In a blink of an eye, Hailan has been to New World for two months.

After Hailan and Alabasta's King Cobra negotiated an agreement, Zephyr thought he would be able to see Hailan soon, but Hailan followed Hawk Eyes halfway to the Sikaial Kingdom.

Although Hailan was not able to see Hailan, Hailan gained some useful forging techniques for Marine there and helped the citizens of that country. Zephyr was still very pleased with this.

But when Hailan returned to the headquarters a few days later, he was sent to New World by the old brat Sengoku to perform the mission.

Zephyr thought that Hailan would complete the task in less than a month, but he did not return for more than two months.

During the period, Sengoku and Hailan had several exchanges, and thought he was in danger in the Red Hair Pirates group, but Hailan said that he found some incredible information and had a very important plan. , Will be unable to return for a while.

Zephyr now sees Sengoku's expressions all with murderous aura: Where did you get my brat?

In fact, Sengoku feels bitter, this Hailan was abducted by Akagami to become Pirate, right?

Sengoku shuddered at the thought of Garp's son Dorage.

Should...No way?

blessings never come in pairs misfortunes never come alone.

Hailan’s affairs have not been understood yet, and the continuous robbery incidents of "Heavenly Gold" are like a big mountain crushing on Sengoku's head.

This incident is very serious, because it is not simply that the heavenly gold was snatched away. At the same time, the soldiers who escorted the heavenly gold have not survived, and the modus operandi of the three incidents is exactly the same, like this The forces that appear and disappear unpredictably (individuals?) have to be highly concerned by Marine Headquarters.

Even Chief Instructor Zephyr, who has just led the new elite training camp and trained for two or three times, was called back to participate in the meeting. This shows that the headquarters attaches great importance to this unknown enemy.

Since Zephyr is attending the Supreme Conference and there is no time to lead everyone, the students of the elite training camp temporarily disbanded and moved freely and got a moment of respite.

"Why hasn't Zephyr-sensei come back yet?"

"It is said that some very bad things have happened on the sea."

"What is it?" "

"How can we know...the lowest level is Rear Admiral to get access to this information, right?"

In the square,

two teenagers are talking Speculation about this time event.

"What's wrong with Zephyr-sensei? Do you know anything?"

Seeing that girl named Ai Yin came over with a smile, a trace of disgust appeared on the faces of the two teenagers who were chatting. He turned around and left.

Ayin jumped in front of them: "Butler, Clive, why do you always avoid me? I did nothing wrong, right?"

Butler, Clive , Ai Yin is the three best students in the 24th Marine Elite Training Camp.

Since Hailan graduated, the "Admiral Talent" has never appeared in the Marine Elite Training Camp.

Zephyr speculates that if normal growth continues, Butler, Clive, and Ayn can still grow to the level of Momonga and Shuzo, plus some Rear Admiral talents, overall For the 24th Marine Elite Training Camp, the potential is still higher than the previous three sessions.

But no one knows the future. It is said that there is no talent for Admiral, but Carlos, the "Guardian of the Locked Soul" of Impel Down, is an exception, relying on the in-depth development of Shadow Fruit And the shadow provided by Impel Down, in a few years, Carlo may not be able to fight Admiral.

Hearing Ayin’s question, Butler was silent, and Clive mumbled: "With two good weapons, I got the first place in actual combat training. What kind of ability?"

Ai Yin’s strength is slightly weaker than that of Butler and Clive, but because Hailan gave her "Purple Light" and "Cyan Frost", relying on these two irons, The mud demon knife, in several actual combat tests of Zephyr, Ai Yin always killed the most enemies, leaving the other two behind.

Hatred is not enough. Butler and Clive are not so narrow-minded yet, but they must be uncomfortable with this result.

Butler stopped and said: "Don't talk nonsense."

Although he was a little unhappy, he was a bit too much to say it. This time Butler thought Clive had done something wrong.

Clive snort, did not say more, but did not apologize.

Ayin’s aggressiveness was aroused: "So you think I’m inferior to you?"

Clive pushed Butler away: "That’s Need to talk about it?"

"Would you like to compare?"

Seeing Clive glanced at his double swords with fear, Ayin took them off and gave them to In the hands of a female classmate: "Don't worry, I don't need weapons to deal with you."

Clive geared up: "This is what you said!"

Butler was shocked : "You two don't mess around, fighting privately is punished!"

"We are not fighting, we are fighting."


At this time, Clive and Ayn united the front instead.

Butler: "..."

On the playground, the battle between Ayn and Clive was about to start.


Clive's silhouette disappeared like a gust of wind.


Ayin's slender calf and Clive's big foot collided.

Clive is slightly frowned. He has absolute confidence in his Tekkai level. How could Ain, a weak girl, hurt herself: "Will you Haki?"

