirate of East Blue was maimed by the headquarter major in just one face.

The only good news is that "Fei Shigan" is not a real bullet, and there is no entity left in his eye sockets.


The painful Torreja went crazy and urged his Devil Fruit ability to the maximum.

Countless chains spewed out of him, causing a storm of chains to blew around him, preventing Hai Lan from attacking again.

The soldiers in the rear position asked blankly: "Second lieutenant, did you see clearly just now? Which styles does the major use?"

Yes For them, the battle between Hailan and Torreja was in a flash in one go. Before they could understand this, Pirate was already blind.

Wagner's eyes were filled with excitement: "I didn't see it, but I can roughly guess that the major just used Soru, Geppo and Kami-e."

"Didn't expect to have such a degree of formidable power after being proficient in Rokushiki cultivation. I must follow Major Hailan to the headquarters for further training!"

On the Pirate side, the battle is always Captain One Fisher looked at the embarrassed Hailan and couldn't help holding breath cold air: "Torreja, this is going to be cold... Can this battle be fought?"

"Wait, then What is it?"

Fisher caught a glimpse of the large fleet on the sea.

"This...Does Roy's bastard want to be black? Everyone listens to my orders, hurry up and support Lord Sam!"



The silver snakes danced beside Torrega, the storm made up of iron chains, even Hailan could not get close easily, even the Marine soldier None of his volleys can break through his defense.

But Torreja was not panting because of fatigue, but because of the sharp pain in his eye sockets. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

"Damn Marine, don't you even have a bit of morality? Are you Marine a group of despicable villains who specialize in sneak attacks on other people's weaknesses? You still count. What kind of justice is it?"

Torreja is a lunatic, he can endure himself to be inferior to a strong enemy and die in battle, but for this kind of battle in which the opponent’s shot is too poisonous and strengthens great injury in one round, he Very angry.

"This is not fair!"


Hailan smirked on her lips: "This is a war, a life and death duel, no Arena duel, are you here to talk about fairness?"

"Why don't you talk about fairness when you kill those unarmed civilians?"

"The so-called morality, fairness, and the meaning of existence It is to limit the powerhouse and protect the weak."

"Many people are good at turning strength issues into moral discussions."

"Because most people have no ability to talk about strength , But they are all able to talk about morality!"

"If you feel unfair, then work hard to become stronger!"

"Wait until you become the one with the advantage of unfairness , I think you will like this kind of unfairness very much, right?!"


The shells on the Battleship finally landed on the island, blowing up a large area of ​​vegetation Fly ash.

Because of the division of the Sam's fleet, the remaining strength was originally inferior to Roy Captain's fleet.

Coupled with the destruction of Bellmere squad, there are only less than ten Pirate Ships left.

These Pirates are like mantis trying to stop a chariot in front of the well-trained and well-trained 20 Battleships. The flagship of the Sam Fleet took the opportunity to escape.

Through the Telescope to watch the gunfire falling on the distant islands, Roy Captain grinned Issho: "Hoffman Captain, as long as you have your brother and me, we can start Buster Call at any time!"

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