" That’s why I said that you don’t need a weapon to fight you!"

"Is it great to know Haki?"

"Okay! Fight!"

Marine Elite In the training camp, there are not only those students who have grown up in the headquarter, but also some special enrollment students with good potential. These people have no concept of discipline. Others are worried. They are watching the excitement.

Time goes by in one minute and one second...

From the very beginning, the screams have continued until now someone has started to yawn: "Ha~ They both hit How long is it?"

"Three hours, right?"

"If this goes on, I think they can play for another three hours."

A student analyzed: "No, Ayin is about to lose. You see Ayin is already breathing hard, Clive is just sweating a little."

Butler Objected: "Not necessarily, have you forgotten that Ai Yin is still Devil Fruit Ability User?"

"That is true."

The student who analyzed earlier is nodded, see After a while: "Let’s go to dinner first."

"What the hell is happening here?"

A calm and powerful voice scared the students present. Stand up straight.

Zephyr looked towards the two fighting: "Ayn, Clive, you guys don't stop!"



"Fight in private, and punished you to run 50 laps around Marine Headquarters tonight. You can't sleep until you finish!"

" We didn’t fight..."

"Hurry up? Do you want to run 100 laps?"


"What a laugh As a team, you don’t even stop this kind of undisciplined behavior that destroys unity and punish each of you to run 20 laps!"


"Whoever said one more word will add 10 more laps!"

Even the word "yes" was not dared to say it, and the rest of the students followed suit.

"These little bastard..."

After waiting until no one could see him, Zephyr took out a medicine bottle, poured a tablet and swallowed it, and then sprayed two more sprays , I feel a lot more relaxed.

The girl previously handed Zidianqingshuang back to Ai Yin's hands, and ran and said: "Ai Yin, we are all punished because of you this time."

"Yes...I'm sorry...whoo..."

"Ayin, you don't have to apologize, I definitely won't blame you."

"Thank you."


"But I suggest that you still don't carry these two weapons in the future? Then no one will call you again. Anyway, with Zephyr-sensei escort, we will definitely not be in danger."

"..." Ai Yin didn't speak.

"Will you consider my suggestion."

"Camilla, don't talk about it anymore, huh... I will definitely take it with me, huh. ......"


Ai Yin did not answer, she gritted her teeth and accelerated her running speed.

As the sun sets, a group of elite students complains...


New World.

After getting along for this period of time, Hailan discovered that the Red Hair Pirates group did exactly as they said, and that every piece of land it lays down will protect the peace of an area.

Although I don't know what Gorosei's purpose is, at least it is precisely because of Akagami's personality that Gorosei will choose to cooperate with him.

Now, the Red Hair Pirates group is planning how to surprise bigmomPirates.

Hailan interrupted Akagami and Ben Beckman’s discussion of the battle plan: "Wait a minute, according to your battle plan... Didn’t I help you as a thug for free? You let a Marine Vice Admiral helps Yonko Pirates win the site? This is simply the biggest joke in the world!"

Akagami awkwardly Issho: "It seems that this is indeed the case..."

Ben Beckman He also smiled. He originally planned to make good use of this powerful battle strength while Hai Lan hadn't come back to his senses, but now it seems that things are not as simple as they thought.

"Let's do it."

Ben Beckman broke the embarrassment: "When we lay down the bilberry island, the benefits will be distributed to Marine 30%? Of course, it must be a secret transaction. I can’t say anything about it."

Ben Beckman didn't raise the price too high. He was waiting for Hailan to bargain.

Who knows that Hailan doesn’t take him at all: “If I really agree to your condition, then it’s a good deal that Marine and Pirate are collaborating. Don’t even think about it. I don’t agree."

Ben Beckman and Akagami confirmed a look, and he changed another bargaining chip: "If we can cooperate in this battle to kill the cadres of bigmomPirates or even bigmom himself ?"

"This can be there."

This is what Hai Lan waited for.

Wait until the bigmom, all beasts, and Whitebeard Pirates are all wiped out, UU reading will find you Red Hair Pirates after the fall.

Of course, Hailan knew that the Red Hair Pirates group was impossible, so he didn’t expect to really kill bigmom, but as long as he could kill a Commander of bigmomPirates, or a high-level cadre, that would be enough. .

"Then it's settled."

Although Hailan answered happily and inevitably had fraud, Ben Beckman didn't say much. Absolutely confident.

He looked towards Hai Lan: "It's just that you can't just show up like this, right?"

"Simple, I can pretend to be Goro Goro no Mi Ability-User."

Akagami became interested as soon as I heard it: "I have always been curious, are you not Aurora Fruit Ability User? Why did you release lightning?"

Hailan gave Akagami a caring for illiterate people. 'S eyes: "Knowledge is power." (=)

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